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The silence seemed to mock him and became deafening to his audios. He just stared blankly at the human he called his friend. He didn't move. Why wouldn't he move?

He glanced at the young woman holding her dead teammate. He could see her crying, but couldn't hear it. His processor numb and his audios ringing as the shock settled over his systems. He killed an innocent human life. Not just innocent, but strong and filled with bravery. Like him.

Optimus blinked as everything moved in slow motion for him. Who else had to die because of his mistakes? Why did humans leak red? Blood. It slowly fell from the young man's mouth. Why did it seem worse then energon?

He narrowed his optics and clenched his servos as he looked at Smokescreen. The Rookie slowly looked at him as Arcee stared at her partner.

"You... you killed a humans fragile life." Optimus struggled to say. "For what purpose other then to be better... than your fellow Autobots." He said sadly. "Was Jackson Darby's life worth your selfish act?" He asked as he motioned to the dead teen. The room was silent for a moment as the leader stared at the teen again. He bowed his helm in a respectful manner.

"You killed him... you killed my partner!" Arcee screamed as she activated her blades. Smokescreen's optics widened in fear as she charged him. He quickly dodged and yelped in surprise as he just tried not to get hurt.

"Hold still! So I can send you to the scrap yard!" She shouted angrily. "I'll send you there then bring you back and kill you again!" She roared as tears fell down her faceplate. He just kept dodging and yelping if she hit him.

Bumblebee just stood there and stared at the humans. Raf knelt by Miko as he hugged her and cried quietly. The scout fell to his knee plates and hung his helm as he shook.

::It... it happened again... it happened again...:: he chirped weakly and set his servos on the floor as he sobbed. ::Ratchet... it happened... again...:: he whirled. The doctor gently gripped his shoulder plate.

Optimus couldn't seem to focus as everyone reacted differently to the situation. Wheeljack and Bulkhead just stood and stared. Unsure what to do at this point. Arcee gave up chasing the rookie and fell to her knee plates as she just sobbed. Finally breaking down.

The Autobot leader slowly looked at each one of his teammates,  and his optics stopped on Smokescreen. He stared at him then narrowed his optics again. He looked to Jack and carefully picked up the relic that was nearby. He then walked to the hallway without a word.

"Optimus wait..." Ratchet said seriously as he looked at him. "If you go back to stop this... you don't know what the price will be. It could be worse than this." He said quietly. The Prime looked at Jack again and stared for a moment.

"That is a risk I must take." He said before leaving. He found a spot where he could transport without hurting anyone else. He stared at the relic then quickly activated it.

He grunted as he felt the fimailar pull and grit his teeth. He silently vowed to destroy the relic when this was over. It was nothing but harmful to his team. He grunted again as he landed and stumbled a little. He gripped the wall and looked around as he tried to focus.

"Seriously? After both Ratchet and Optimus lectured you?" He heard someone say.

"Jackson..." the Prime whispered and stood taller as he quickly followed his voice. He was in the relic room.

"Ah come on. Bumblebee became a Prime... I want that too." Smokescreen muttered.

"Right. And gain a traumatizing experience like Bee did." Jack pointed out as he furrowed his brow.

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