Chapter 24

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No one spoke on the way back to the hotel. The whole car ride I thought our lives were never going to be the same again. We arrived back to to the the hotel in 15 minutes. We walked into the room and we all sat down. The boys started to whisper to eachother but i couldnt hear what they were saying. So I turned to Carly and said "im gonna leave to get coffee, wanna come?"

Carly said "sure"

The boys were still whispering when we left. We went into the elevator and as soon as the doors shut I started freaking out. "OMG Carly is it going to be like that always? and the boys were acting wierd when we got back"

Carly said " yeah i know, I wonder what they were talking about."

I said " i dont know but lets talk more when we get coffee."

She said okay

We walked out the front door and made a right we walked for 5 minutes and found a Dunkin Donuts. We went inside and got coffee. We sat down at a table and started talking. But then I heard someone say "omg those are the girls!"

I turned around and saw girls giving us nasty looks. I didnt really care so i turned back around and went back to the conversation. After 2 minutes 3 people came to our table and said "hey your the girl whos going out with liam right?" Also they turned to Carly and said " And your the girl with Niall!"

We smiled slightly and said yeah....

They smiled and started asking so many questions and the other girls from before came up to us too and asked questions. Some of the questions were way too personal that i didnt want to answer them. So I got up and so did carly and i said "Sorry we would love to stay but we have to go..."

They all smiled and said "okay"

We walked out the door and started walking towards the hotel. Thats when we heard voices behind us. I turned and saw the group of people from before,following us. We started walking faster and I didnt know what to do. I asked carly what i should do and she said to call the boys. I took out my phone and called Liam. He answered and said "Hello love where are you?"

I said "Liam not so good, theres a group of people following us, what should we do?"

He said "just come back to the hotel theres going to be security at the front door but just whisper the password to them."

"Liam whats the password?"

He said "its OneDirection1"

I said "okay"

We finally reached the hotel, on the way to the hotel i told carly the password. We got to the door and they asked for the password and i whispered the password and so did Carly. They let us in, and the group tried to follow but when they asked for the password one of the girls just answered with uhhhh....

The security didnt let them in, I was so glad. We went up in the elevator and got to the room. I opened the door and Liam was standing infront of the door with his arms open. I went into his arms and he kissed my head. And Liam asked me "are you okay?"

"yeah im fine"

He smiled and  i smiled too. We walked into the other room and sat down.

He told me something that suprised me.

The day that changed my life... Liam Payne/Zayn Malik <3 (Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now