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"This is bad." Knockout said as he gripped his helm and wandered around aimlessly. "Elita didn't get captured and the cons didn't find me." He said as he shook his helm. "I never went into training, or met Breakdown, or became a medic, or attracted so many beautiful femm-"

::Would you calm down?!:: Bumblebee beeped and gripped his shoulders. ::The last part isn't important.::

"Maybe to you. You probably couldn't get a scraplet to go out with you." He sneered. The scout gave him a look as if asking if he was serious right now. He then turned on his ped and walked around as he thought.

::How about we-:: he stopped suddenly as they saw a flash of light in the far distance on the horizon. A cloud of smoke rose and they looked at each other.

"Oh no... what if the ship went down?!" Knockout shouted and transformed then drove as fast as he could to the pillar of smoke. Bumblebee didn't say anything and quickly followed after him.

They got closer to the smoke and saw it was a village that had been bombed. Knockout slowed down and sighed in relief. It wasn't the ship. He could see it landing in the distance.

"False alarm." He said and transformed into his alternate mode. Bumblebee zoomed right passed him and made the con stumble. "I said 'false alarm'!" He shouted and glared after him. The scout yelled something back and the medic rolled his optics.

"If I had the relic I would have left you by now." He grumbled as he transformed and followed him again. Bumblebee drove to the burning village and quickly transformed into his biped mode. He looked around then gripped his helm as it started to hurt. Knockout came over and furrowed his optic ridges.

"What's wrong with you bot?" He asked as he folded his arms. "We have to go, everything is fine." He said seriously and motioned for him to follow. The scout shook his helm and looked around more.

::No. I feel we need to be here. Something seems... fimailar...:: he beeped quietly and watched the bots help the victims of the bombing. They decided to help but in the shadows.

They worked on getting Cybertronians free from burning buildings and getting them to safety. Bumblebee watched Optimus from their hiding spot when things finally calmed down. He smiled slightly as he watched the young leader work. He seemed extremely new at this and wasn't the leader he knew. Not yet.

They motioned for the survivors to get into the ship and Optimus looked around. He made sure everyone was on then went inside.

"Hey. You were right." Knockout muttered as he looked at him then smiled a little. "That wasn't so bad... and helping people is actually pretty..." he trailed off as Bumblebee grinned and folded his arms. "Shut up..." he mumbled.

::I never said anything.:: he whirled quietly and looked around. ::Come on let's go before we-:: he stopped suddenly and fell to his knee plates as he gripped his chest chassis.

"What's wrong?" Knockout asked as his medic instincts kicked in. The scout shook his helm and looked around the area. His optics widened as he recognized a few things.

::Knockout...:: he chirped and tried to stand up. He managed to then stumbled and fell again. He sat against some rubble and winced in pain.

"What in the pits is wrong with you?" The mech asked as he glared at the scout. "You're- by the AllSpark!" The con yelled as his optics widened. Bumblebee grunted in pain and looked at his fading servo.

::Look... in... the buildings...:: he whirled quietly and stared at him. ::Hurry...:: The con stood and ran off, unsure of what he was looking for. Bumblebee looked at his servo and closed his optics as he felt himself fizzle out of existence for a moment.

"What am I looking for? What am I looking for?" Knockout asked as he tried not to get ash or soot on his paint. "What am I looking for Bug?!" He shouted as he huffed angrily.

He walked passed a building that had a caved in roof. It wasn't stable and looked as if it would fall any moment. But what caught his attention was a dead femme and mech. The mech looked as if he was trying to protect the femme. He was holding her close and had shrapnel through his spark. The femme had perished from the same shrapnel that killed her spark mate.

But what caught his optic was the way she was positioned. She wasn't holding on to the mech but had her arms close to her. He slowly moved closer and saw a protoform. Possibly a little older. He hesitated and carefully moved closer. The protoform was barely alive.

He frowned deeply and carefully moved what he needed to so he could get it out. He managed to after a few minutes, and quickly got out of the building before it collapsed in on itself. He sighed forcefully and went back towards the scout. He stopped suddenly as he stared at the small protoform. He furrowed his optic ridges and looked at Bumblebee as he walked around the corner.

"You sent me out to find a random protoform?" He scoffed and the scout glared darkly.

::Get... him... to the clinic that is in the nearest city.:: he beeped seriously. Knockout frowned deeply and realized he saved the scout as a child. He looked at the protoform then smiled darkly.

"I could just end your miserable life now." He smirked as his servo transformed into a saw. He sneered as he held it over the protoform. Bumblebee narrowed his optics as he watched helplessly.

::Don't... you dare...:: he beeped angrily as he narrowed his optics. He winced as he faded more out of existence. ::He's... already... dying...:: he whirled. Knockout smirked darkly and looked at the innocent protoform.

"I could always give him to the cons. Since you let the Autobots get away with me." He seethed angrily through gritted teeth. Bumblebee shook his helm and glanced behind him.

Knockout furrowed his optic ridges and followed his gaze. His optics widened as he saw a tall mech with a wounded leg. He had his cannons aimed at Knockout.

"Touch the protoform, and you die." He seethed. "Hand him over. Now." He growled. Knockout paled and put his saw away then slowly held the small thing out.

The mech carefully took the protoform then walked backwards. He then transformed and drove away as quickly as he could. Knockout blinked in surprise and looked at Bumblebee. The scout stood up and glared darkly.

"I was only kidding." He said as he smiled nervously. Bumblebee punched him hard in the faceplate then transformed and followed the stranger. Knockout grunted as he hit the ground. He stood quickly and looked around then saw the scout driving away.

"Bug! I was kidding!" He shouted and huffed angrily. He folded his arms and grumbled something under his breath then followed him. He was the only way for him to get home anyway.

Bumblebee followed the mech at a distance as he pushed passed his pain. He kept fading and fizzled in and out once in a while.

The mech went to a tall building in the city and quickly transformed. He then held the protoform close and ran inside. Bumblebee transformed and stumbled then followed him. He looked inside and his optics widened. The medics were trying to help everyone and this mech was trying desperately to save him.

Who was he?

He slowly went inside and watched as a femme spoke to his rescuer. His optics widened more as he recognized her.

::Swiftalert...:: he chirped as he smiled and tears filled his optics. He'd never forget that wonderful medic that saved his life.

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