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The sound of distant explosions filled the air. Dry dead wind blew through darkened sky. Everything was gone. The mech stood amongst the dead as he stared at his fallen brothers. Their lifeless and energon stained frames were along the cold ground. He stood there looking for survivors, but didn't see any. He slowly looked at his energon stained servos as they shook a little. The light blue color stained his armor and blade as well. He closed his optics and hung his helm for a moment.

"Why did you let it happen?" Someone asked. He blinked a couple times and looked around, but didn't see anyone.

"Optimus..." the Prime looked to the voice again and saw Jack standing a few feet away. He stared at him as blood stained his grey shirt.

"Why did you bring your war to my planet?" He asked. The Autobot leader didn't respond as he watched him. His spark twisting with guilt and pain as he tried to process what happened. Why was he here fighting a war on an innocent world? No, this was his world.

"No... you're on Cybertron... this is Cybertron..." he whispered and watched him intently. "I kept the war here... I had to keep it on my planet...." he explained. Jack stared at him then narrowed his eyes.

"Why did you bring your war to my world?! I died trying to fix a mistake that wasn't my own!" He shouted angrily. "Look what your war did to my planet!" He yelled as he motioned to the Prime.

He glanced at his servos again and froze. The energon slowly turned red and leaked from his digits. He looked to the fallen and watched as they shrunk to a smaller size. He realized he was surrounded by humans. He shook his helm and felt panic rise in his spark. He stared at his armor as the energon turned red.

"No... no." He gasped trying to get it off of him as he felt panicked. He looked around as he fell to his knee plates. He froze as he saw Miko holding Jack in her arms. Raf was next to her crying. The three of them wounded and dying.

"You killed us." The young man said as he narrowed his eyes. Optimus shook his helm and looked at the dead planet. He realized it was earth. He looked to the sky as Decepticon ships flew overhead. He yelled angrily at them as he squeezed his optics shut. His spark shattered inside of him as he realized he had failed. Not just himself, but the human race.


Optimus sat up and vented heavily as he looked around his berth room. It was silent and empty. He sighed forcefully and buried his faceplate in his servos. It was just a nightmare. He hadn't been able to recharge for a few nights because of them. But if that was the price to pay, he would gladly endure it. He slowly got up and went to the main room. He realized it was late, and Ratchet was still up. He watched him for a moment then silently sat on one of the berths. He set his helm in his servo and closed his optics again. Ratchet paused and stared at his friend for a moment. He realized he was struggling to recharge again. He didn't say anything and went back to typing as the Prime sat there.


Later that day, the kids were at school waiting for their rides. Jack sat on the steps as he thought about what he saw. What the bots had been through with that ridiculous relic. He hated that thing and wanted to destroy it. He stared at his hands as he thought about what he apparently did. It was strange to think about. He hung his head a little and got up then started walking off. He needed to gather his thoughts. The young man shoved his hands in his pockets as he walked towards his work. His mind was a million miles away.

He simply went through the motions at work as his mind continued to wander. Before he knew it, he was done with work and walking home. He was so consumed in his thoughts, that he didn't notice a car pulling up beside him.

"Well someone's distracted." A voice said and the teen stopped suddenly. He looked to the car and his eyes widened in surprise.

"Knockout." He gasped and the con quickly grabbed him before driving off. He grunted as he was tied up and looked around.

"What are you doing?" He spat and managed to reach his pocket. He discreetly pulled out his phone and called the base, but put his end on mute.

"It's amazing that you weren't with Arcee." The con said as he kept driving. "Must have known you'd be... slaving away in that... place." He said looking for the right words.

"Where are are you taking me?" Jack seethed angrily through gritted teeth.

"It doesn't really matter does it?" The red con scoffed. The teen smiled a little as he got an idea. He leaned back in his seat and with both legs started kicking the dash as hard as he could.

"Ow! Stop it fleshy!" He shouted angrily as he swerved.

"Not until you answer me." He growled angrily and kicked everything he could reach. "I'm not going to let you use me to hurt the others." He seethed angrily and kicked harder. "They wouldn't come for me anyway." He snapped.

"I can see why!" He responded and electrocuted the teen. Jack grit his teeth and grunted in pain before passing out. "Ugh... finally. But I don't know how I'm going to fix the damage this time." He muttered bitterly.


Ratchet stared at the screen for a moment then looked at Optimus. They had answered Jacks call immediately and heard a good portion of the conversation. The medic typed in the coordinates and nodded once. Optimus went to the bridge with the others as he feared the worst. His processor flashed to his dream and he activated his mask. He pulled the lever and they quickly ran through. They came out on the other side in front of the red car. Optimus activated his blade as the car slammed on his brakes. The rest of the team walked over as they prepared to fight.

"I guess you were wrong human." Knockout said and transformed into his biped mode. He held Jack away from him as if he'd get his paint scratched.

"Let him go." Arcee said seriously and moved closer. "Or-"

"Or what? The red medic sneered as he looked at her. Jack looked at them knowing they wouldn't fight in fear of hurting him. He thought for a moment and realized his arms were free. He had to get free so they could actually fight.

He looked at the sharp part of the cons armor and narrowed his eyes. He set his palm against it and cut his hand open. He winced in pain and handed realized how deep he cut it. He grunted and realized the medic wasn't paying attention. He furrowed his brow as he listened to the medic taunt them. He thought for a few minutes and gripped his digit. Knockout furrowed his optic ridges and looked at him.

"Gah! He's leaking all over my paint!" He shouted and tossed him in the air. Jack hadn't planned on this. He expected the con to drop him, not throw him in the air. He felt himself fly upwards, which was an odd feeling on its own.

The bots watched in horror and attacked Knockout as he ran into them. Trying to get the blood off his paint. Optimus felt as if he was moving in slow motion as he ran towards the teen. His optics widened as he reached out to catch the young human when he started to fall. Jack grunted as he hit the Primes servo, but he barely hit it. He smacked into the end of his digits and bounced off.

"No!" Optimus boomed as he tried to catch him again. Knockout bumped into the leader and he grunted as he missed again. Jack hit his digits again, then hit the ground.

The Prime just stared with horror in his optics. He carefully picked up the unconscious teen and held him in his servos. Was this the price? For him to die by his hand? He stared at the red blood that slowly stained his servos. He hung his helm and closed his optics as anger and horror filled his spark. He had killed Jackson Darby.

He had murdered a human.

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