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The two mechs left the area to let them mourn and bury their dead. They cleaned up the other area and looked up as Shockwave came in with Megatronus. Ratchet narrowed his optics and punched the scientist hard in the faceplate.

"How could you?" The doctor seethed angrily through gritted teeth.  "How could you destroy an entire planet?!" He spat and Orion set a servo on his shoulder plate.

"Explain yourself." The taller mech said as he looked at the scientist and then at Megatronus who was glaring. "Why did you destroy a planet filled with innocent creatures?" Orion asked.

"Unicron was at the planets core. I destroyed him to protect ourselves." He said seriously then looked at the doctor. "Yet I also found a way to bring our dead back to life." He said and the others fell silent as they listened. Ratchets optics widened and he shook his helm quickly.

"No. The blood of Unicron will only cause problems here." He said. "It'll destroy our home world and cause a huge issue." He tried to reason. The others looked at him but Shockwave didn't seem convinced.

"I have seen its power after testing it on a fallen comrade. I have found a way to create a formula that will give the individual a much better chance of survival." He explained and looked through his data pad.

"No." Megatronus interrupted. "If Ratchet says not to, and I don't believe it's wise either, then don't use the blood of Unicron." He growled a little. Shockwave stared at him then at the other two before his gaze landed on Ratchet.

"Very well. But I require assistance to finish my work." He said seriously. The doctor narrowed his optics as he glared back.

"No. I refuse to help you any longer. I'm taking the humans to a safer place and away from you, so you can't harm them." He growled angrily. "Orion, I require a team." He muttered as he turned and left.

"I'll have guards watch Shockwave closely. That way he can finish and also be supervised." Megatronus said as he furrowed his optic ridges. Orion nodded to both and went to report to the others in the council.

A few earth months went by and Ratchet managed to safely move the humans to his own private lab. He didn't want them to be experimented on or feel like they were part of a zoo. He had simply taken the whole planetarium and moved it without disturbing the species. He then added to it by making smaller buildings, similar to his own. Raf helped him by saying what they needed.

The humans were thriving in their area and seemed happier. Though Ratchet still felt bad for them. Not to mention they had limited resources. He spent time searching his database for a new home for them, and spent time with his family. He felt in a sense his spark was getting in the way of his logic. He knew he should just go back and fix this. But he was too stubborn to let go of his dream. He didn't want to let go of this wonderful life.

One day Piper wandered in as she looked for him. She stood by the door and peaked in as she bit her lip plate. She hesitantly and slowly entered the room.

"Sire?" She asked as she scanned the area. She wandered around aimlessly then saw the planetarium. Her optics widened and she gasped quietly.

"Wow." She grinned and ran over then stopped in front of the force field. The humans looked to the entrance and furrowed their brows.

"Is that... a child?" Miko asked and glanced at Jack. He frowned deeply then looked at the others.

"Raf?" He asked hoping he knew, since he spent a lot of time with the aliens.

"Get everyone to the far part of the planetarium with the rain forest." He said seriously. Jack nodded and led everyone away from the village. Some men glanced at each other then darted off when Jack went to look for others. They grabbed some scrap metal and started building.

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