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Jack couldn't believe this. He had changed the time line to something more horrible. He shook his head and gripped his hair. All he heard was ringing and faded conversation. Was Miko even alive?

He blinked back tears and looked to the bots as they searched. Ratchet was snapping at them angrily as Optimus stared blankly at the screen. The young teen stared at the computer as a dot appeared on it. Everyone froze as the saw Bulkheads signal pop up briefly.

Optimus typed in the coordinates and pulled the level. He then ran through without a word. The others followed and Ratchet prepared the medical area. Jack only hoped the wrecker would be alright. But he already knew he wouldn't be.

Optimus ran out of the portal and found himself in a cave. He looked around and followed his scanner as the others came out. They heard talking in the distance and glanced at each other. It didn't sound like the wrecker. The Prime activated his mask and walked to the sound.

They entered a big room that had a massive hole in the ceiling. Bulkhead lay on his back struts with a pile of rocks beneath him. He was horribly dented and wounded as energon leaked out of him. The voices were from non other than MECH.

Silas was assessing the situation while his men prepared to take the wrecker apart. Bulkhead was barely online and vented weakly as his optics flickered. The Prime heard someone activate a type of saw and his optics widened. They were going to chop up the wrecker into pieces so they could move him. Optimus quickly walked in as he narrowed his optics and activated his blade.

"Silas. Stand down." He said seriously and they paused to look at him and the team.

"Well what a pleasure to see you again, my old friend." He said as he smirked cockily. Optimus tensed not liking how he used the term.

"Leave this place immediately, or I'll be forced to take unnecessary action." The Prime said in a commanding voice. The team carefully moved towards their friend.

"Stop right there." Silas demanded as he motioned to one of his men. The person activated his saw and started cutting at Bulkheads elbow plate. The wrecker weakly cried out in pain but didn't have enough strength to fight or do much.

"You monsters!" Arcee cried as she moved forward. Bumblebee stopped her as he glared at the man. Silas motioned for the man to stop and looked at them.

"What do you want?" Optimus asked, the anger evident on his faceplate.

"To simply get our work done." He said as he smiled darkly.

"I can not allow that." Optimus said as he stepped forward. Silas narrowed his eyes and raised his hand. The other man continued to cut the wrecker.

Bulkhead was in too much pain to make anymore noise. He grunted weakly as he felt himself fading away. The Prime stopped again and looked at the leader with rage in his optics.

"Stop this now and leave." The Autobot leader said seriously. The team watched as Bulkheads arm was cut off and moved away. Their anger continued to rise and the tension in the room thickened.

"I know you won't harm me, Optimus. That will be breaking your code and honor. You and your team can just sit there and watch." He said in a matter of fact tone. He waved his hand again and they started to cut at the wreckers shoulder plate. Optimus felt something snap inside him as Bulkhead weakly vented and looked at his leader.

With one quick movement the Prime picked up the one with the saw. He took the device and crushed it with ease then not so carefully set the man down. The other two moved between their teammate and the men. MECH quickly moved back in fear as they watched them.

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