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Optimus looked around as he was pulled back to the past for what he hoped was the last time. He listened for any sign of communication or looked for something that might help him. But he didn't find anything and soon landed on solid ground. He grunted and looked at the relic, but it had gone quiet and didn't show anything to indicate it wanted to talk. He furrowed his optic ridges and looked around the area he was now in.

The Prime immediately recognized it as Cybertron and then realized he was in the streets of Kaon. He looked around but didn't see anyone, or anything. He frowned and looked at the device then tried to activate it, but it didn't respond to him in anyway. He didn't understand why he was here.

The Prime walked a little as he tried to figure out when he was, but vowed that he would not change anything. He scanned the empty streets and found it was late into the night. He smiled a little up at the sky of his home world and paused.

He just stared for a long time as he let the faint yet familiar sounds fill his audios. He understood why Ratchet didn't want to leave when he went back. Coming to Cybertron when it was in its former glory, made his spark ache with longing. He closed his optics and vented heavily as he thought about the past, and how they came to where they were now. At least in the present.

The sound of fighting filled his audios and he looked to the direction of it. He walked around a few corners and saw some older sparklings kicking a smaller one as it huddled in the corner.

They were mocking the tiny frail thing as it sobbed and begged them to stop. He frowned deeply and noticed the older ones had color schemes and marking of a high order or class. The Prime knew he shouldn't interfere and tried to turn away. But is spark ached as the small sparkling cried and begged them to stop. He didn't know why they were beating on the little one but couldn't let them. He narrowed his optics and clenched his servos as he walked towards them. The older ones heard him and looked up then paled.

"Run!" The taller sparkling screamed and took off. The other whimpered fearfully before following his friend.

Optimus stopped and watched them go then looked at the sparkling. He listened as it sobbed quietly and hugged itself. The little one had several cuts and dents all over its frame. The Prime knelt on one knee plate and looked at it.

"Hello little one." He said gently and watched it flinch then sob more. "Don't be afraid. I'm here to aid you." He whispered. The little sparkling looked up at him and sniffed sadly.

"Where is your sire and carrier?" He asked quietly. It sniffed again and wiped it's tears away.

"Gone... to... AllSpark... none." it whimpered and choked back a sob. Optimus stared at it then looked around for a moment. He hesitated then carefully picked it up and held it close.

"Let's get you out of here." He whispered and walked down the street. The sparkling curled up against him and looked around with fear. Optimus would comfort it and help it feel safe.

He thought about what to do and decided to take it to the medic facility. He hummed a little as they left Kaon and headed to a better city. The sparkling looked around and gasped in awe. It never came up here before.

Optimus smiled a little and walked into the hospital building. He spoke to a few medics and they reached out to take the sparkling.

"Where is his sire and carrier?" One asked and took the small thing.

"He told me they have gone to the AllSpark..." the Prime said sadly as he let go of the sparkling.

"That's okay. We actually have a unit we can send him to. Someone to love him and care for him." She said as she smiled and the sparkling giggled.

"Thank you..." the small bot whispered as he looked at Optimus then kissed his cheek plate. The Prime smiled a little and rubbed his helm then turned to leave.

"What's your name little one?" The medic asked as she turned to leave. He seemed confused and she smiled sadly. "Designation?" She asked and he smiled as he understood.

"I... I'm called D-16." He said as he smiled brightly. Optimus froze in his tracks and his optics widened.

The world moved in slow motion as he realized what his innocent actions had done. He had saved Megatron from something that was probably life changing. Something that caused him to become a gladiator and then a warlord. A simple event in time that shaped everyone's future. He had promised not to change time, and yet it still happened.

What had he done?

He looked back at the sparkling then at the relic as it glowed. He couldn't let this happen and couldn't allow time to have changed. He stepped towards the medic to stop her somehow, but disappeared. He felt as if the relic had tricked him and he narrowed his optics as he looked around.

What did the device want? Was it actually alive or just cursed as Ratchet claimed? He wasn't sure but needed to figure it out quickly.

He grunted as he landed and fell on his chest chassis. His optics adjusted and he looked around the dimly lit area to discover he was in the base training room. Something wasn't right and he could tell that things had changed.

He slowly got up and activated his mask, preparing for what may come. He activated his blades as well and looked for the relic. It was gone. He narrowed his eyes and slowly made his way to the hall. He was trapped here if he couldn't find the relic, and he had no idea what to expect.

He scanned the area as he walked down the hall, trying to be silent as he went. He heard voices and furrowed his optic ridges then walked a little slower as he approached the room. He stopped altogether when he heard heavy ped steps walking towards him from around the corner. He stepped back as quietly as he could and prepared to fight, if the situation called on him to defend himself. The Prime heard whoever it was getting closer and he calmed himself before rounding the corner quickly.

His optics narrowed and his blade stopped against the other Cybertronians neck cables. He blinked in surprise as he stared into the blue optics of Megatronus. The mech stared at him in slight surprise but didn't move for a moment. His servos were up defensively.

The two stared at each other for a long time as surprise and shock settled over them. They finally came out of it but still didn't move.

"Megatronus?" The Prime asked as he stepped back without hurting him. He had expected him to attack and try to offline him. The other nodded hesitantly as he stared at him for a long time then lowered his servos. "You... didn't attack..." he said trying to process what was happening. The other Cybertronian smiled a little and stared at him for a few minutes.

"Neither did you." He said calmly as he studied him for a while longer. He fought back tears then hugged him tightly. "It's good to have you back... Brother." He whispered. Optimus stood there in surprise before he deactivated his mask and hesitantly hugged him back.

He was so confused.


This is part of the RP between me and Bumblemus_Prime... which this story is based off of.

Thanks for helping me out. :)

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