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The doctor was silent as he sat on the berth with Piper in his lap, and Swiftalert looked her over for the hundredth time. The sparkling was happy despite what happened to her. She looked up at him and smiled then tried to say something to him. Only static came out and he looked at her sadly.

He fought back tears as he gently stroked her helm. He couldn't seem to fix her voice and felt it was because he was too emotionally distraught. Swiftalert looked at him and gently kissed his forehelm.

"I have Brainstorm coming in to see what he can do... I'm having a hard time figuring out whats going on and maybe a new pair of optics will help..." She whispered and fought back tears of her own.

"Don't cry sweetspark." He whispered and wiped her tears away. "I didn't mean for this to happen... I just wanted to save..." He trailed off and she hugged him.

"It's not your fault. You did the right thing in saving them and I'm proud of you. They just seem to be a violent species..." She muttered. "Violent and ungrateful." She mumbled bitterly. He thought about the war then looked at her for a moment.

"So are we." He said seriously as he started to remember a few more things. He still felt he should go back and fix things, but he couldn't bring himself to. He felt horrible but at the same time didn't. This was his life and he would enjoy it.

Piper gripped his plating as she pulled herself up and stood on his leg. She looked at him and tried to say something again. It was a horrible sound. Instead of her sweet voice it was constant broken static. It broke his spark to hear. He gently gripped her faceplate and rested his forehelm against hers.

"Shh shh shh... rest your vocals little one." He whispered quietly as she gripped his digits. She didn't seem to mind and he smiled a little. Nothing broke her happy spirit.

A while later, Brainstorm came by and looked over the sparkling. He had to take her to his lab and the other two followed. Ratchet made sure the humans had what they needed before leaving. Swiftalert held the sparkling close as they went with the mech.

They soon got to his lab and he set her on the berth. She looked to her sire and carrier with concern. Swiftalert carefully held her servo as the two mechs worked. After a few hours, they managed to fix her vocals to function properly.

"There. Give that a try." Brainstorm said as he stepped back. She looked at him then at her carrier and sire. They nodded slowly and she looked at the other mech before she cleared her vocals then coughed a little.

"Dat hurt..." She rasped then her optics widened in surprise. "Sire! Carrier!" She squealed happily and they hugged her tightly. Swiftalert kissed her little helm all over as Ratchet hugged them both. He smiled and looked at the other mech. He shook his servo and sighed in relief.

"Thank you." He muttered and the other just smiled and nodded once before turning to his work.

"No problem. I knew I could do it. Pretty easy anyway." He said as he started working on something. The doctor watched him and furrowed his optic ridges.

"What are you building?" He asked as he slowly walked over and stared at the strange device.

"Shockwave asked me to put something together for his work." He explained as he continued. "We're going to test it in a few days, wanna see?" He asked as he looked at him. "Orion and Megatronus will be there with a few others." He smirked a little as if it was a dream of his. He wanted people to see that he could make wonderful things.

Ratchet hesitated then agreed to come see the testing. He felt something was off as he went home and spent time with his family. Piper was much happier than before, if that was possible. She wanted to visit the nice human with crazy hair, but Ratchet said it was a bad idea.

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