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Hobi's POV

Yoongi's phone fell from his hands. "What's happening?" I asked. A tear fell down Yoongi's cheek. I let go of Zoey and took his phone in my hand.

I'm sorry💕

Oh hell nah. "Where is he?" I asked Yoongi. He was still in shook. What could he do? Yoongi looks pretty serious, that means he thinks of something bad.

Did Jimin... no he didn't. I don't believe it. But maybe it's real.

"I'm sorry Yoongi" someone screamed very quietly. My eyes shot open. It's coming from the bathroom. Oh shit!!

I ran to the bathroom and started pounding on every single door. "JIMIN!!" I yelled. As I came to the last one I could saw a trail of blood running towards my feet."fuck" I mumbled.

I opened the cabin and saw Jimin, on the floor with blood all around him. His sleeves were rolled up and in one hand he held a knife. I can't believe this is happening.

"JIMIN?!" I heared someone behind me.

Yoongi's POV

I followed Hobi towords the bathroom. No, this can't be real.

I walked into the bathroom and saw Hobi standing looking down. I saw blood. BLOOD?! And there was a lot of it. A lot of red liquid called blood.

I looked over Hobi's shoulder and saw him. I saw my Jimin, on the floor, lifeless, soaked in blood.

"JIMIN?!" I whispered-yelled. Hobi turned and saw me, he was shooked to see me there.

A waterfall of tears fell down my cheeks. "J- J- J-" I sobbed. Hobi ran out of the bathroom. Is he scared of me? Is he scared of seeing blood? Is he scared of seeing his dead friend?

I fell down on my knees crying. I held Jimin's dead hand ad cried. "Why would you do this to yourself?!!" I screamed as loud as I can. Jimin didn't responde. I closed ny eyes. Jimin is dead.

My eyes shot open as Hobi came back with 3 other doctors. As doctors ran to Jimin, Hobi came to me and grabed me from behind then draged me out of the bathroom.

I tried to refuse him draging me out but I was too week. We came out of the bathroom, I could still hear doctors saying something to eachother.

Hobi hugged me tight. I was still crying. "J- J- J- J-" I sobbed. "Shhh, be quiet. It's gonna be okey" he whispered into my ear, as he peted my back.

Everything went black as I collabsed onthe floor.

Hobi's POV

"Yoongi?" I asked as I cold feel his body becoming heavier on me. I looked at his face and saw he fell asleep. Thank God I'm used to it, Zoey fell asleep in my arms a lot.

I picked him up bridal style and put his head on my chest so he wouldn't break his neck. I carried him to a bed and sat down next to him holding his hand.

Poor little thing.

"Ding" I heared a notification. I looked at my phone, it wasn't mine. "Ding" I heared again. I looked and I saw Yoongi's phone lit up in his pants. He won't mind, right?

I took his phone and looked at the text. "What the?!"

You got a new text from
Unknown number

Hi. How are you

Oh hell naah. This can't be her. Right? What if I just replay as Yoongi? Yes I'll do that

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