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Rafael stared at the robot as he slowly got to his feet and backed away. He needed to get out of here and save his family. He paused and his eyes glazed over as he was overcome with emotion. His family. They were gone. His beautiful wife and only daughter were dead.

He sat down as tears filled his eyes then took his glasses off and set them aside. The man hugged his knees to his chest as he sobbed silently.

Ratchet was looking at each container and scanning them to see if anyone was alive. It broke his spark to see what had become of the species, even if they did annoy him. The doctor stopped at one and stared for a moment.

A woman was laying on her side with her hand weakly against the glass, her stomach had a small bump to it. Next to her container was another with a man, who was kneeing with his hands against the glass. Tears fell down his face as he set his forehead against the cold material. Trying to talk to her and comfort her. She was dying and the young father knew it. He was going to lose his wife and unborn child. Ratchet watched them and furrowed his optic ridges then gasped quietly.

"Jack... Miko..." He whispered then shook his helm as he stepped back. The children had managed to become friends even without the bots help. Though it probably took longer.

The doctor looked around then saw the planetarium Shockwave built for the plants, so he could better study them. There was a force-field around the area that allowed the scientist to enter without harming the plant life.

The room was the size of a small city to humans, with different sections blocked off with force-fields to keep the plants in their proper habitat.

Ratchet ran over and added more force-fields to the over all area, wanting to make sure the humans lived. He measured the air and found it to be suitable for them and checked the filters. He quickly went back to the other room to check on the people. He paused briefly as he looked at Raf who was still crying.

He looked like the little boy he became fond of in the other time line. He fought back his own tears and went to the others. The medic picked up the container with Miko and carefully went to the other room. Jack banged on the glass of his container in anger as he shouted at the Cybertronian. Telling the bot to leave her alone and hurt him instead.

"Oh Jackson Darby... you haven't changed." Ratchet whispered as he kept walking, a ghost of a smile on his faceplate, though it was sad. He went into the least humid and coolest area then made sure the air was safe.

It seemed to be mountain trees, from what he could recall. He carefully set the container down then opened it. The medic very gently slid her out and onto the soft grass. Miko was unconscious at this point and just lay there.

The medic panicked and quickly scanned her, he vented in relief when he found she was just fine. He took the container and quickly left to get her sparkmate. Jack glared darkly as he came back and had tears of rage falling down his face.

"What have you done to her?!" He shouted and banged his fists against the glass as Ratchet picked his container up. "Where is she?!" He yelled angrily.

"Calm down Jack." The doctor snapped as he went into the other area. He knelt on one knee plate and carefully opened the container, then slid him out. The man ran to Miko and held her close as he looked around at the trees.

"What... where are we? How did you know my name?" He asked and glared up at the bot as he stood. He held Miko closer and looked at her for a moment. She was breathing slowly and seemed to be struggling to live.

"Miko? Please hold on." He whispered as tears filled his eyes again.

Ratchet walked around the planetarium as he looked for things. He managed to find some plants with food and scanned them. They seemed safe and ripe for the most part. He gathered some and came back then set it by them.

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