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The team stepped back as they watched Jack slowly approach. He wasn't alone. Wheeljack walked behind him as he moved like a puppet as well.

"Jackie..." Bulkhead said sadly as he stared at his friend. "They found us..." he rasped and looked at the others. Wheeljack vented weakly as he walked towards them. His optics flickered and he raised his swords.

"Don't... Wheeljack don't!" Breakdown shouted as the wrecker ran at them while they backed away.

Jack transformed his servos into cannons and shot at anyone he could. Bumblebee dove then rolled out of the way. He looked at his friends and shook his helm angrily.

::No! Jack stop!:: he whirled frantically. ::Don't fight us!:: he beeped as he got up and tackled him to the ground.

The team divided up as they fought the two and tried to help them. Bulkhead and Breakdown managed to pin their friend to the ground. Arcee worked on opening his chest chassis to get the dark energon out. Wheeljack yelled angrily and fought them as he tried to get up.

Knockmus ran over to help Bumblebee keep the other bot down. Jack was surprisingly strong and easily got free from the scout. He punched him hard then fought Knockout as the Prime tried to grab him. Miko stepped back and shook her helm. She couldn't hurt her friend.

Jack continued to fight them and didn't seem hurt or weakened by anything they did. He was agile like Arcee but powerful and strong like the wreckers. He took Bumblebee down who struggled to fight him in the first place. The scout refused to hurt him, but could tell there was some hesitation on the boys part. Almost as if he didn't know if he should fight him.

Jack quickly took Knockout down, considering he wasn't the best warrior to begin with. The Prime stared at him as he watched the teen vent heavily. He could tell Jack was in pain but couldn't control himself. The Prime stood taller and slowly lowered his servos.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He said seriously and Miko watched as she bit her lip. She wanted to help but couldn't move.

She looked over at the others and saw they had successfully removed the dark energon from Wheeljack. It gave her hope that they could still save Jack. Bulkhead and Breakdown carefully helped the other wrecker up and they looked to the Prime.

The room was deathly still as Jack and Knockmus seemed to have an intense stare down. They were simply waiting for the other to move. Jack shook a little as if he was trying to fight something. His purple optics filled with rage and pain.

"Jack...." Miko gasped quietly and stepped forward. His helm snapped towards her voice and he clenched his servos tightly.

"Don't harm her." The Prime said seriously and took a step towards the young girl. Jack growled lowly and raised his cannon to fire on the Prime. Bumblebees optics widened in horror as he tried to get up.

"I won't fight you Jackson Darby." Knockmus said gently as he kept his servos in a non threatening position. "I could never hurt you." He said seriously. Jack primed his cannons and narrowed his optics.

He was suddenly tackled to the ground by Wheeljack, who seemed fine for the most part.

"Snap out of it kid!" He shouted and punched him hard in the faceplate to wake him. He hit him a few times until he stopped fighting.

The wrecker grunted as he forced the bots chest chassis open. The others gathered, ready to help him if need be. They froze when they opened the young man's spark chamber.

"No..." the Prime whispered and he clenched his servos tightly. Jack was already dead. His spark was almost out and the only thing keeping him alive was the dark energon.

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