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The medic just stared at the two Cybertronians before him. He slowly sat up and caught the sparkling as she slid down his chest chassis. She squealed and giggled as she hugged him tightly. He looked at the femme who was also hugging him as she tried to wake.

"What... I don't... who are you?" He asked hesitantly as he looked at her then the sparkling. She furrowed her optic ridges in confusion and set a servo on his cheek plate.

"Are you alright sweet spark?" She asked as she watched him with worry in her optics.

"Yes yes I'm fine... just please... answer the question..." he whispered quietly and looked at her.

"I'm Swiftalert, your spark mate and this is Piper. Our sparkling." She explained as she smiled slightly.

"Hi!" The little one giggled as she looked up at him. She was sitting in his lap playing with his servo. He stared at her blankly for a few minutes then furrowed his optic ridges again.

"I... I have a family..." he whispered as if that wasn't possible for him. "My own family..." he rasped quietly.

"Ratchet? My love... what's wrong?" the femme asked as she gently gripped his faceplate while sitting in front of him.

"I... nothing... my... processor is just a bit fuzzy... what of the war? Optimus Prime and Megatron?" He asked quietly. She frowned a little and shook her helm.

"Did you have another one of your strange dreams?" She asked as she smiled a little. It faded though when he gave her a blank expression, silently wanting to know the answers to his questions.

"If you mean your friends.... Orion Pax is leader of the counsel now... has been for a long time. Megatronus is leader of and over seeing the law enforcement. They both felt there was a better way to run Cybertron. They presented their ideas, and now our planet has been in peace for eons." She said as she smiled. "You became head of the main hospital... where we met." She said and gently kissed him.

"After a lot of help from your friends... you started to court me. Then we finally bonded and just recently had a sparkling." She said as she smiled brightly. "Though as you put it, we are awful-"

"Old bots to have a sparkling..." he finished and she nodded as she kissed him again. Where did that memory come from?

"There. No more fuzzy processor." She whispered quietly. Piper watched and smiled then stood up. She gripped the doctors faceplate and kissed his cheek. He could tell that they loved him dearly. Truly loved him.

"I help!" She squealed happily and hugged him tightly. He felt happiness form in his spark and he smiled a little.

"Watch Sire! Watch!" She said and jumped down from the berth. "I big like you!" She grinned then pouted cutely, trying to make a determined expression.

She grunted a little and transformed into her alternate mode, which was a small car. About the size a child on earth would have to drive around. The sparkling squealed and drove in a circle. Ratchet watched her then smiled a little more.

"Yes I see." He said as she transformed into her biped mode and stumbled around. She grunted as she tried to climb onto the berth again.

He carefully picked her up and stared at her. He couldn't believe this. She smiled brightly and squeezed her optics shut as her faceplate scrunched up.

"I love you both." Ratchet chuckled softly and hugged them tightly. His memories of this life slowly came. Replacing the old memories he once had.


Ratchet didn't know how long he had been in this reality, and he didn't care. He had locked the relic away in a safe place, so he could enjoy this. He found himself smiling and laughing more. He spent time with his family and friends. This is what he wanted and he wasn't about to let it go.

Orion was bonded with Elita and they had adopted some sparklings. Bumblebee, Knockout and Hot Rod. Though they were grown now and doing their own thing. Everyone the doctor knew had a better and happier life.

Megatronus was considered a hero for stopping crime and keeping everything in order. He was happy and kept in contact with the others. Surprisingly, he and Ultra Magnus were good friends as well. Even Soundwave had found a calling that he enjoyed.

The medic was currently speaking with Orion, meeting his family and introducing his own. He looked up as the three young mechs walked into the room.

"Hey Ratchet!" Bumblebee said as he smiled brightly and waived. The medic froze and just stared at the young bot. His voice worked. No war had corrupted Megatronous, or caused him to scar the scout in more ways than one.

The doctor walked over and hugged him tightly as he choked back a sob. He didn't have to live with the guilt of failing him. There was no war over their resources. He didn't have to live off of little to nothing energon levels, so everyone else could be fully functional. He finally let go, and everyone stared at him in surprise.

"Can I have a hug?" Hot Rod asked as he grinned and held out his arms.

"Don't be ridiculous." Ratchet snapped angrily and glared at him. The doctor walked off and grumbled to himself. But he couldn't stay mad. There was no reason for it.

He went on a walk with his family, and just enjoyed the world around him. Cybertronians were walking around and laughing as they went about their lives. The lights around them glowed brightly with a tint of blue from their beloved core. No poison threatened it.

Ratchet found himself grinning as he looked around and up at the buildings. Piper sat on his shoulder plates as she held on to his helm. He couldn't be happier and didn't want this to ever change. How could this be a horrible reality? It was far better than anything he had lived in the other life.

"Sire you happy?" She asked as she looked at him. He chuckled softly as he glanced at her. His sparkling.

"Yes... Rafeal... I'm very happy... this is my home." He whispered quietly and she hugged his helm as she laughed happily.

"Who's Rafeal?" The sparkling giggled and looked at him. He thought for a moment as Swiftalert hugged him.

"I don't know." He said as he furrowed his optic ridges, then shrugged it off. Why had he even said that? Who was Rafael? He couldn't remember.

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