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Cybertronians screamed as they ran around and down the street to get away from the lab. Ratchet led Orion to a safe place and scanned the area. His mind was racing and he felt lost on how to help the situation.

"Orion, just go to your family and be with them." Ratchet said as he looked at the peacemaker. The other mech hesitated as he looked back towards the building.

"Don't worry about Megatronus... he'll stop this from getting out of hand." He explained as he smiled a little. Orion nodded slowly and hugged him then left to get to his family. Ratchet looked back to the building for a moment as the events played in his helm a few times.

"Shockwave... what have you done?" He muttered then ran to make sure his family was alright. He silently hoped that Megatronus would actually be able to stop them.

The gladiator made it to the room and looked inside as he assessed the situation. Shockwave and the patient had turned into sparkeaters, the scientist shortly after the latter shot him. The commander scanned the room as the two infected ones searched for a way out. He furrowed his optic ridges as he scanned the room for the third mech. He saw him pressed against the wall nearest him and the door.

Brainstorm vented heavily yet quietly as he watched the other two. He was terrified of what might happen to him. Megatronus waited until they were on the other side of the room, then opened the door very slowly. He grabbed the mech, who yelled in surprise, then pulled him to safety as the monsters ran at him. The gladiator closed the door and locked it, then had the room put on lock down.

"Go!" He shouted and the two ran for the exit. He looked around to make sure no one else was in the building. When he deemed it clear, he locked down the whole building and set a guard around it. They had some scientists work on a cure for the infected. The creatures had to be destroyed or reverted back to their normal state.

Ratchet got home and told his sparkmate what happened as Piper stayed in a light recharge. He did his best to stay calm the whole time, but inside he was freaking out. He told her to get things ready in case they needed to leave. Swiftalert nodded and quickly went to do so as Ratchet went to inform Rafael and Jack. He went to their area then looked around as he entered.

"Jackson Darby? Rafael Esquivel?" He called as he looked to the trees. He couldn't remember the mans full name and wondered if that actually mattered. He heard the men running towards them and looked around until he spotted him.

"What's wrong? You have an odd tone to your voice." Jack said seriously as the bot knelt on one knee plate. Miko was by him as she held her husbands hand. The doctor glared at her when he noticed her up and about.

"What are you doing up?" He snapped angrily. "You are heavy with a sparkling, and you're due in two months earth time." He grumbled.

"You did not just call me fat." Miko said with attitude as she put her hands on her hips. "I can do what I want Doc bot." She growled back. Her husband sighed as he looked at her then put an arm around her to keep her calm.

"Not why I'm here." He mumbled and looked at the two men. "We have a situation on my planet. A creature was created that can... rip out our sparks and is impossible to stop." He said seriously. "The worst part... is Shockwave, a scientist who created it, made it intelligent and it turned him as well." He sighed in frustration.

"So... basically its a vampire zombie." Miko said and the others looked at her. "What? It either turns its victims or eats their insides. What else would it be?" she asked. Ratchet gave her a disbelieving look then got up.

"I came to inform you about the threat. I have a feeling things may take a bad turn." He said seriously as he moved to the entrance. "Prepare for evacuation if need be." He said then left the lab.

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