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"Don't worry Optimus we'll help!" Smokescreen shouted as the other three ran towards him. Before he could say anything more projectiles fired on the remaining members of his team. He watched in horror as they tried to defend themselves.

"No! Go back!" Optimus yelled as he realized they were going to die. He couldn't lose anyone else. They looked at him then glanced to the entrance. They were half way to it or him.

Several hit Smokescreen through the chest chassis killing him instantly. Arcee's optics widened and she headed to Optimus to protect him. One of the projectiles tore through her shoulder plate.

She kept going but didn't get much further before they ended her. He shook his helm in horror and wanted to dart out but he knew he wouldn't make it. Bumblebee watched Arcee go down and he looked at Optimus. He whirled quietly and ran towards his leader.

"No Bumblebee! Please go back!" Optimus yelled and grunted as he moved to go to him. Everything was happening too fast.

Bumblebee cried out in pain as one went through his leg. It pinned him down as it stuck into the cave floor. The scout tried to get free and looked at his leader. He tried to crawl away but his leg was stuck. He reached for the Prime as hope filled his optics. Optimus ran towards him and reached for him. He had to at least save one of them. Optimus clasped his servo and held on. The scout smiled hopefully and gripped his servo tightly as the Prime blocked the projectiles.

"Don't worry Bumblebee I won't-" He heard something slice through metal and he looked at the small scout. Bumblebee gasped in pain and his optics flickered.

One of the metal spears had gone straight through his back and penetrated his spark. It stuck into the ground and Optimus stared at the energon gathering below him. Bumblebees optics were wide with fear and surprise. His grip loosened and his frame went slack as he offlined. Optimus didn't let go of his servo as he stared blankly. The projectiles had stopped and the room fell silent.

The Prime was venting heavily as he slowly looked at his team. Regret and pain in his optics. He killed them. He felt sick and fell to his knee plates as he held the scouts servo. He just stared blankly and listened to the sound of ped steps. He didn't know if he wanted to throw up or breakdown and sob. He shakily tapped his audio and stared at the entrance. Some vehicons just stared back in surprise.

"Ratchet... I... I need..." he rasped and stopped. What did he need? A bridge? Medical attention? He didn't even know anymore. He didn't know where to start. It was literally him against the Decepticons now.

He looked at the relic and stared at it blankly as a million emotions ran through him. He picked it up with his free servo and watched as it glowed. Maybe it could help him fight the cons. This felt like a last stand for the Autobots. Which it was.

He slowly stood up and put the gauntlet on his arm. It transformed to the proper size and glowed more. Optimus stared at Megatron as he walked into the room very slowly. The warlord stared in surprise at the massacre, his expression unreadable. Optimus aimed the gauntlet at them then narrowed his optics as he hit the button. There was a blinding flash and he squeezed his optics shut as he heard ringing. He heard someone talking but couldn't make out words.

"Optimus? Optimus are you alright?" Someone asked. He realized he had a servo on the wall to support himself, while the other was gripping his helm. He slowly opened his optics and stared at Arcee.

He blinked in surprise and furrowed his optic ridges. He heard a cave wall crumble as Bulkhead smashed it. Bumblebee whirled quietly and gently set a servo on the Primes arm. They were alive.

"Well that's not suspicious." Wheeljack said sarcastically and rolled his optics. Optimus frowned and looked towards the wrecker. He then looked at his arm the relic had been on. It was gone.

"We can't wait for the Decepticons to come and take it." Smokescreen said slightly panicked. Optimus looked at them then the room. He knew exactly what was going to happen next.

"Then let's-"

"Yes we can." Optimus said seriously and they all looked at him in surprise.

"I'm sorry... what?" Wheeljack asked as he looked at him.

"I can not explain what I just experienced, but I do know we are not to go into that room." He said seriously. Smokescreen looked at Wheeljack who shrugged slightly.

"Must be a Prime thing." The rookie whispered quietly. Wheeljack just stared at him blankly then looked at the leader.

"Then... what do you suggest?" Arcee asked hesitantly. He thought for a few minutes then motioned for them to follow. They walked back down the tunnel and went through a side one. They didn't question him and remained silent.

Not long passed before they saw a group of vehicons walk by. The bots watched Optimus as they waited for his command. He didn't move and motioned for them to remain perfectly still. The Autobots were confused but did as they were told. A few minutes later they heard the vehicons panicking. Optimus hesitated then slowly moved towards the room. They slowly followed but stopped when they saw the destruction. The projectiles had stopped and the container empty of its trap. They stared at the cons then slowly looked at Optimus.

"How... how did you know?" Arcee asked hesitantly. He didn't respond and slowly made his way into the room. He glanced at the cons and couldn't help but see his team. He looked away and got to the container. He took the relic out and stared at it blankly for a moment.

"Optimus... what's wrong?" Smokescreen asked as he furrowed his optic ridges. The Prime didn't respond and motioned for them to follow. They made their way out of the cave and heard Ratchet cursing suddenly as the signal got through.

"What's the matter old friend?" Optimus asked as he called him on the com. The others watched the area around them hesitantly. Ready to attack if anything happened, or if a con wandered to them.

"I've been trying to reach you for the past hour or so." He said seriously. "I finally figured out what the relic does. It's called the gauntlet of time." He explained. "And as the name implies it-"

"Travels through time." Optimus finished and they looked at him. Ratchet fell silent and furrowed his optic ridges.

"I'm sending a bridge." He muttered and typed in the coordinates. He pulled the lever and turned to the frame. He watched as they came through and closed the portal. Once they were all there he closed the bridge and Optimus slowly walked over.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Ratchet asked as he saw his expression. He didn't respond and slowly turned to the others.

"This relic will be unavailable for use until further notice. We must obtain more information before using it carelessly." The Prime said as he looked at each of them. They remained in a confused silence as they listened to him.

"Ratchet, I require that you assist me in obtaining the proper information about the relic." He muttered and gave him a look. The medic furrowed his optic ridges then nodded slowly. Optimus didn't say anything else and disappeared down the hall.

"It's a time machine." Miko whispered as she looked at the other two humans. They had heard what the medic said about it.

"You mean... like a real one?" Jack asked as he looked at the bots.

"Exactly." She grinned excitedly and stared at the hallway. "Just imagine what we could change." She smirked.

"Oh ya. All the tests we can pass." Jack said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes and folded his arms.

"All the concerts I can go to again." She grinned and watched the bots gather. Jack stared at them and his expression became blank.

"They can stop it..." he whispered quietly and looked to the hallway.

"Stop what?" Miko asked and glanced at him with confusion.

"The war... the destruction of Cybertron... they could stop it before it starts." He muttered so the bots didn't hear. He didn't want them to disobey Optimus.

Though Ratchet heard them as they spoke. He was quiet as the idea ran through his processor. He clenched his servos and narrowed his optics as he grit his teeth. They could save so many lives and prevent the destruction that awaited this planet. Destroy the Decepticons before they even started.

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