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The young man grunted as they went through the portal. He hugged his stomach and did his best not to throw up. He didn't know how long he could last. He just had to get to Miko and save her. The teen grit his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut as he curled up where he was. He wanted to throw up so badly. He gripped his hair as his knuckles turned white and he heaved a little. He hugged his midsection again and looked at his backpack. His eyes narrowed and he clenched his fists tightly.

He was suddenly jerked around as they reached the other side and started fighting. Jack couldn't help it and threw up. He lay there and closed his eyes for a moment. He was in so much pain.

Wheeljack was trying to be careful as he felt the teen get tossed around. He hesitated as he watched the other two fight. He looked at his chest chassis and knew they had to get going. He fought with the others and they soon got around a corner to safety. For now.

Wheeljack watched as Bumblebee guarded Arcee. She used the computer to try and find Miko. Wheeljack looked around and opened his chest chassis.

"Hey kid I- uh oh..." He mumbled and blinked in surprise as he carefully brought him out. "You don't look so good." He said seriously as the teen lay on his servos.

"Who doesn't look-" Arcee stopped mid sentence and her optics widened in surprise. "You. Did not. Bring him here." She seethed angrily through gritted teeth and walked over. Bumblebee looked at them and blinked in surprise.

"He asked me to." The wrecker said as he shrugged indifferently. Arcee clenched her servos tightly to keep from smacking the mech. She looked at her charge and shook her helm.

"You don't look so good Jack..." she whispered quietly and he slowly opened his eyes.

"I... I'll be fine... we... have to find... Miko..." he rasped quietly and sat up. His strength was returning a little at a time.

"You are going home." She growled lowly and glared at him. "What idiotic idea went through your head, to make you think you-"

"She was texting me." He said quickly as he interrupted her. "She told me she didn't want to die alone. So stop arguing with me and let's go find her." He said seriously. The bots were silent as they stared at him.

Arcee glared as if to say they'd talk later. She then went back to searching. They found the right cell and quickly took off towards it. They met a few cons and started fighting as they made their way to the cell.

"Get him out of here!" Arcee yelled. She glared at Wheeljack and fought some drones, letting her anger out on them.

The wrecker rolled his optics and ran towards the cell with Miko. He held on to Jack who was trying to get his strength. They soon got to the right one and Wheeljack opened it after a few minutes. He looked around and saw Miko laying on the floor in the middle of the room. Her back was to them and the wrecker felt something was off. He carefully set Jack down, who stumbled and hid by the doorframe. He wanted to go to her but wanted to stay out of the way.

Wheeljack slowly walked into the room as he pulled out his swords. He narrowed his optics as he gripped the handles and scanned for anything. A portal appeared beneath his peds and he yelled as he fell into open space. Jacks eyes widened in surprise and he saw Soundwave walk out of the shadows.

The con slowly moved towards Miko as the portal disappeared. He stopped suddenly and looked directly at Jack. The teen paled, knowing he had been discovered. He narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists tightly as he stepped out of his hiding place.

Soundwave stared at him and knelt on one knee plate by the girl. He nudged her with a long thin digit and she whimpered in her unconscious state.

"Don't touch her!" Jack yelled angrily as he walked towards the con.

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