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Optimus glanced at the relic with pity as he gripped the handle of the Star Saber, and the team watched him. He had explained everything to them and they had asked him questions, which he answered to the best of his ability. They were sad to hear what happened to the small spark and wanted to do something about it. But didn't see any other solution other than to grant her wish. They had to destroy the relic and extinguish her spark.

Optimus was conflicted as he stared at the device that rested on the berth. They had wanted to destroy the relic earlier, but now it felt wrong. He felt as though he was about to kill a sparkling. Which was true in a sense and only made him feel worse.

"There has to be something else they can do." Raf whispered as he looked at the other two. The kids were in the human area watching the Prime.

"Like what?" Jack asked sadly knowing this was hard for the Autobot leader.

"I... I don't know... can't they take the spark out and put it in a new body? Like how we do a heart transplant?" He asked as he started to worry.

"Well... I would think that, hypothetically, it could... but we don't know if it works the same way, like it does with us." Jack said seriously as he thought. He knew Raf didn't want them to do this and neither did he. Anything but what they were about to do, would help at this point.

"Raf... I don't think it'll help... they have to do what the sparkling asked Optimus to do." Miko said sadly and she watched them as she bit her lip. Raf didn’t think this was right and shook his head as he fixed his glasses.

Ratchet furrowed his optic ridges as he replayed the children's conversation in his helm. He could tell Optimus was struggling to fulfill the deed. But what if he didn't have to? The medic knew he'd struggle with this the rest of his life, and be scarred by what he was about to do. He hadn't ever killed a simple spark before. Nor did he plan it. However, he wasn't about to make anyone on his team do it either.

"Why isn't he doing anything?" Smokescreen whispered to Wheeljack so only he heard. "It's just a relic." He muttered. The wrecker glared at him and smacked the back of his helm.

"Idiot Rookie. Even I know what's going on." He grumbled as he looked back at the Prime and his expression softened. "This will be the hardest thing he's probably ever done... or one of them..." he mumbled. Smokescreen still didn't understand and rolled his optics. The others on the team wanted to help or do something, but didn't want to actually accomplish the task.

Optimus wasn't paying attention to the others as he stared at the relic and gripped the handle as he debated. His servos shook a little as her pleas went though his processor over and over again. He was a mech of his word. Always had been. He closed his optics as he vented shakily and gripped the handle tighter.

"Forgive me little one..." He whispered more to himself so no one could hear him. His other servo gripped the handle and he slowly shifted into position as he raised the hammer. His spark breaking as he tried not to think about what he was about to do.

Ratchets processor was working over time as he stared at the floor and tuned everything out for now. He had to figure out if this was possible and how he could accomplish what the children said. He had down this for fully grown Cybertronians when he couldn't repair a frame. Some times they had to build from scratch. His optics widened as he realized this wasn't any different. He came back to reality and looked at Optimus as the Prime raised the hammer above the relic, ready to bring it down.

The Autobot leader squeezed his optics shut and was grateful no one could see his faceplate. He only killed to defend himself but this felt like pure murder. His spark twisted in pain and he fought back tears. He was no better than Megatron himself.

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