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"You would do this to your own sparkling?!" Megatronus roared in anger as she stepped forward.

Ratchet chuckled darkly but his smile faded, he finally noticed Optimus staring at him with rage in his optics. He stood there with confusion on his faceplate as he watched the Prime. He looked at the others and shook his helm.

"What trick is this?!" He shouted angrily. "It doesn't matter. Deathtrap, end them." He seethed and typed on a device attached to his arm. She was electrocuted and squeezed her optics shut in pain as he shocked her.

"Ratchet stop this!" Optimus boomed and the medic complied then glared darkly before Deathtrap ran forward to attack them.

Megatronus dodged her blows but didn't attack her. She was only Miko's age in human years. He wasn't going to harm such a young and tortured femme. He couldn't.

Deathtrap continued to swing at him as he stepped aside or dodged, which made Ratchet angry. The others looked over at another portal as bot drones came out and ran towards them. The cons went to fight them as the rest of the Autobots appeared.

Optimus didn't see his counterpart and decided to stop Ratchet from harming anyone else. It broke his spark to see what he had done to his own little one. He was a healer, not a sadist. The medic looked at him and quickly activated his blades then swung at him.

"Don't do this." The Prime said seriously as he blocked one of his blows. "I do not wish to harm you." He said as he stared at his friend. The medic laughed cruelly and jumped back.

"You definitely aren't Optimus. You must be a strange counterpart of some kind. You're too kind and that makes you weak." He spat as he swung at him again. He stopped and looked behind his own shoulder plate as he heard pedsteps.

The Prime frowned and looked passed the doctor where he saw his counterpart. His optics widened a little at the sight of him.

"Remove yourself from the situation, and tend to the experiment." The warlord said as he unsheathed his blades.

They were serrated and dried energon coated them. Optimus stared at his counterpart and wondered if his team was capable of becoming like these monsters.

The warlord suddenly lunged forward and attacked him. The Prime blocked as they locked blades and stared at each other.

"You must be from another world. It's a pity to see just how far I've fallen, how pathetic I've become. You're more like Megatronus. You probably care for the insects on this planet." He growled.

Optimus didn't respond and jumped back then dodge a swing that would have taken off his helm. He wasn't in the mood to talk to his counterpart. That and he was still shocked in a way. Could he really be this monster?

"If you are my opposite, I suppose I can guess how you'd react to certain things." He said evenly and transformed his servo into a cannon.

He aimed it at the nearby town that was just on the horizon. The Primes optics widened and he ran at him to stop him from harming the people.

"No!" He shouted and shoved his arm into the air as he fired. The other chuckled darkly and punched him in the midsection as hard as he could.

"Pitiful." He sneered into his audio and punched him in the helm, then kneed him in the chest chasis. He did it so quickly his counterpart didn't have time to react. He chuckled darkly and stabbed his leg then pinned it to the ground.

Optimus cried out then punched the warlord hard in the faceplate, the other stumbled back which freed him. The Prime kicked him hard in the back of the leg making him go down. The warlord stared up at him in surprise as a blade was set by his neck cables. He stared at the good bot and chuckled darkly.

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