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"Trippy." Knockout said as he stared at his Prime counterpart, who was a little taller. "It's like staring in a mirror, but not." He mumbled. "I have to say I'm far better looking." He smirked. His counterpart didn't respond and looked at Bumblebee. The scout watched him intently then looked at the floor.

"Am I... a Decepticon in your world?" The Prime asked as he looked at himself.

"Yes. And a medic. The best and most handsome medic around." The con said smugly. The scout wondered if he was just trying to impress himself. It sounded weird to think about. The Prime however, didn't seem too impressed.

"Are you the warlord there?" Knockmus asked as he furrowed his optic ridges.

::No... Megatron is... and Optimus is our leader... my leader.:: he corrected. ::Please... you have to believe me. I'm not the Bumblebee you all know.:: he beeped seriously as he looked at the others.

"I don't know what he said. But I believe Knockmus. He doesn't look a thing like him... plus I'd remember those optics anywhere." A femme said bitterly as she stepped from behind Bulkhead. Bumblebee didn't recognize her at all and he furrowed his optic ridges.

"Uh... okay hold on." Knockout said as he rubbed his temples. "I know everyone in this room, whether I like it or not, but I don't know you." He mumbled. "Who are you again?" He asked. She huffed and folded her arms as she rolled her optics.

"I don't like this version of you." She said as she looked at the Prime. "My name is Miko Nakadai. And don't you forget it." She said in a sassy tone. She twirled a type of war hammer and glared at him. The two were dead silent and looked at the other.

::Miko...:: Bumblebee chirped sadly and shook his helm as he looked at the others. He knew them. He knew who they were. Where was Raf and Jack?

::What happened to Jack?:: He whirled as he looked at Ratchet. He was afraid to ask about the small boy he grew to love.

"Jack? You mean Jackson Darby?" Knockmus asked as he looked at him sadly. Bumblebee nodded quickly as he watched them. He wanted to know but didn't at the same time.

"He... is currently a prisoner of war... along with some of my men... Wheeljack and Cliffjumper... Smokescreen and Prowl." He said sadly.

"When my brother came to earth... he came for the sole purpose to end the rest of us, and make a new home. Though he was disgusted by the life... that infected this planet. He wanted it to go away and worked on a device. We fought for this planet and everything on it... but... we lost." He said sadly and looked away in shame.

"The... device... weapon... turned every living thing into a Cybertronian being. Any who actually survived the... process... ran and hid or became slaves." Ratchet explained and looked at the floor.

"Unfortunately... we couldn't save anyone from the transformation... nor could we turn anyone back. Agent Fowler didn't survive the... process..." Knockmus said as he closed his optics. They were all silent as they thought or remembered what happened.

The man had fought for his life, but in the end he lost. He had been strong and gave the others hope. Bumblebee looked at the team as he fought back tears of anger and pain. He couldn't believe he was capable of such horrible things.

"Jack... is Cybertronian then..." Knockout said quietly as he thought about it. Miko nodded slowly as she clenched her fists tightly.

"Yes... and we may never see him again..." she muttered bitterly. Bulkhead gently set a servo on her shoulder plate. They were all silent again as they mourned the loss of their friends. The scout hesitated as he thought of his next question. He wanted to know.

::W... what happened to... to Raf?:: He beeped quietly as he looked at the Prime. Everyone could tell the scout had a special connection with the boy.

"Rafael..." Ratchet whispered as tears fell down his faceplate. He looked away and closed his optics.

"A... remarkable young boy... full of knowledge and such a wonderful mind for learning." Ratchet rasped quietly and looked at him. Bumblebees spark felt as if it was cracking.

"He... he became Cybertronian... and... helped us free some of the prisoners. They were his family so he insisted on going with us...." Knockmus said sadly. "He was so brave... he cracked the codes and got everyone free. But my brother came out of nowhere. He... he... crushed him... as he jumped from a high place. I tried to save... I tried to..." he mumbled as he felt the guilt again. Bumblebee watched him as his tears fell down his faceplate and he shook his helm slowly.

"He ripped him apart... right in front of us... and we couldn't get to him..." Miko choked back a sob as she remembered her friends screams for help. She sighed shakily and covered her mouth.

"He ripped his spark out...." Breakdown muttered. "He was... still alive... until his spark was crushed." He rasped. Bumblebee couldn't help it as he fell to his knee plates and felt sick.

He sobbed in his broken voice as he gripped the floor. The sickness grew as he thought about the boy. He choked then purged up some energon and oil. Knockout quickly went to grab something to clean up the mess as Knockmus knelt by the scouts side. The others just watched unsure what to do.

It was strange to see the warlord so vulnerable and weak. They knew it wasn't the warlord though. The bot was too innocent and didn't look like he would actually harm anyone. Let alone a small earth child.

The Prime gently set a servo on his back struts as he shook from the purge. The Primes counterpart knelt on the scouts other side as he cleaned up. He was disgusted but decided to ignore it for now. He'd give the scout a hard time later.

"You two were close..." the Prime whispered quietly and Bumblebee looked at him as he wiped the energon from his mouth. He nodded slowly as his guard went back up.

::Yes... he... Rafael.... was my brother...:: he chirped weakly and coughed as he felt another purge. ::I would... never... hurt him...:: he whirled as tears fell down his faceplate.

::I'd rather... die a thousand times over before I harmed him.:: he beeped seriously and narrowed his optics. He gripped the floor and shakily stood up. His spark was filled with rage against his counterpart.

Raf was a pure and innocent child. He didn't deserve such a horrible and gruesome death. His spark broke for the boy but also burned. It was painful to have so many emotions running through him.

::The... the forge...:: he beeped quietly and looked at the Prime. ::Fix him.:: he chirped in almost a demanding tone.

"We would have immediately... but the forge was taken and his frame... was beyond repair." Ratchet rasped quietly. Bumblebee looked at him and realized the medic was the boys guardian. He probably felt extremely guilty. He hadn't been able to help him.

The scouts rage grew and he clenched his servos tightly as he moved passed them to the tunnel. They let him through and watched as he stopped at the mouth of the opening. He just stood there and stared down it. The team slowly walked over and stayed a few feet behind him. Knockout walked to his side and stared at him.

"Bumble-" He stopped suddenly as he heard it too. Ped steps. They looked down the dark corridor and everyone held their vents.

A figure slowly approached but seemed dead. His optics were purple and he seemed to move like a puppet. Bumblebees optics widened in horror and his spark shattered more than it had.

::No!:: he cried in his broken voice as Knockout stared in fear with the others. Once they recognized the person they became angrier then they already were. Bulkhead tried to stop the young femme from seeing, but it was too late.

"Jack!" Miko screamed as tears fell down her faceplate. "No! No!" She sobbed as she saw her friend. Bumblebee looked at the young femme as tears continued to fall.

He was going to kill his counterpart for what he did to them.

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