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Time seemed to have no measure while he was in his paradise. He didn't care either. He was forgetting his past life but still had dreams about it. Again, he didn't seem to care. He had everything he wanted and refused to let go. Though that all changed one day.

He was on his way to visit Shockwave, who had requested medical assistance from him. He didn't know what the scientist wanted but didn't mind. He went into the building and looked around a bit. Shockwave was working on a lot of experiments. The medic became uneasy as he stared at the test tubes with different creatures inside.

"Ratchet." The mech said making him jump a little and look at him. "I require your expertise on this equation." He said and handed him a data pad. The medic stared at him suspiciously then looked at it.

"What is this for?" He asked and frowned a little. It seemed familiar but he wasn't sure how. His processor was spinning as he tried to remember what it was.

"That is not your business." The scientist said and looked at him. "I simply need assistance so as not to over look anything. I have found a strange specimen and I am working on a project with it." Was all he said.

"I think it is my business." He said and narrowed his optics. "Besides, I can't properly help if I don't know what I'm looking for." He pointed out. The scientist just stared at him blankly then looked to his desk.

"Your point is... logical." He said almost begrudgingly. "I'll show you the specimen." He said and walked to another room. Ratchet smirked triumphantly and followed after him. The medic looked around and saw Predacons being formed in tubes. He stopped by one and stared at it blankly as he set his servo on the glass.

"Predaking..." he mumbled and stared at the beast as it slept. He grunted and gripped his helm with his other servo. His memories were fighting to come back.

"Is something the matter, doctor?" Shockwave asked as he looked back at him. The medic shook his helm as he followed him.

"No its fine." He said seriously and glanced around the room. Of course, the war didn't destroy Shockwaves work. Nothing had stopped his progress.

The doctor frowned deeply wondering where that thought came from. He went into the operation room and paused at the doorway.

There was a dead Cybertronian on the table and a glass container with a young alien nearby on a table. An earthling. Human. He just sat in his prison and stared at the floor. He looked frightened but also seemed brave in a way. He slowly looked up at them as they entered and stared at them.

"By the AllSpark... Rafael..." Ratchet gasped and the memory of the boy flashed through his processor. But here he was older. A man.

The doctor wondered just how long he had been in this time line. His optics glazed over as he realized what had happened.

"What... where did you get... him?" He asked hesitantly and looked at the scientist as he furrowed his optic ridges.

"A primitive world known as earth. We followed some energon signals to it and discovered that Unicron resides there. To protect ourselves, my team and I destroyed the planet." He said seriously.

"We destroyed the core to prevent Unicron from ever coming back. Before we did, we captured a few of the... humans to study, as well as other items. It was the most logical thing to do." He said coldly and went back to his desk. Ratchet just stood there as he stared blankly. What had he done?

"Now. I require your assistance with my project." He said again and went back to work. Ratchet stood there for a long time, then slowly walked over to the glass prison.

Rafael stared at him with his old eyes. He appeared to be in his late twenties now. He was grown but still young for human years. The doctor noticed a filtration system that the scientist made to help the boy live. Boy. He was still young in the medics optics, and had so much to live for. But he didn't have anything at the same time.

"I see you made a system for him to breathe." Ratchet struggled to say as he stared at the young man. 

"Indeed. The humans have a more organic... soft exterior and interior. The few I have studied died at an unusually fast rate." He said and walked over. He motioned for Ratchet to move, who did hesitantly, and Shockwave opened the container.

Rafael stared up at the lid as it came off and his eyes widened in horror. He seemed to try and hold his breath as Shockwave pulled him out.

"They have a more fragile life then we do, and our air seems to be toxic to their organic matter." He explained as he set the boy-now-man on his servo.

Only a minute went by before Raf coughed and gripped his throat as he wheezed. He gasped for air which only made it worse. He fell to his knees and gripped at the scientists servo as he coughed violently yet weakly. Ratchet just watched in horror and shook his helm.

"No... stop this!" He shouted as the man fell on his side. "Shockwave, you're killing him!" He yelled angrily and took the human then carefully set him back in the container. Their air was too dangerous for the small beings.

He quickly put the lid on and tightened it, before typing frantically. He watched the small computer as it informed him about the air pressure.

"Come on... come on." He mumbled as he stared at the human then the air levels. Raf kept gasping as he lay there and slowly faded. "No! Come on!" He shouted as he slammed his servo on the desk.

The air level went to normal and the man inhaled as he coughed violently. He soon calmed and just lay there as he looked around groggily. Ratchet sighed and hung his helm in relief and slight despair.

"Fascinating." Shockwave said as he typed something. The doctor narrowed his optics and whipped around.

"Where are the other humans?!" He yelled angrily. "Do Orion and Megatronus know what you're doing?!" He snapped.

"No they do not. Nor is it logical for them to know at this time." The scientist said and walked away. "As for the other humans, I have a few more. Their life spans vary. They are merely insects to us, doctor." He said seriously. Ratchet sighed forcefully and rubbed his faceplate in irritation.

"I have a request to make." He said seriously and clenched his servos at his sides. "I'll come up with the formula you require, if and only if, you let me study the humans. I'll be in charge of that project from now on... and you can work on other things." He reasoned. Shockwave thought about this for a long time then nodded slowly.

"Your proposal seems... logical." He said and took the pod then walked off. Ratchet followed with slight worry for the man. They got to another room and Shockwave set Raf's container on the desk.

"Here is where you shall work." He said seriously and left him. Ratchet just stood there and stared at the containers.

Most of the humans were already dead. Either starved or died from different injuries. The three humans he came to accept on earth, were the only ones alive. He looked at the floor and hung his helm again. His dream was now a nightmare.

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