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Yoongi's POV

"Hey, hey! Sleepy head, wake up" Hobi tried to wake me up. "I am leaving in 15 minutes. If you want to come better hurry up" he added and left lur room.

Why would he tell me he'll leave? Oh shit. I totaly forgot, today I'm meeting his girlfriend. Better get ready.

I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth put some blue ripped jeans and a black oversized hoodie. Just before I left my room I checked if my hair looks okey. I just brushed through with my fingers and quickly ran downstairs.

I grabbed a boul, milk and some colorful cereal and mixed it together. I was still eating when I heared small footsteps coming behind me.

Jimin's POV

"Morning Yoongi" I said and smile. "Oh, hi Jimin" he said with his mouth full of cereal. He looked at his phone and cursed quietly. "Sorry but I got to go" he said and quickly ran outside.

Where the fuck is he going? Did I do something wrong? The fuck?! I'm sad. Why Yoongi. Why don't you tell me what's wrong?

Yoongi's POB

"Am I late?" I asked as I leand on Hobi's car. "Just get your ass in the car" he said. I rolled my eyes and sat down next to Hobi.

"So how are you?" I started a conversation as he started driving. "Great, how about you?" He answerd with a question. "Good. Although I think Jimin hates me" I said a bit sad.

"Why you think so?" He asked with a worried voice. "I mean, yesterday I just ran away from him, just cuz I was emberessed cuz I fell asleep. And today he was sweet to me and said hi, but I had to run to your car unless you would go without me" I explained

"Then call him you stubid" he laughed. "And if I do, what should I say?" I asked. Fuck I feel like a teenage girl talkimg to her crush. "Just tell him the truth" he said. "No, I'm not ready to tell him that" I said and nervously started playing with my fingers.

"Hmm... the tell him that I have some troubles and that you're helping me with them." He smiled "Would you really do that for me" I said "Yeah, what ever man" he smiled.

I grabbed my phone and put in Jimin's number.


Hi. Jimin I'm so sorry
for today. I had t-

It's okey Yoongi.

Really? You don't even
know where I am, with
who I a-

Look, Yoongi. I trust
you. I am not worried.

Oh thanks.
I- I love you.

Love you to hyung

At the words love you comming out Hobi started laughing. "Why are you laughing?" I asked and pounted. "Nothing... just the words I love you comming out of your mouth. I am not used to it... but never mind, how did it go?" He asked.

"Okey. He trusts me. My sweet lil-" I started but Hobi interupted me. "Okey I don't have to know everything about him. It's just so weird how he softed your heart." I blushed and again fell asleep.

"Yoongi. We're here" I heared Hobi. I opened my eyes and saw him and a little girl. Guesing she is Zoey, cuz he had his arm around her. "I'm awake. Where will we go?" I asked with a gummy smile.

"Follow me" Zoey said and we followed her. On the way to her house they were holding hands. And then you see me. All by myself. Where is Jimin whem you need him.

"Come in and sit where ever you want" she said with the cutest smile ever. Wall almost. We sat down on a orange sofa and she brought us some drinks.

"So, Hobi told me you are dealing with Narcolepsy. I'm dealing with it since I was 15" she smiled "so at what part are you now? If you're not feeling it, you don't have to say it" She then said.

"Umm... I depends on a day, sometimes I fall asleep 3 times, sometimes 1 and sometimes eve 5 times, and at most weird situations" I said while looking at my feet.

"Yoongi. There's nothing wrong with fallimg asleep. We just have to de-" she started but she closed her eyes and fell into Yoongi's arms. "Hey. Baby, you gotta wake up" he said and kissed her on the cheek. She then opened her eyes and smiled.

"Sorry. So where was I. Oh yeah, we have to deal with it. Shit happens" she said. "Thank you" I answerd and gave her another smile. "Now I'll leave you to kids alone, have fun" I said and left her house. All that I heard was a loud Anyoung from Hobi.

I walked to the nearest buss station and buy a ticket. I sat on the buss and drove back home. I walked into the house, dedicated to talk to Jimin. Just to talk to him. I miss talking to him.

I walked into Jimin's room and I was shooked. I saw Jimin and Kookie, together, without shirts, looked like they just made out. They were looking in eachothers eyes and Kookie had his hands on Jimin.

"Jimin... how could you" I said through my tears. He turned around and looked shooked. "No Yoongi... wait... it's not what it looks like" he said.

I just couldn't stand looking at him. I ran outside and sat into my car. I know the doctor said I wasn't allowed but I DON'T GIVE A FUCK RIGHT NOW!! It started to rain. Great rain.

I started driving. I don't know where, but I just drove. I searched for my phone and called Hobi.

Hello? Yoongi, everything

No. I saw Jimin, with
Kookie. I am so sad.
And now I'm driving to...
Actually I don't know where the
fuck am I driving.

Wait a second. You said you
are driving... a car?!

Yes. Something wrong?

You must not drive a car.

Yeah I know but
I don't give a shit
I don't give a fuck!

Okey. But please stay with me
on the phone, okey?



My eyes are becaming
heavier. Fuck!


He yelled, but he was too late. The last thing I saw was a bright light...

Don't close your eyes |Yoonmin 윤민| [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now