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Hobi's POV

I opened my eyes, but I saw I was not the only one who did. Wait... what?! Yoongi opened his eyes?! "Yoongi hyung?" I carefully asked. He was just stearing into the celling.

Yoongi's POV

WHY CAN'T I MOVE?! I opened my eyes, and now I can't move?! Aghh imagine Jiminah you'll pay for this. I thought to myself. Okey let me at least try to say something.

"Ag... Si-u... ghggggh" I tried. The fuck?! I can't eaven speak?! Wait does that mean I can't rap?! FUCK!!

"Sorry Yoongi, I don't understand a word you saying" Hobi said calmly. "Oh no shit you can't you stupid" I wanted to say but all it came out was "oh... shh... u... stu... ghaah" He was just stearing at me, like I was crazy. Then he stood up and left.

The fuck?! He left me now! How could he?! All alone... not able to fucking speak. And now I'm just watching the wall. And it's fucking white. I hate this colour for now.

Then my eyes became heavier and soon I only saw darkness.

Hobi's POV

"JIMIN AHH" I yelled down the hallway, tho his room was right next to Yoongi's. Jimin was sleeping I gues. He was a little roll of a shirt and some pink fluffy hair.

I walked to his bed and sat on it. I started running my fingers through my heand. "Jimin-sii wake up. I have a surprice" I wispered in his ear.

He didn't move. Then I notised a dry mark of tear on his face. Poor little kido was crying himself to sleep. He was hugging his... hands? Why would he hugged his hands? Did he do it again? No... I must be just paranoied again. He's allright... I think.

I started shaking the younger to wake him up. He let out a little moan saying Why Yoongi? Probably dreaming or shit. I shoke him even more and then he suddenly opened his eyes as wide as possible.

"What do you want, why are you here, why am I here, what happened, where was I?" He quickly started asking, like he wasn't here the whole time. "I have a  surprice, so I can tell you this, Cuz we had some shit going on, you just woke up, I don't know cuz that was your dream" I answered.

He calmed down but he was still breathing heavily. I put a hand on his shoulder and said "Do you wanna hear some good news?" He nodded and I slowly took his heand. "Follow me" I said and stood up.

We started walking towards Yoongi's room. "You won't believe, but Yoongi woke up" I said with a smile. Jimin's eyes lit up and he smiled as wiflde as he could. I smiled back and opened the door to Yoongi's room. But I saw something that I didn't expect.

Jimin's POV

It was Yoongi. Looking dead. On the bed. He looked the same as the last time I sae him. I turned to Hobi and my eyes became whatery.

"HOW COULD YOU LIE TO ME?!" I yelled and burst into tears. "He woke up just a few minutes ago... I was a conversation with him... well almost... I talk to him but he didn't really replied..." he said and sat on Yoongi's bed. He shook his heand and Yoongi's eyes opened.

I was shook. He was awake. I smiled through tears and kneeled down to his bed. He smiled to me. "Yoongi... you're awake" I said smiling. He just let out some weird noices that I didn't understand.

I looked at Hobi, and he started talking "So... he doesn't really speak much... but he'll probably start speaking again, he just needs some peace and quiet. Wait, let me call the doctor" he said and walked outside the room.

I just looked at Yoongi and smiled.

Yoongi's POV

Okey. So let me check if this shit is real or just some shit. I made grabby hands towards Jimin. He giggled and lift me up. I could feel him. I was so happy. I hugged him so tight, like I would never let go.

"Yoongi... I love you" he said. I felt some tears on my shoulder. "I... I..." I started. He hugged me even tighter. He gave me his warmth. I missed this little cotton candy.

"I... lo... ghhghh.... uu... toi... aghss" I said, altho I ment I love you too. I hate myself right now. Jimin smiled and them soon left when the doctor came into the room.

"So did our dear Yoongi decided to wake up?" The doctor said. "Don't fucking call me that?!" I wanted to say but I couldn't... one good thing about not being able to speak. Instead I just nodded.

He smiled at me and opened my eyes. He brought a bright light and just pointed at my eye. It was so bright. Fuck I hate this.

"Okey he can see normally." The doctor stated. "How about reflexes?" He said and started moving his heand down my legs. I quiskly grabbed it and looked pissed at him. Only Jimin can touch it.

"Okey... they work perfectly" he smiled "How about speaking. Aren't you normally really loud?" He asked and looked at me. You mother fucker... Hobi is the loud one, I just like to tell my thoughts.

"Oh sir... he can't really speak" Hobi answered. Since when was he in the same room as me? "Good to know... he'll speak in a week, no worries" he said

"Oh and does he have anything I should know? Like deasise." He added Hobi looked at me, I shook my heand, he closed his eyes and stated. "Yes he does. He has Narcolepsy" he said and mouthed a little sorry to me. He's gonna get it as soon as I will have a chance.

"Okey... so please gentelman walked with me to my office, let's leave Yoongi alone" the doctor orded and they left.

I looked around my room and saw my phone. It was probably full of messeges and shit. He was apcent for a long time.

I took it in my heand and opened the screen I saw one text and dropped my phone. It was from her. She found me.

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