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"You did what?!" Ratchet yelled angrily as he glared at the rookie.

"It was an accident I swear." He said quickly and stepped back from him. Optimus stared at him then narrowed his optics. The others watched quietly while Bulkhead kept Arcee from killing the young bot.

"But don't worry he'll be okay and be back before we know it." Smokescreen said hopefully as he watched them.

"You don't understand." Ratchet snapped angrily. "The relic was made for Cybertronian use. Humans are extremely delicate and this could-" He stopped as he glared and clenched his servos tightly. Miko glanced at the others then at Raf for a moment.

"This could kill Jackson Darby...." he finished as he looked at him then at Optimus. The room fell silent as they realized this.

"We can fix this. We just have to go back in time and stop him from following me-"

"With what?!" Arcee suddenly yelled angrily. "Jack is stuck somewhere in the past with the relic. And he's probably dead!" She shouted. Smokescreen stared at her, then at the floor as he felt guilty.

Bulkhead held her back again, though at this point didn't want to, and tried to keep her from killing the bot. The room was deathly still again as they processed what happened to the young man.

"You have not only acted foolishly, but you have also harmed an innocent life. The one thing we swore to do for this planet, was protect it and those that dwell on it. Though I do not believe you intended to harm him." Optimus said sternly. Ratchet could tell he was furious inside, despite the fact that he was trying to remain calm. It was silent again and they could feel the tension in the air.

"I must inform June about the situation, as well as agent Fowler." Optimus finally said. He stared at Smokescreen for a few minutes with anger and disappointment in his optics. "I will discipline you when I finish informing Jacks mother of his disappearance." He said seriously.

Smokescreen hung his helm and nodded slowly, while Optimus walked off down the hall again. Arcee shoved Bulkhead away then transformed and drove out of the base. She was furious and needed time to calm down.

Raf sat on the couch again and sobbed uncontrollably as he buried his face in his hands. He couldn't believe this had happened. Miko stared blankly at nothing in particular as she hugged the small boy. She was trying to process what they said, and the fact that her friend was probably dead.


Jack felt as though he was being turned inside out as he fell through time. He cried out in pain as his organs felt like exploding. Smokescreen had traveled back in time before, how was this fun? He screamed in agony as tears fell down his face. He didn't know what to do other than to endure the pain.

After a moment, he landed hard on the ground and just lay there as the pain subsided. He couldn't move because of the agony he felt inside him. Jack closed his eyes wanting to die as his ears were filled with a ringing noise.

As the ringing slowly stopped he heard someone say his name. He grunted weakly and realized the person sounded concerned, and they were shaking him, and yelling. He wanted them to go away.

"Jack! Dang it Vince you hit him too hard!" Miko said angrily and stood up. Raf stayed by his side and looked his friend over. They had been in the gym for physical education, playing dodge ball.

"He just can't handle a simple dodge ball to the stomach." The bully shrugged as his friends snickered. Miko glared darkly and punched him hard in the face. Vince yelled angrily and stumbled back.

"Aw, can't you handle a fist to the face?" Miko said as she pouted a little and pretended to look innocent.

"Why you little-"

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