New Neighbors//Hayes Grier

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Request for Makayla! Hope you like it(: This is super long omfg.

Makayla's P.O.V

I stepped back and scanned my newly decorated and unpacked room, taking note of where everything was placed, and how it was. I liked it, maybe I'll like it here better.

"Makayla get down here!" My mom yelled.  I walked out the door and down the stairs to find my mother standing at the end of the stairs waiting, with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Hey, whats up?"

"Nothing, you were up there for a couple of hours so I figured you might want a break and I thought I'd see how you're liking it here."

"It's okay I guess. I like my room better but I miss everyone."

"Look it'll be better here. I saw some kids around your age outside, why don't you go talk to them?"

I sighed and walked to the front door and slipped my shoes on. I headed outside and immediatly saw two teenage boys in the street throwing a football back and forth. I studied them quickly trying not too get their attention and hear the "Oh were you just checking me out?" jokes.

One had brown shaggy hair and blue eyes you could spot from miles away but easily looked younger than the other one. He was attractive. I looked over at the other boy and his hair was quiffed up with a blonde streak/highlight/ i dont know what too really call it. It was like a little lightning bolt though, I liked it. He was really tall though, with the same eyes as the other kid.

"Hi!" The younger one called out. I gave a small wave and crossed my arms over my chest smiling like an idiot.

He gave his brother a weird look and jogged over too me.

"Hi I'm Hayes!" he said a bit too enthusiasticly.

"Oh hi, I'm Makayla." I smiled.

"I saw a moving truck outside earlier, did you guys just move here?"

"Oh yeah my dad got a job and so we moved."

"How are you liking it so far?"

"Well I've only been here a couple hours. But from seeing you I can tell it'll be good." I winked. Gaining some inner confidence I didn't know I had.

He laughed and smirked back.

"Well, I've got too go back too my brother, but I'll see you around?"

"We'll see." I smiled and turned around walking inside.

"What the hell did I just do."  I laughed at myself.


It was Monday and todays my first day of school. Saying I was nervous was an understatement. Would anyone like me? Was Hayes going to be there? Would I embarass myself? There were so many things that could go wrong I was considering ditching and just telling my mom I didn't feel good.
But since there was a slim chance it might be good, I decided that it was a big enough chance to be a good day.

"Mom hurry up!" I called for her. I was all ready, backpack slung over my left shoulder, an apple to eat in the car in my right hand.

"Hon, hold on my coffees almost done."
I rolled my eyes and leaned against the doorframe. I bit into my apple when I thought I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I turned around and saw Hayes texting on his phone, backpack over his shoulder just like mine, and was walking down the street towards school. I smiled thinking he might actually be going.

"Okay lets go." My mom said stumbling towards me. I laughed as she walked towards the door and eventually towards the car, it was highlarious seeing her stumble in her knee long, tight pencil skirt, with heels.

"Okay knock it off, get in the car." She yelled at me. I was still laughing but I walked towards the passenger side and sat in as she took off down the street.

"Bye mom." I opened the door and tried getting out.

"Wait! Say good bye to your mommy!" She frowned.

"Mooom. Come on." I rolled my eyes and dropped my shoulders. She motioned for me to come over and I gave her a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek as I headed towards the office. I opened the big doors and saw a lady who I assumed was the receptionist.

"Hi, I"m Makayla. I'm new he-"

"Heres your map, go to Mr.Hughes which is marked on there, he'll give you your schedule have a good day." She said flatly.

My eyes got wide as I took the map out of her hand and looked around for Mr.Hughes class.

I stepped out of the office and into the hallway.
"Rude." I mumbled under my breath.

I followed where Mr.Hughes class was and soon came face with a big orange door. I opened it relently and stepped in. The class went silent like I had killed someone or something, I stepped over to Mr.Hughes desk. It felt like hundreds of pairs of eyes were staring into my soul.

"Hi, I'm Makayla, I'm new here. The lady at the front office said to get my schedule from you?"

He nodded and searched through his desk and pulled out a sheet of paper.
"Heres your schedule, your first class is in here and then the rest normally."

I nodded and looked over the schedule, so Mr.Hughes is Science.

"You can sit in whatever empty seat you see." I nodded and looked around. I saw Hayes in the front eyeing me. I blushed and he winked. I laughed and looked for a seat, and the only one was two rows behind where Hayes was sitting.

The rest of the class was boring. Taking notes and hearing lectures ended up with me doodling Haye's name in weird bubble writing all over a page in my notebook. The bell rang and I picked up my bags and headed out looking at my next class.

"Hey Makayla." I heard a familiar voice say.

"Oh hey Hayes whats up?"

"Tonight is our towns birthday and they're setting off fireworks and crap at the park across the street, and my family has a party every year. Do you want to come? If not thats fine I understand we just met and al-"  "Hayes shhh. Of course I'll come."

"Sorry." He laughed. I could've melted right there his laugh was so cute.

"What time?"


I nodded "I"ll be there." I turned on my heels and headed for my next class.


It was now five and I was walking down the street to Hayes house. Before I knocked on the door I smoothed out my dress. It was a casual floral dress with my black converse. I nodded and lighly knocked on the door. My breath hitched when Hayes opened the door, he was wearing a button up and I was drooling.

"You okay Makayla?" Hayes said waving a hand in front of my face.

"Oh yeah yup, just dandy." I awkwardly laughed.

"Come in!" He said holding the door wide enough for me to walk through. The room uproared in laughs and small talk. Hayes grabbed my hand and lead me to the kitchen. I felt my hand tingle and I bit the inside of my lip to keep from blushing.

"Hey Hayes the fireworks go off in like 10 minutes! Oh hey whos your friend?" A woman spoke.

"Oh mom this is Makayla our new neighbor. Makayla, this is my mom Elizabeth!" He said cheerfully. I smiled.

She leaned over to Hayes ear and whispered something loud enough for me to hear.
"She'll be good for you Hayes." I looked the other direction pretending I didn't hear but I was doing backflips in my mind.

"Lets go up to the roof! They have a really good view of everything up there."

"Okay." I said following him up the stairs. We went into what I assumed would be his parents room and we headed onto the balcony. He stood on the railing and pushed himself onto the roof. I admired his muscles before he turned around. I quickly stepped onto the railing and my knees started shaking a bit. "Good thing I didn't wear heels." He chuckled and helped pull me up. We sat down and made small talk learning more and more about each other. He was so easy to talk too, I was really starting too like him.

We stopped talking when we heard the amplified speakers from the park, I could barely make out what they said but I assumed it was something about the fireworks starting. I looked down and watched the party inside Hayes house pour into the backyard and we all watched as the little sparks flew into the air and exploded. I watched in awe because I never saw fireworks this close. It was loud and booming and I probably burst my ear drums, but it was the most mezmoring thing.

"Fuck it." I heard Hayes say quite loudly. I turned too look at him just as his face was close to mine. His minty breath was making my lips tingle.

"Can I kiss you?" I laughed at his awkwardness.

"I'd be dissapointed if you didn't." He smiled and cupped my face in his cold hands. I shivered at his touch and leaned in making our lips touch just as another firework went off. We stayed like that for a while while the moonlight swallowed the sunset. Our lips moving in synch as his hands got tangled in my hair. We pulled away, "Woah." He said and let out a small laugh.

"Can I take you out?" He asked.

I bit my lip, "Yeah." I scooted closer and snuggled into his side as his hand wrapped around my waist while we watched the rest of the fireworks go off.


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