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The Prime looked around more and was briefly reminded of when he spoke with Alpha Trion while holding the Star Saber. He didn't see anyone or anything and just stood there as he scanned the area. He wanted to pull out his weapons, but knew that would possibly cause a problem.

He closed his optics for a moment and felt the matrix inside him pull to a certain direction. He opened his optics and the pull stopped. He furrowed his ridges and looked around for a moment before closing his optics again. He vented slowly to relax and started walking as the matrix led him.

He wondered what this place was and feared he may be somewhere he shouldn't be. He only heard the sound of his ped steps and wanted to open his optics, but felt he shouldn't yet. He didn't know what to expect and the matrix glowed warmly as he got close to his destination.

"Hello..." a small voice said. He stopped suddenly and slowly opened his optics. In front of him sitting on a rock, under a tree was a sparkling. There was grass around it's little spot and he just stared at it with a blank expression.

"You're the Prime?" the sparkling asked as it stared at him with hope in its optics. He nodded a little then furrowed his optic ridges.

"I am Optimus Prime... yes..." he said seriously and the sparkling sighed in relief as tears fell down its faceplate.

"I'm glad to meet you... officially. Will you sit with me?" It asked and he nodded slowly before walking over and sitting by the boulder. He stared at the place then looked around as the white turned to the buildings of Cybertron.

"What is this place?" He asked carefully and looked at the sparkling, which he realized was a little femme. She didn't respond for a moment then stared at the buildings of their home world.

"Me... my world... my... im... ima... gina... thoughts..." She whispered and furrowed her brow. "But I hate Cybertron... I like earth better..." She said as the buildings turned into giant trees. He thought about how he spoke with Alpha Trion and looked at her.

"Are you a former Prime?" He asked and she shook her helm as she sniffed sadly. She whimpered and held her arm out which had a series of Cybertonian text.

"I am... de... sign... ation... EX-4C3-1.205... or... E-4..." she whispered and stared at her arm. He frowned as he watched her then carefully held her arm in his servos. He stared at the text and narrowed his optics.

"You were part of an experiment the Decepticons were conducting." He said seriously. She nodded slowly and hugged herself.

"Project... Live Relic..." she muttered and stared at a certain point. "I... I not really alive... or dead... I don't have a... form... or I did..." she rasped. He tried to understand what she meant. She pointed to the edge of the grass and he looked at the water as images formed.

"Are these your memories?" He asked as he glanced at her again. She nodded again and looked down. He slowly got up and walked over to the waters edge. He stared at the clear surface as the memories slowly came into focus.


It was during the time when the relics were being forged. The original thirteen Primes were still on Cybertron and Megatronus had just fallen.

The said Prime made his way to the forges where the relics were created. He stole some materials and other items he would need. Unicron needed a relic to defeat Primus and Megatronus was going to help. He had tasted the great power of Unicron and wanted more. With the help of the chaos bringer, he created the Gauntlet of Time. But it wouldn't function properly, not even the blood of Unicron could activate it. They needed something to power the device. Though their plans were thwarted and the relic forgotten.

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