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The air was dead and silent as smoke slowly rose into the sky. The rubble burned and buildings were trying to stay tall and proud as they crumbled. Trying to stay strong as the planet died under their feet. A flash of light filled the area and an orb appeared briefly before two mechs fell to the ground with a grunt.

Knockout had ended up with the relic as Bumblebee landed on his chest chassis on the ground. The scout shook his helm slowly and looked around the area. It was dusty and smoky from the fires. He furrowed his optic ridges and ignored Knockout as he tried to get the relic to work again.

"Come on you piece of junk." The medic growled as he fiddled with it and got frustrated. He was close to smacking it against something as he sat there.

Bumblebee looked around and slowly stood as he scanned the area. He knew this place. Knockout raised the relic to smash it against some rubble but stopped suddenly when he saw something.

::Knockout... we're... we're on-::

"Cybertron..." the con finished as he picked a small device up. He slowly stood and searched the rubble with his optics.

::But when?:: Bumblebee beeped quietly and looked at him. ::We can fight later when we get back.:: he whirled.

"Shut up scout. I'm not going to fight you yet." He muttered and stared at the item in his servo.

::What did you find?:: He beeped as he looked at his servo and furrowed his optic ridges.

"Not your business." He hissed and hid it in his chest chassis. Bumblebee rolled his optics and snatched the relic from him. Knockout protested and tried to grab it but Bumblebee glared and pushed him away.

"Give it to me." He hissed angrily through gritted teeth. "I have to save..." he trailed off and the scouts expression softened.

::You... want to... save Breakdown.:: he beeped quietly and stared at the relic for a moment. ::Maybe we can- get down!:: he whirled and shoved him to the dirt.

Knockout grunted and was about to complain about his paint job but the scout covered his mouth as he glared darkly. His other servo pointed to the distance. They saw a femme running as fast as she could while cons shot at her.

She was wounded and couldn't transform to get away. The two mechs slowly got up and stayed hidden as they crouched behind the rumble. They watched knowing they shouldn't get involved. Bumblebees optics widened as he realized who it was.

::Elita.:: he beeped and jumped up then ran towards the figures in the distance.

"Bumblebee no!" Knockout shouted as he got up. "We can't change anything!" He yelled angrily and sighed in exasperation. He then jumped over the rubble and followed to stop him.

Bumblebee kept running as he thought about how spark broken Optimus was at the mention of her name. If he saved her everything would be okay and Optimus would be happy. He smiled a little at the thought and transformed his servos into cannons.

He then shot at the cons as he narrowed his optics. Elita quickly hid in a crumbling building as Bumblebee took out the cons. There were only five of them. The scout looked around as Knockout came over and stared at the cons.

"Who's out there?!" Elita yelled angrily as she prepared to fight. Bumblebee was about to say something but decided against it.

He grabbed the medics arm and ran back to a hiding spot. She came out but didn't see anyone. She frowned deeply and looked around as energon dripped down her side.

::See? Nothing bad happened from saving one person.:: he beeped triumphantly. Knockout ignored him but figured he was right about that at least.

He sighed forcefully and watched her search for them. She eventually decided to leave and walked off a certain direction. The medic furrowed his optic ridges as a thought came to him. She stopped suddenly as she stared at a building.

"No..." he whispered quietly and gripped the rubble. "Keep walking." He muttered and Bumblebee looked at him. Elita stared at the building then slowly walked to it. She disappeared inside as Knockout tensed more.

"No.... no no no no. Just leave." He said and started to stand up. Bumblebee frowned deeply and the medic ducked down into hiding when she came back out.

She was holding a scared sparkling and trying to comfort it. She rocked it gently and smiled a little before looking at an approaching ship. She didn't run this time and smiled brightly as Optimus came out and hugged her tightly.

"Put... it... down." Knockout whispered quietly as he clenched his fists tightly and watched. Bumblebee watched as they got into the ship and flew away. Knockout jumped up and ran after the ship but it was pointless. Bumblebee walked over and furrowed his optic ridges.

::Who was that?:: He beeped quietly and looked at him. Knockout glared darkly and looked at him. He took out the small device he had hid and held it out to him.

"That sparkling... was me." He said seriously. Bumblebee stared at the tiny object and saw it was a Cybertronian toy. He frowned and looked to the direction the ship went.

They just messed up.

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