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Smokescreen watched the hallway as he waited for Optimus to come back. The medic had wandered off to speak with their leader and make sure he was alright. The young rookie walked over to the others, who had gathered in the corner to talk.

"Okay I have to ask because I know what all of you are thinking." He said seriously and they looked at him. "What would you change if you could go back in time?" He asked as he smiled slightly. They stared at him blankly for a few minutes then looked at each other.

"You're not suggesting... we go against Optimus' orders... are you?" Arcee asked and narrowed her optics.

"I never said that. I'm just wondering what you would do." He muttered and folded his arms. They were silent for a few minutes as they thought.

"For example. I'm sure Bumblebee would go back and make it so he wouldn't lose his voice." Smokescreen said as he grinned. The scout stared at him then folded his arms as he glared.

::No.:: he beeped seriously and they looked at him in slight surprise. ::Ya it wasn't pleasant, ya I'm scarred for life, but what would have happened if they weren't busy torturing me?:: he whirled with slight venom in his broken voice.

::I hate to think about it, but Optimus was going to go on that mission himself. I volunteered to go instead.:: he chirped quietly. They were silent and realized why Optimus felt so guilty about the scouts ordeal.

::If I went back in time to that moment... I would make the same decision each time.:: he beeped seriously. The room stayed silent as they listened to him. They decided not to question him further on the matter. Jack stared at the scout for a few minutes then his eyes widened in realization.

"Oh man..." he whispered so none of the bots heard him.

"What?" Miko asked quietly and furrowed her brow.

"I just realized something... you've seen how Bee gets when angry, right?" He asked quietly. They nodded slowly knowing he didn't want the others to hear.

"Think about everything he has been through... all the things that have happened to him. He could have very easily become bitter and hateful." He muttered. Raf furrowed his brow and looked up at the older boy.

"But he isn't... he's a very happy Cybertronian... because he chooses to be. He doesn't like to dwell on the bad things." The boy whispered quietly.

"I know... but if he didn't..." Jack trailed off and looked at the scout.

"Are... you saying he... could have become... like Megatron?" Miko asked as she furrowed her brow. Jack shrugged slightly and they all stared at the young scout.

"I don't know... but it was just a realization..." the older teen whispered as he furrowed his brow.

"Well I would go back and become a warrior then join you guys sooner." Smokescreen said as he smiled slightly, snapping the children out of their conversation.

"That it kid?" Wheeljack scoffed and folded his arms. "I'd go back and keep the wreckers from siding with Magnus." He muttered. Smokescreen rolled his optics and smirked slightly.

"What about you Arcee?" The rookie asked as he looked at her. She stared at nothing in particular as she leaned against the wall. She was quiet for a few minutes as she thought.

"I'd save Cliff." She muttered bitterly as she glared darkly at the wall. They were quite for a few minutes then looked at Bumblebee.

::I'd... save Raf from the dark energon.:: he chirped quietly and looked over at the small boy. Raf stared back and smiled slightly. Smokescreen felt his reasons were selfish and looked at Bulkhead.

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