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"They've been in there for awhile." Jack said as he stared at the hallway. Miko nodded slowly and narrowed her eyes.

"What do you think happened when he went back in time?" She asked as she looked at him. He shook his head slowly as he contemplated on what would have traumatized the scout.

When the young bot fell apart, Ratchet and Optimus helped him up. They spoke to him but he couldn't seem to form words in his broken voice. He had managed to ask for Raf as the medic led the scout down the hallway. Optimus held his servo out to the boy and Raf hesitantly got on. The Prime silently walked out of the room with him. The small group had been gone for almost an hour.

"Well I bet it was awesome." Smokescreen muttered as he pouted. "I wish I could have gone."

"Didn't you see what it did to Bumblebee?" Bulkhead asked as he narrowed his eyes. "This relic obviously isn't something we should mess with." He said seriously.

"I say we destroy it." Wheeljack growled as he glanced at them. "It's obviously cursed. It is of Decepticon origin. Plus no one and nothing messes with this team, without getting a beat down from me." He said as he pointed to his own chest chassis.

"Come on guys. I just want to do one thing." Smokescreen whined.

Arcee stayed silent as she listened to them. She looked to the hallway and sighed forcefully. She understood what the scout was going through. Yet she felt she didn't at the same time.

Another half hour went by and Ratchet slowly walked back into the main room. Raf sat on his shoulder plate as he stared blankly. He seemed a little pale. Everyone fell silent as they watched them.

The medic carefully set the boy on the couch and went to the computer to finish his work as he typed. The team looked at each other then Smokescreen slowly walked over.

"Don't." Ratchet snapped without looking at him. The rookie stopped suddenly and furrowed his optic ridges.


"I said 'don't'. That means you aren't going to ask me what happened, or what Bumblebee experienced. If he wants to tell you, or feels comfortable talking about it, he will." He explained. Smokescreen stared at him then looked at Raf.

The boy just sat there as he stared blankly at the floor. Miko sat by him and carefully pulled him into a hug. Jack sat on his other side and put an arm around him. The team figured that whatever happened, had to do with the boy.

Bumblebee had gone through enough trauma. He didn't need more. Nor did he need to explain what happened, and relive the experience. But Smokescreen wanted to know.

The rookie huffed angrily to himself wanting to know the amazing adventures the scout went on. He glanced to the doorway, then at the medic, and finally his optics landed on the small human. He might tell him. The rookie smirked and slowly inched his way over.

"I've never seen him so upset...." Raf whispered quietly and looked at the older boy. "He... he saw some really bad things..." he mumbled. Jack watched him intently and glanced at Miko. He could tell she wanted to know, but didn't dare ask.

"He... he became a Prime... but only after some really... horrible things happened..." he rasped and trailed off. Jack furrowed his brow and set a hand on his shoulder.

"Wait whaaaat?!" Smokescreen shouted and they all looked at him in slight surprise. "Bee became a Prime? But he isn't capable of being one." He said. Ratchet slammed his fists into the console and glared at the rookie.

"So help me Primus, I'm going to throw you into a pit of scraplets." The medic seethed angrily through gritted teeth. "I told you not to ask Bumblebee questions, and that includes Rafael." He growled threateningly as he walked towards the speedster. Smokescreen hesitated and stepped back as his shoulder plates came up. He was suddenly afraid of the old medic.

"Do you enjoy bringing pain to others?" He asked angrily as he towered over him a little. "Because I swear to Primus, if you make either of them relive this. You'll wish you were back on Cybertronian, still in stasis." He threatened. Smokescreen nodded quickly but didn't say anything.

"Good. If you want to talk to either of them, you'll go through me." He muttered and glared more. Smokescreen just nodded quickly and the medic went back to his computer. The room was silent for a solid five minutes.

"Wow..." Miko whispered and looked at the other two. "Who knew he was so... protective..." she said quietly. Raf nodded slowly and watched as Smokescreen wandered off down the hall.

Jack furrowed his brow and slowly got up. He went down the stairs then quickly followed after him. He had a feeling the rookie was going to get himself in more trouble. The young man figured he could try talking sense into the bot as well. He followed him to the relic room and watched intently. Smokescreen stared at the now heavily guarded vault. He pulled out the phase shifter from his chest chassis, put it on, then went inside.

"Don't do it Smokescreen." Jack muttered as he slowly walked into the room. He waited and the rookie soon came out with the gauntlet of time. He grinned excitedly and set the phase shifter aside.

"Seriously? After both Ratchet and Optimus lectured you?" The teen said as he narrowed his eyes. Smokescreen jumped in surprise and stared at him.

"Ah come on. Bumblebee became a Prime... I want that too." He mumbled and fiddled with the relic.

"Right. And to gain a traumatizing experience like Bee did." Jack pointed out as he furrowed his brow.

"No because I'm different." He snapped angrily. "Bumblebee is super sensitive and gets hurt a lot." He shrugged.

"Smokescreen, do you realize how stupid you sound?" He asked as he watched him intently. The relic started to glow a little.

"Sorry Jackson. But I want to be something awesome. It's my destiny." He grinned excitedly. Jack was about to say something, when someone beat him to it.

"The kids right. You are being stupid. You're playing with that thing as if it's a toy." Wheeljack said as he leaned against the doorframe with his arms folded. Smokescreen jumped in surprise again and the relic fell then landed by Jack. The teen stumbled and fell to the ground as he glared at the rookie.

"Oh come on. I just-" Smokescreen stopped suddenly as the relic glowed brightly and spun. There was a flash of light that blinded them all.

When it disappeared, Jack and the relic were gone. The two bots stared in surprise then looked at each other.

"Ah scrap...." the rookie muttered and gripped his helm. He looked at the wrecker for help who glared darkly at him.

"I ain't telling Prime or Acree." Wheeljack said seriously. Smokescreen paled as he realized what he did.

Jack was gone.

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