Fights//Jack Gilinsky

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Request for Ariana


Ariana's P.O.V

The music was blasting louder than a night club on a Saturday night. 

"Taylor turn the damn music down!" Nash yelled. Everyones hand's were cupping their ears and I squeezed my eyes shut immediatly getting a migraine. 

Taylor rolled his eyes and turned down the music. He walked over to the group and we were all scattered around the hotel room talking. 

No one was really saying anything to me so my feet dragged me to the window too see how many people were sititng outside. I opened the curtain ever so slightly and a wave of screams came from the down below. My body jerked back  because I wasn't expecting that many people. I groaned and flopped on the bed behind me.


"Whatchu know about me, whatchu whatchu know about me." My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Is someones phone going off?"I asked.

"Oh shit yeah that's mine." Matt said grabbing his phone.

"Hello? Yeah. Wait what? Thats ridiculous, why? But- no I understand. Whatever bye." He threw his phone on the bed.

Everyones eyes darted over to him. "Who was that?" Cameron asked.

"Bart. There's too many people outside and in the lobby, people are even sneaking up too the floor so we can't leave the hotel room for the rest of the night." Matt explained.

"We can't even go to our own rooms?" I asked

He shook his head and I let out a groan of frustration. We were all plannning to go out to eat and then hang out at the beach.

"What should we do?" Mahogany asked.

"How bout truth or dare?" Jack G brought up.

Everyone spoke in agreement and we all sat in a circle. It took like an hour to actually get the game started considering there were so many of us but finally Cameron screamed "TAYLOR TRUTH OR DARE."

The room went quiet waiitng for Taylors reply.

I crossed my legs over another and put my chin in the palm of my hand watching the stupid truths and dares go back and forth.

It was finally Shawns turn and he was in the middle of telling everyone about his first kiss.

"It was so awkward we ended up bumping heads and I chipped a part of her tooth off. Lets just say I'm quite the ladies man. Even though she never talked to me again." I burst out laughing.

"Okay Cameron, truth or dare?" Shawn asked, everyones eyes on Cameron.

His head was in both of his hands and he started tapping each side of his jaw. 

"Dare?" he said sounding  more of a question than a statement.

"I dare you to." Shawn paused for a second. "Kiss Ariana.'

My eyes almost popped out of my head as I shot a look to Cameron. He was smirking and stood up and went into the middle of the circle. I nodded my head and slowly stood up and went into the circle. I looked around and everyone had these devious smirks on their face except Jack G. His knee was shaking and he looked extremley uncomfortable. I raised an eyebrow and turned back around.

Cameron was closer to me than he was a few seconds ago. His hands snaked around my waist as I lifted my arms up to his neck. He leaned in and I did the same. Our lips touched and the room erupted in a series of "GET SOME!" "THATS MY BOY!" wolf whistles, and just a bunch of screaming I couldn't make out. This didn't feel right, I felt bad for kissing him and I didn't even know why. He smiled and I did the same but I didn't want too be doing this. My stomach had a weird feeling.

I heard a door slam shut in the back and me and Cameron immediatly pulled apart.I looked around the room too see who left.

"Jack." I mumbled under my breath. My legs sprinted towards the door as I opened it quickly and looked out too see which way he was going. He was going left and he was just walking. I watched him carefully as he rested his head against the hallway walls and started banging it with his fist. Leaving slight dents in the wall. He turned back around and I heard him sniffle as his back hit the wall and he slid down until hit butt hit the floor.

I slowly walked down the hallway until I was hovered over him. "J-jack? Are you okay?"

The hallway boomed with his laugh, obviously making it sarcastic and loud as possible.
"Does it look like I'm okay?" 

My attention drawed to his knuckles which were oozing blood. A shiver went up my back as I cringed at the sight, i've never seen him like this.

My body copied his actions, sliding down the wall right next to him.

"Why did you storm out?" I whispered.
"You and Cameron." He shook his head.
"What about us?"

His large hands rubbed down his face wiping the  few tears he let loose away.
"The kiss. I-i-i just was hoping you wouldn't feel anything. But you smiled and I just. It hurts."

"Jack the kiss meant nothing. It was a stupid dare and I don't like him like that."  I said sincerely.

A lock clicked in the distance and both of us turned our heads too see who it was.

"C'mon babe! I'm ready for round two!" Cameron yelled.

"She doesn't want you asshole!" Jack yelled.

My mouth gaped open, was Jack jealous?

"Oh is that why she kissed me instead of you? You mad because your silly little crush got to kiss your friend instead of you?" Cameron started provoking Jack.

He was walking towards us now and Jack stood up. His hands balled into a fist and I watched the veins in his arms pulsate as he clutched his own fist tighter.

I shot up to my feet.

"Cameron knock it off, I thought you two were friends, this isn't right." I said slightly shoving Cameron back.

"Woah woah woah babe, we are friends. But the least he could do is be supportive when he knows I like you too."

"Since when do you fucking like her?" He screamed.

"Since the kiss, shes a pretty good kisser, probably even better in bed." he winked

I scoffed.

"Fuck off Cameron." Jack said trying too stay calm. He turned his back walking the other way.
"Make me douchebag!" Cameron smirked, his arms crossing over his chest.

Jack turned around and socked Cameron straight in the jaw. He hovered over him going to throw another punch but I grabbed his arm and pushed him back.

"Knock it off! The both of you are supposed to be friends! Not beating each other up and being dicks, you're not punching bags! And I'm not a piece of meat!" I screamed

Cameron was clutching his jaw and Jack looked full of regret.

"Cameron go back to the room, you guys should talk when your not the hulk and a douche." I helped Cameron up as he headed back too the room.

I faced Jack again.

"I'm sorry I don't know what came over me. Just seeing you kiss him and him calling you babe made me, i dont kno-"   "Jealous?" I smirked and cut him off.

He ran his fingers through his dark hair.
"Yeah I was jealous."

"Look when I kissed Cameron I felt nothing. He was probably doing all that to make you mad. I wouldn't kiss him again if it would save the world okay?"

He looked at his barefeet and rubbed his knuckles which were bleeding and bruised. I took a step closer and picked them up in my hands slowly rubbing circles over them. I studied his hand and my finger nail lightly dragged lines over the creases on his palm.

"I really really like you." he croaked out, sounding like he was going to cry.

"I really really like you too." I smiled. I stood on my tippy toes to reach his tall stature and my hands lightly tugged on the back off his head motioning him too lean down as I placed a soft kiss on his lips. I smiled, a real smile, as his arms snaked around my waist and he spun me around. I started laughing in the midst of the kiss and he set me back down. He wrapped his hands around the back of my thighs picking me up and he lightly pressed me against the wall. This made me slightly taller than him so my hands rubbed the back of his neck as my forehead pressed his connecting our lips again.


honestly i love this one so much, idk thanks ariana for the great request this has to be my favorite one i've written. I really hope u like and i just realized its over 1500 words im sorry!!

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