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The air was still and silent as she just sat there. The relic had given her a chance to correct this horrible wrong. She remembered what they said about things changing though. She frowned deeply and got up as she looked around. It wasn't that far into the past, what could possibly change? She suddenly heard him talking again and she snapped out of her thoughts.

"Looks like I'm getting a signal." He said seriously. Her optics widened as the words slipped out of her mouth.

"Do you need back up?" She found herself asking. Again. He laughed quietly and she knew it would be the last time she heard his voice.

"Do I ever need back up?" He scoffed and kept going. She couldn't believe this was happening again. She couldn't let him die.

"Cliffjumper stop!" She screamed into the com and he slammed on the brakes. He swerved a little and jerked to a complete stop.

"What the scrap?!" He shouted and stayed perfectly still. "Arcee are you alright?" He asked with worry and confusion.

"Come to my position immediately." She said seriously as tears filled her optics.

"What's going on?" He asked with more confusion as he looked around.

"Just do it... please." She begged and looked down the road. He didn't respond then called for a bridge. She watched the portal open and choked back a sob as he walked through.

"I don't see any danger. Cee what's goi-" He stopped suddenly as she hugged him tightly and sobbed. He blinked in surprise and stared at her blankly for a moment. He then wrapped his arms around her tightly and buried his faceplate in her helm.

"Don't. You. Ever go anywhere. Without back up." She said seriously as her tears fell down her faceplate. He furrowed his optic ridges and nodded slowly.

"I don't know why you're so upset, but alright. I won't." He whispered quietly and she smiled a little as she closed her optics. She smiled a little as she held on to him. There was no way things could be bad.

"Don't do anything stupid... okay?" She asked quietly and pulled back a little. He raised an optic ridge then nodded slowly.

"Cee... what's wrong?" He mumbled and glanced around. She shook her helm not wanting to say and gripped his servo.

"Let's... let's just head back." She muttered and started walking. He was extremely confused and looked off to the distance as they went through the portal.

"What... what about the activity?" He asked as they got back.

"Oh... we can go together." She said seriously and he shrugged. Ratchet raised an optic ridge when they came in and asked what was going on.

"Nothing." She snapped and they went to the he energon activity. She helped him take out the cons then sighed in relief. Everything was okay now.

She furrowed her optic ridges wondering how to get back to her original time. She wondered if she needed to live this life out. She looked at Cliffjumper who smiled that wonderful smile. She figured it wouldn't be too bad to live this out. She walked over and hugged him tightly as he chuckled.

"You're a bit clingy today." He said as they walked around. She narrowed her optics and punched him hard in the arm.

"Ow!" He complained and she called for a bridge. "Dang Cee." He muttered as they went back into the base.

She smiled slightly and helped them get the energon they had obtained. Once they were finished getting everything inside, Arcee went to the storage room and stared at the relic. She wanted to know what happened if she got back. She sighed shakily and hugged herself as she thought about it.

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