Savior//Jack Johnson

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I'm so slow w requests I apologize. Soo I think I might give you guys my instagram if ya wanna follow me and see what I look like?? Idk.
Oh and at 100K reads whenever that may be I'm doing a pretty cool contest.
off of a magcon note, did anyone else hear about the Kiandrea break up? i'm honestly kind of upset aw.


Andrea's P.O.V

It's a late night, the moon high up in the sky watching over every creature, the street lights lit up the sides of the sidewalk like my moms eyes lit up the world. God I missed her so much. I walked down the street kicking a rock around, hearing the often car pass by me. No my mom wasn't dead, she was visiting our grandmother whos been really sick recently, and its been three months since she's been helping her.

Dad and I don't get along well, the only reason we did was because of mom, she could calm him down by just saying his name. We got along when she was here but now shes not, we fight almost every night. And tonight was the worst, we fought over how I would get to school. He said I needed to walk even though I would have to get up two hours earlier than I usually do to do that. Making me even more tired than I already am so I refused. A small argument turned into a fight where he raised his hand threatening to hit me. So I ran, and he didn't bother coming after me.

It was about 10PM and I've been walking around for an hour, I considered running away but I won't. Im scared and I just needed some time alone. It wasn't that scary in my neighborhood, it was small and everyone knew everyone. So I just continued walking around. But by now I was just walking in circles and I wanted to explore the late night streets. So I started walking towards the huge plaza that was a few blocks over from my house.

I started walking and saw a little alleyway that goes through the houses instead of all the way around, which could save me sometime. So without second guessing it I just walked through. After a while of walking through I got a bit nervous, I was halfway through and there was no moonlight peeking through. It was me,myself, and the darkness. Now I'm not afraid of the dark, I'm afraid of whats in it. It was silent besides the sloshing of my footsteps onto the puddles that the rain has formed onto the concrete.

I kept walking because the silence was scaring me until I ran into something. My stuck my hands out to feel around.
"Oh, it's just a wall." I said to myself.

I turned slightly not thinking about it, and continued walking. I was finally out of the alley. My eyes wandered around looking for the bright lights of the plaza when I spotted it. It was hard to miss with all the flashing lights and cars heading over there. I started walking when someone firmly grabbed my wrist.

"Where you goin' sugarplum?" The gruff voice said.

I turned slowly to face a guy with a light beard growing, a ratted wife beater,((its a tight tank top)), teared up jeans, and sandals. His hair was scattered and poked out in different places, and eyes more bloodshot than it should be.

"I'm not gonna ask you again, where ya goin?"

"I-I-I um I'm g-going to the um, the, the plaza." I said. I tried not too seem scared but my stuttering easily showed that I was.

"How bout you take a detour?" He smiled a toothy smile.

I contemplated what to do. The plaza is too far to run to and I'd easily get way too tired and slow down, or should I go with him and hopefully not be killed. I followed my brain and decided to go with him even though I was probably going to get seriously injured.

"Whats your name sexy?"

"Erica." I lied. If I told him my real name he might've found me if I was able to run.

"You can call me Keith. So Erica, here's how its going to go down. If you try to run or yell, I'll simply kill you. If you don't move and do what I ask, I just maybe will let you go. Or I won't." He spoke.

I swallowed the forming lump i my throat and nodded. My mind was telling me I knew what he was going to do but I wanted to think otherwise.Him having a more than firm grip on my wrist practically bruised it up. I still couldn't see anything but I heard him push open a metal door, and drag me in. But I never heard it shut. He sat me down in a chair and flicked on the lights.

They flickered as if they were struggling to stay on as I was practically struggling to stay alive at this point. The room was still dim and almost like a shed, there were a ton of power tools and hammers and such which scared the shit out of me, but I saw something move in the cornor of my eye. I decided not too look at it because if it was a mouse I knew I was going to throw up and at this point I was sure anything would make me throw up from how nervous I was. Tears welled up in my eyes at the thought of him killing me and how I wouldn't see my mom or dad ever again, and how no one could save me.

Through the blurriness of my damp eyes I saw something move in the corner of my eye again, and I was almost 100% it was a person. The Keith man was facing the other direction so I quickly snapped my head over in the persons direction. It was a boy around my age, in workout gear. He was clutching a pocket knife in his left hand and was motioning me to be quiet with the other. I nodded quickly and looked straight.

Was he going to help me? I took shallow breaths as I watched Keith come over to me but now he was shirtless and holding a knife.

"Now you're going to listen to me. Or you're going to get hurt. You're going to have sex with me and you're going to like it, or." He held up the knife to my neck. "This will be in you."

I nodded frantically. Tears were lightly streaming down my face as I tried to not scream.

"Take off your shirt." he commanded.

I stood up and slowly peeled off my shirt. I grasped it in my hand as I felt super uncomfortable standing in front of a man I didn't even know half naked. He started coming towards me but right before he could lay a finger on me, someone jumped on him. I threw my shirt on as quickly as I could while they were wrestling. I looked around for ways to help the boy who was helping me and I found a shovel. I ran over to it and grabbed it. Keith was hovering over the boy and holding a knife in his hand like he was about to stab the boy. I quickly held the shovel up and smacked Keith in the head with it causing him to fall over unconscious. The boy without saying a word to me grabbed his phone and dialed 911 explaning where we were and what happened.

He hung up and enveloped me in a hug as I sobbed my eyes out. I didn't even know who this kid was yet I wanted to marry him for saving me.

"Ho-ho-how did y-you find m-me?" I managed to get out through sobs.

My head was nuzzled into his shoulder.

"I was walking home from the gym and I assumed he was your dad or something until he grabbed you. So I just kind of followed you. I always carry a pocketknife when I walk around because behind the Plaza isn't the greatest place as you can probably tell." He said.

"Thank you so fucking much." I said hugging him tighter.

"You're welcome."

Soon after the police came and arrested Keith and the boy and I were both taken to the hospital for precautions.

I sat on the hospital bed waiting for my test results to come in even though Keith didn't hurt me, they wanted to make sure I was okay. When the door opened, I sat up straight assuming it was the doctor but it was the boy.

"Hey, how you holding up?"

"Scared. I have nightmares and its not easy but I'm okay. You okay?" I asked.

"Thank you so much, I don't think I could ever explain to you how greatful I am, you practically risked your life to save me and I don't even know your first name."

"Well, I'm Jack."

"I'm Andrea."


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