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Jimin's POV

The ride was long about 10 minutes. Through the whole ride I was stearing outside the window. It was getting dark.

"We're here" Hobi said and parked the car. We stepped outside the car and he put out his phone. He smiled and texted something, then put his phone back into the pocket and looked at me.

I slowly walked to the restaurant and he followed me. We sat down behind a table next to the window. I took a look of the restaurant, it was really cute. Lights everywhere, comfy shairs and beautiful tables. It was all made from wood.

"Anyoung. May I take your order?" The waiter said and bowed to us. We bowed back and I ordered. "Two beers, a portion of kimchi and a portion of stew kimchi jjigae"

"So... for how long have you two been together?" I asked Hobi, while we were waiting for our food to come. "Umm... remember the time we went together on the rollercoasters?" I nodded. Of course I remember. That day I was got my first kiss, and it was with Yoongi. It was the best day of my life.

"So that was when I met her. We quickly realised we have almost the same personalities. I am still surprised about her talking. She can speak 9 languages fluently. Okey I am getting out of the story. So that was the first time I kissed someone. In was magical" he said and closed his eyes imagening everything.

He doesn't know that me and Yoongi saw him kissing her? I am dead laughing inside.

"She was wearing. High wasted jeans, yellow oversized shirt and yellow all stars. Later I gave her one of my Puma shirts, since I have so many lf them, and she was cold. I am not surprised, that tiny little body" he started but food interupted him.

"Here you go. I hope you'll enjoy" the waiter smiled and left. Hobi was so hungry that he attacked his food like a shark. I grabbed my sticks and felt a little pain in my arm. I put my arm under the table and rolled my sleeve up. The scar opened and it was bleeding. I quickly put some more napkins on it and pulled sleeve back down.

As we ate we also drank beer. I cold see that Hobi was a bit fuzzy after the first one but he still wanted another one, so I ordered another round. I didn't feel a thing but Hobi after third round was totaly drunk.

"This is great. Now you can ask him some questions about Yoongi and he'll answer them cuz he's drung as hell" said the voice in my head. The fuck is happening?!

"Hey Hobi?" I started. He looked at me and smiled "Yes Jimin?" He said. "What's up with Yoongi? You said it has the same thing as Zoey, but you didn't say what the thing is" I asked.

"Ohh... he has Narcolepsy... that means he randomly falls asleep. That's how he almost died. He was mad at you and decided to drive far away from you hoe, and he fell asleep behinf the wheel" he said and started laughing.

"His condition is becoming worse and worse. He's emberessed by it two or three I don't know... hahaha... one time he fell asleep on you and he couldn't even look at you cuz he thought that you would think he's weird or some ass bullshit" Hobi added and put his head on the table.

So that is why he ran away from me. That is how he almost died. All the answers are hidden in his disease? Well almost all of the questions.

"Hobi. Was Yoongi seeing someone?" I asked carefully. Hobi just looked at me, but now he was dead sirius.

"Well. He had a girlfriend. She has mental issues. He left her cuz he realised he is not into the girls, if you know what I mean, and she went nuts. He had to swiched his phone number, adress and even his name. They said that she commided suecide, but my thoughts I think she's still alive" he said still dead serius.

I was shooked. Was that the person who texted him. Or does he cheat on me with someone? I don't know what to think. Hobi interrupted my thinking with a loud fall.

I left money on the table, grabbed him under his arm and walked till the car. I layed him down on the back seats and sat behind the weel. I drove back to the hospital. When we arrived I wanted to walk him inside but remembered that they will probably not let him in cuz he's drunk, so I decided that we'll sleep in the car.

He was shaking so I covered him with some blankets. I fell asleep in the front sit, shaking cuz it was so cold. But still thinking about Yoongi. I am worried about my baby.

Yoongi's POV

AGHH. That hurts as fuck."Jimin-ah!" I yelled and Jimin ghost appered infront of me. "Why are you yelling?" He asked. "First of all, cuz that's the only way for you to come here and second of all my head is hurting so bad, any explanitions?" I said.

"How bad does it hurt?" He asked. "Hmm... let me think... like a thousand elephants jumping on it" I said a bit pissed cuz it still hurted.

"Oh. That means that real Jimin is scared for you. That's weird it looks that you two are more connected then I thought" he said.

Wait what. Why would Jimin be scared for me? There's nothing to be scared about it. Exept... naah it's not possibile, she's dead. Plus only Hobi knows about here.

"You know I can read your thoughts, right?" Jimin giggled "oh fuck off" I said and trued to get ride of him. "You won't get ride of me that easily" he winked.

Fuck how can I make hin dissapeare. Okey he usually dissapears whe  I ask him how to open my eyes. Let me try with that.

"Hey Jimin I still don't know how to open my eyes, help me you stupid cow" I said but he didn't replayed. He just covered his mouth and dissapeared.

Now I am back all alone in the white room, still trying to open my eyes.

Don't close your eyes |Yoonmin 윤민| [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now