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Yoongi's POV

"HEYY! You stupid wake up!" Jimin tried to wake me up. "I'm up don't worry, used to happen a lot, but not here" I explained and stood up.

"What was that all about?" He asked... how does he don't know? "You don't know?" I asked. He shooked his head. "It's nothing just some stupid deasise" I said and turned around.

"What kind of it?" He asked. "I'll tell you later" I said while turning. I saw a huge clock behind him. It had numbers wich were counting down.

"What's that?" I asked and poimted at the huge clock behind him. He turned and looked kinda shook but he still smiled. "This clock couts down hours, minutes and seconds till... till your death" he said with a smile.

"The FUCK?! What do you mean... I can till die?!" I asked shooked as fuck "Yes, of course you can, but don't waist any second... each counts." He laughed. How the fuck can he laugh about this?!

"Hey you bitch... you still own me a clue" I said. He looked at me and said. "Okey I'll tell you and remember my words" and he toom a deel breathe.

~When you will do what you love and you will know that you do that cuz you love it, you will be able to open your eyes. And don't forget that this is all in your head~

He said and disseapeared. The fuck. Gow could this help me?! The clock is ticking and I didn't get an useful clue. I mean... it's all in your head... what does it mean? Fuck you! I have only
21 hours 32 minutes and 27 seconds
Better hurry up.

I started thinking but didn't get far cuz I again fell asleep. "Fuck you deasise!!" I yelled and hold my middle finger in the air.

Jimin's POV

Jimin... oh Jimin... wake up... I heard and quickly opened my eyes. I thought it was Yoongi's voice but when I looked around, there was no one.

I layed back and hear it again. Aren't you mad about Yoongi? It said... but why would I be mad? Cuz he's cheating on you of course... are you blind that you can't see it?? It said again. The fuck?! Who is saying that?!

Oh Jimin you little dummy, you know what to do... it said. I looked down at my heand. A little line won't hurt. It will hurt less then Yoongi cheating on me. It thoughed to myself.

No Jimin the fuck?! Why would you do that?? Cuz you know you want it it said. Do I really want it? Of course you do it said again.

I looked around me, nobody was there. I grabbed a knife that was randomly laying on the table next to me. I hide it under my shirt and walked towards the bathroom.

I bowed to every single person and smiled, like everything is normal. As soon as I reached the bathroom the tears burst out. I locked myeslf in the cabin and quietly cried.

After 5 minutes of crying, I rolled up both of my sleeves and put the knife next to the skin. I waited a little and do draw a line. The blood started comming out. It felt good, just amazing. I repeted the step 14 more times.

I cried in between the cuts. It hurted so bad but it felt so good. I then looked at my shirt. It was full of blood... fuck I didn't thought about that. Then something other caught my eye. I looked at my cuts and saw something.

On my left hand it was written WHY and in the right YG. So why Yoongi? How did this happened. I was just drawing random lines, and this happened. But this is the thing I am asking myself.

Why Yoongi? Yes Why did Yoongi cheat on you with that girl? You thought that he loves you... but he loves someone else... doesn't that hurt? "Yes it does!" I yelled. Fuck... I am still in the bathroom, with bloody arms and blood soakd shirt.

I waited for a few more minutes and then took of my shirt, covered my arms with it a d ran in to my room. I looked up for another shirt and found it under my bed. I put it on. It was like XXL so it was really oversized.

I wrapped my hands so the blood would stop... and that people won't notice the scaras on them. I then looked for a lighter and quickly found it under my bed. I gues here was someone who kiked to secretly smoke.

I then walked outside with a lighter in one and my bloody shirt in other hand. I walked behind the building and throw my bloody shirt on the floor and tried to light it.

I didn't want to burn as good as I wanted so I slowly walked back to my car and looked for that empty sprite bottle of sprite. When I found it I filled it up with gass and walked back to the bloody shirt.

I pured all of the gass on it and ligh it on fire. I watch it burn. I saw my bloid burning. It looked amazing. So beautiful. Am I a vampire? I mean I love blood... just looking at it. Naah vampires are just a made up story for little kids. Okey I know I am little as fuck but I meant younger kids.

When it was all burned I walked back into the hospital. I put on a fake smile and walked "hapily" down the hall. I stopped in front of Yoongi's room. I saw Hobi sleeping on a chair next to Yoongi.

He was dead asleep. And Yoongi was still lying still. Not showing any emotion. I walked inti the room and put his heand in mine. He flinched as always. He didn't change a lot, still cold as ice, still motionless as stone... nothung new.

I gently started moving my fingers on his heand like I was playing piano. I know I can't play it but I know he loves it. It's his first love. Then I saw my wraped hand and quickly moved my heand.

"Why Yoongi?" I said and left his room

Don't close your eyes |Yoonmin 윤민| [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now