Blackout//Hayes Grier

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guys i need a favor !
can anyone help me with a cover picture for a fan fiction??

IF you can help me please message me! I'll give you all the details and give you a shoutout yoo((:

For Alyssa

Alyssa's P.O.V

20 seconds were left in the game, we were up by 1 point but the other team was getting really close to taking that away from us. I was on the sidelines with the rest of the cheer team watching the coach give the rest of the players a quick pep talk before sending them out, this was the game that if they won they would go to state, which was a really big deal because if they didn't go to state they broke the tradition of every football team for 15 years going to state.

I was cheering them out loudly and our whole cheer team was putting in so much effort that we were practically drowning in our own sweat. I ignored my throbbing head and heavy breathing and quickly got back into formation after the team broke and went back out onto the field.

We started our cheer right as the whistle blew, it felt as if everything in slow motion, my eyes flickered to the scoreboard back to the field. Our team had the ball and if Pennsatucky ((if you know where this name is from 10 points for you)) could just keep the ball for 12 more seconds we would win. He threw it too Grier which was a longshot considering Hayes had a bunch of players around him but Hayes caught it, and with seconds to spare made the last touchdown of the game.

The crowd erupted in cheers as our cheer team gave each other hugs and the football team was dancing and going crazy, the people in the stands started to flood into the field as I ran to find my boyfriend. When he saw me coming towards him he told his friends to set him down. My breathing was heavy and my eyelids got heavy but I ran into his arms and gave him the biggest hug. The crowd drowning out behind me as my eyelids got heavier and everything got darker, and all I could hear was the echoing of Hayes calling out to me and bam.



I woke up to the moonlight flickering in my eyes as the blinds swayed side to side from the airconditioning blowing a light breeze on them. I tried too sit up but I had so many wires wrapped around me that I couldn't so I just lied there confused. I waited for my eyes to adjust and took a good look at my surroundings. Chair with Hayes sleeping in it, heart monitor, hospital bed, hospital gown, and I'm assuming hospital room.

Im guessing im in the hospital?!?!?!?!?!?

"Hayes?" I whisper yelled. His eyes almost immediatly opened up as he looked at me.

"Babe, oh my god thank god you woke up." he said getting up and hugging me.

"What happened?" I asked. Hayes released from the hug and fumbled around the room looking for a light switch so he could see me, I probably looked like a mess but I needed to see him.

He finally found it and flicked it on, the lights illuminating the once bright eyed boy's now dull and shooken up face. His hair was everywhere, sticking up in random places, under his eyes were a much darker color, and his eyes lost their spark.

"You passed out at the football game. Oh my god I'm so glad you're fully awake."

"What do you mean fullly awake?"

"Its Sunday and the football game was Friday, you weren't in a coma or anything but you would wake up for a minute and then fall back asleep."

"Did the doctors say what happened?"

"Dehydration, did you drink any water at the game?"

"No I do- oh shit."

He puts his hands over his face and his hands go into two balls and start rubbing his eyes.

"Hayes have you gotten any sleep?"

"Not really, after the first time you woke up I was scared and wanted to be there for you right when you woke up."

"You need sleep little one."

"Can I sleep with you?" He said with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, don't hog the bed."

His eyes lit up again as he crawled over the tiny hospital bed and squeezed next to me, being careful not to tug on any wires.
Right as he got next to me a nurse walked in.

"Oh good you're awake, so basically what happened was you had severe dehydration which caused you to faint, the fluids weren't going into your body the way they shoud be probably due to the dehydration, so it took longer for you to become conscious, how are you feeling now?"

I looked over at Hayes.

"Better." I said smiling like a goofball.

"Okay I'll leave you two alone." She said turning out the lights and leaving the room.

"I missed you." Hayes said pressing his lips to my neck.


ps. if your starting soon its honestly not scary at all, your biggest worry would be staying awake s2g

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