Congested//Taylor Caniff

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Lucy P.O.V

   Tissues and cough drop wrappers were scattered all over my bed, my nightstand was full of different medications, and I felt like crap.

I've been sick for a couple of days and it's been pretty bad. I've had a fever of 103 and the worst part is my Moms on a buisness trip and won't be back for another two days, and my boyfriends with his friends on a 'guys vacation' type thing, and I didn't want to bother him.

So I'm alone.

I laid under my covers flipping through the different channels on televion but it's Thursday evening and no shows that I like come on tonight.

My nightstand started vibrating and I looked over too see a picture of me and Taylor kissing on the screen. I smiled at the memory and answered the phone.

"Hey." I said. I didn't realize how congested I was oh my god.

"Babe are you okay? You sound really bad."

"Oh thanks Tay love you too." I rolled my eyes.

"No not like that dummy." I heard him chuckle. "I meant like you sound really sick, do you need anything? cause I can come if you want me too."

"No, no. You deserve to spend this time with your friends its just a bad cold. I'll be fine." I really meant it. He spends a bunch of his time with me and I felt like I was taking him away from his friends.

"Okay. I love you." He sounded really guilty.

"I love you too."

I hung up the phone and curled into the covers. My eyes drifting heavier and heavier as the mumbing from whatever tv show was on was helping me sleep.

My eyes shot open as I heard something crash downstairs. I looked under the door and all the lights were off. I don't have a pet, and no one should be home, and its 1 AM.

I started to shake at the thought, is someone in my house?

I looked around my room for a weapon and saw my lamp that didn't work anymore in the corner of my dresser. I dragged my weak body out of bed and grabbed my phone. I dialed 911 but didn't press call yet. My hand grasped the lamp and slowly creaked my door open.

I tip toed to the railing by the stairs and peeked my head over. I heard someone cursing to themselves and a flashlight moving around. I made my way downstairs as quietly as possible swallowing my coughs and trying not too sniffle.

I reached the bottom of the stairs and peeked my head over  but I couldn't see anything. I stayed close to the wall and slid across it memorizing the layout of my kitchen I tried to find the light switch to my left.

My fingers found the cold plastic and I flicked it on.

"WHOS THERE??!??" I yelled as loud as possible but my voice croaked.

"HOLY SH-. Luce what are you doing up?" Taylor jumped.

"Taylor oh my god don't do that!" My hand was clutching my heart as it was beating a thousand miles an hour.

"Why do you have a lamp? What if I was a robber are you gonna shade me to death?"

"Laaaaaaaaame. Nice try." I laughed at his bad attempt at a joke.

He looked at me and smirked.

"Why are you here? I thought you were with your friends?"

"Nah I bailed. I can see them another time but you're sick so I wanted to be with you." he blushed

I smiled.

"I look like godzilla just threw up on me and sound like I've smoked thousands of cigarettes so I apologize for that."

"I think you look beautiful." 

"I think you're a liar."

He rolled his eyes.

"So I brought you some basic chicken soup, cough drops, and benadryl, and myself of course." He winked.

"I'll take everything but you." I smirked.

"Oh really now. Tell me you don't want all of this." He lifted up his shirt revealing his toned abs.

I pretended to swoon and faint.


He was laughing and I smiled.

"Can we go to bed?" I pouted.

"Yesss lets go." I was still on the floor so I felt his arms wrap under my knees and under my shoulders picking me up bridal style.

I cuddled into his chest as we went up the stairs into my room. He set me down on the bed and turned off the T.V.

He turned around and peeled off his shirt leaving him in his basketball shorts. I watched his shoulder and back muscles flex and blushed too myself.

"Starings not polite babe."

"It is if its something worth staring at." I winked.

He flopped down on the bed and pulled me close.

I outlined his chest and stomach tracing random patterns and designs.I laughed when I felt  him tense up when I accidently tickled him.

I turned away to fall asleep.

"Hey give me a goodnight kiss."

"I dont want to get you sick."

"Eh I don't care. Then I have an excuse to lie in bed with you all day."

"Nooo. I really don't want you sick babe."

I heard him sigh and I chuckled.

He kissed behind my ear and whispered "I love you."

I turned towards him

"I love you too. Thank you"

He kissed my forehead and we fell asleep entangled in each others arms.


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