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Yoongi's POV

"It's gonna be okey" I heared a familiar voice. I also heared some sobbing and rain falling on the window. The fuck? Where am I?!

I opened my eyes and saw I was in a moving car. When did I even g- oh yeah, I fell asleep I gues. I looke around and saw Hobi sobbing, Jimin holding his hand. The fuuuck is happening?

I saw Jimin looked at me through the mirror of the car and I gave him a 'what the actual fuck is happening' look. He just shook his head and mouthed 'I'll explain it to you later'.

The rain was still falling and I'm freezing now. My lip started trembeling and I squeezed in to a little ball. Then Jimin stopped the car and throw me his jacket. "Stay here" he said and left out with Hobi.

Jimin's POV

I pulled Hobi who was still crying into the hospital. "Hello I'm here to see Zoey, she's not from Korea" I said to the nurse behind the info. She quickly typed something into the computer and gave me the number of the room.

I ran towards the stairs pulling Hobi behind. We walked to the 6th floor into the room 517. I knocked on the door and a young doctor opened the door.

"May I help you?" He asked and steped outside. "Hello. My friend's girlfriend is in this room and we just got a call she's here, and he's really worried, what happened to her?" I asked, still holding Hobi's hand.

"Please sit down" the doctor said and pointed to the chairs. As we sat down I huged Hobi tight, I hate seeing him sad.

"She's still alive, don't worry." He started. I could feel Hobi realesed. At least she's still alive. "So she collapsed in the midle of the street. Her friend said they were runing as she fainted. As we are asuming she's not been eating for past 6 weeks, so we'll keep her here for a while" he said left.

As soon as he left Hobi started crying really hard. He huged me tighter and sobbed into my shoulder. "I- I sh- shou- should've known th- that. I- I- I..." he couldn't finish as we both fell from the chairs onto the cold floor.

"Shhhh... it's gonna be okey don't worry" I said while running my finger through his hair. He was crying real hard, poor thing. "Bu- but I- I should've kn- know th- that sh- she wasn't e- e- eating. Wh- whe- when we w- went o- o-out sh- she would e- eat almost nothing, a- an- and after that s- she wo- would g- g- go to t- the bathroom, pro- probably v- vomiting. A- an- and al- always wh- when I ca- called h- her sh- she was e- exercising." He sobbed into my shoulder.

I was just silent and patted his back. He soon fell asleep. I whiped the tears of his face. I can't believe, just a month ago we were in the same situation, exept I was the one crying and he was do one calming me down.

And then I remembered that Yoongi's in the car waiting for me. I grabbed the phone and texted him.

Yoongi's POV


I was still shaking in the car. Why is it so cold? And it's still raining. I used to like rain and cars untill I had that accident, and gues what, I'm in the car, and it's fucking raining. Just great.

You got a new text from
Your girlfriend❤

Baby, where are you?

I decided to reply. Cuz I was sick if this woman. Maybe I won't regret that? Maybe is just a mistake. Maybe is just a crazy fan. I hope so.

None of your bisnuis

I am worried. About
you babe.

Aghh. Stop calling me
Babe. I have a boyfriend



You have me. And I am
your Girlfriend. Can't
you see your contact?💕

Are you my fan?

No. I am your girlfriend
you silly.

Okey bitch. How the fuck
did you get my number?!

I have my ways.
Ps. You should get back
to the hospital. They will
be worried about you.

I'm not going back today.
I'm still in the restaurant.
And I really don't care if they
are worried about me.

No. You're not in the
restaurant with your friends.

The fuck how would you know?

Cuz I can't see you
Sugar daddy❤👅

Okey. I'm blocking this
number. Bye bitch

You blocked this number

Okey now I can breath normally. I looked at my phone and saw that it's been a hour and a half since Jimin left me here. Should I try fall asleep?

You got a new text from

Hi. Are you awake?

Yes, what's going on?

Can you come in the hospital?
There's an umbrella under
your seat. Come to the 6th
floor, we're in front of the
room 517.

What the fuck is

I'll explain. Please just
come here now.

I took the umbrella and ran to the hospital. "Hello Sir, may I help you?" A nurse said and bowed. "No it's okey" I said while bowing and then ran to the stairs. Fuck. I hate stairs, too much work.

I slowly walked to the 6th floor and saw Jimin on the ground with Hobi in his lap sleeping. When I came closer I could saw Hobi's dry tears and Jimin's sad face.

"What happened?" I asked. Jimin put a finger over his mouth and pointed to the empty space next to him. I sat down next to him and gave him 'can you please fucking explain what the fuck is happening' look.

"It's about Zoey" he said and played with Hobi's hair. I gasped and look at my sunshine's empty and sad face. "She fainted in the middle of the street" he started. But she could just be asleep? She has the same shit as me. "Well they say that she hasn't been eating for 6 weeks" he ended.

He looked emotionless. Whats up with him lately? I put his hand in mine and kissed him. "It's gonna be okey baby, and if there is something on your soul just tell me please" he nodded and weakly smiled.

My phone lit up.

You got a new text from
Unknown number

Not so fast baby boy ;)

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