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The base was deathly silent as they all stared at her. The bots wanted to trust her but were suddenly doubting their leader. Especially since she was acting really weird now.

After a few minutes they slowly worked on getting ready to go. Arcee watched sadly and felt a little bad for what she was doing. She shook her helm and knew it was for the best. She had to get back home to the others. Not much time passed before they had to go. Ratchet silently activated the bridge and looked at her.

"Everyone move out." She said seriously and they went through the portal. They came out in the middle of nowhere, in the desert.

A few minutes later another portal opened and vehicons ran out then surrounded them. Megatron slowly followed with Knockout behind him.

"I thought you said you were surrendering." The warlord said seriously as he narrowed his optics.

"We are... what makes you think we aren't?" Arcee asked as she folded her arms in irritation.

"Where's the dear doctor then?" He asked and they blinked a couple times. It was at this point, Arcee knew she messed up.

For Megatron to believe they were really giving up, they had to have everyone there and give up the base. The warlord furrowed his optic ridges and raised a servo. The vehicons aimed at the bots and prepared to fire.

"Plan B." Arcee muttered and yelled angrily as she started to fire. The others blinked in surprise and quickly followed her example.

"What was plan B?!" Smokescreen shouted as he looked between the other two. Bumblebee warbled something and shrugged as he fired.

"I don't know either." Cliffjumper admitted as he watched the femme. It looked like she was making a break to the enemies portal.

"Here we go." He muttered and they quickly followed as Megatron fired on them. The bots continued to run after their leader as they fired on the cons. The warlord realized what they were doing and his optics widened in surprise.

"Soundwave! Close the portal!" He boomed as they ran towards it.

"Autobots go faster!" Arcee yelled and lunged through the portal. She rolled along the floor then looked to the others as the portal closed. She furrowed her optic ridges as she counted helms.

"Wait... where's Smokescreen?" She asked and they looked around for the rookie. He wasn't there.


Smokescreen grunted as he hit the ground, then shook his helm. He heard heavily ped steps and his optics widened in slight fear. He didn't make it through.

He quickly got up and turned around to stare at a group of angry cons. Despite the circumstances and fear he stood tall and proud in front of them.

"You're going to pay dearly rookie." The warlord spat as he narrowed his optics.

"It was an honor to serve with the Autobots and under the command of Optimus Prime himself..." He said proudly and aimed his own cannons.

"Do your worst Bucket head." He said as he smirked cockily. He knew in his spark he wasn't going to live long. He was right.

The Decepticon leader yelled angrily and fired his cannon several times. The small bot never stood a chance, and offlined before he hit the ground.


"Smokescreen?" Arcee commed but only got static. "Smokescreen!" She yelled and the hallway fell silent. They looked at each other then at her. This wasn't the real reality. Smokescreen wasn't gone and none of this was real.

"Come on..." she muttered knowing they would be caught by the cons. They got up and started running down the hall. They glanced around as they looked for the Prime.

They heard cons yelling as they ran and looked for them. Arcee growled lowly and transformed into her alternate mode. The other two followed and drove after her as they looked around frantically. Some cons fired on them and they swerved to get out of the way. They turned some corners sharply then stopped and transformed into their biped modes. They activated their weapons and listened but didn't hear anything.

A few minutes later they heard heavy ped steps and they moved further into hiding. Bumblebee motioned for them to stay as he hesitantly peaked around the corner.

His optics widened in surprise as he saw the Autobot leader. He whirled happily and ran out of hiding towards him. The Prime stopped suddenly and hesitantly stepped back. He transformed his servos into cannons and shakily looked at them.

Megatronus had showed him how to fire if an enemy tried to hurt him. But the bot seemed happy to see him and wouldn't stop. He stared at the young scout and felt bad as he aimed at him. Bumblebee stopped suddenly and stared at the cannon. He looked up at this bright blue optics, full of confusion and fear.

"Don't come any closer." Orion warned as his arm shook a little. Bumblebee furrowed his optic ridges and whirled quietly as if to try and calm him. The archivist saw the other two and he felt trapped.

"Forgive me..." he pleaded and fired knowing he was the enemy. The blast ripped through the small bot and his optics widened in surprise. He whirled quietly and painfully as his optics flickered.

"No!" Arcee screamed as her optics widened. She watched in horror as the scout fell to the ground. Orion stared at him in surprise as the scout looked at him with betrayal.

The hall was silent and Bumblebees optics turned black. Orion Pax transformed his cannons into servos, then stared at them in horror. This was his first kill. Arcee shook her helm slowly in disbelief as she stepped back. What was happening? She had gotten the two young bots killed without meaning to.

"Come on!" Cliffjumper yelled and grabbed her arm to make her move.

She didn't as she watched the archivist. He fell to his knee plates and stared at the bot. He seemed confused and shakily set his servos over the wound. He was trying to undo the damage as he went through shock. Arcee narrowed her optics and went over to him. He looked up at her with tears in his optics.

"I... I didn't mean... to kill him..." he whispered as his optics got bigger. She realized someone simply taught him how to protect himself. But he never intended to kill, just hurt. Maybe not even that. The innocence of Orion Pax was beginning to shatter.

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