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Jimin's POV

I woke up, all sad. What is life without Yoongi? Is it worth it? I turned around and just steared through the window. The sun was up and some annoying birds were singing. Aghhh.

"Knock, knock" Hobi came with a huge smile. "Morning" I said "How can you be so happy?" I asked still half asleep. "Cuz I have some news that will make you happy" he said with a smile and sat down to my bed.

"I don't think you can make it, I am really sad" I said and couldn't look at him. A single tear fall down my cheek. "Well I am pretty sure, and if I succeed you buy me a beer" he smiled. "Okey, and if I win, you let me kill myself as soon as we get out of this shit" I answerd

"Okey. So... Yoongi is alive" He said with a huge smile. I turned around and looked at him "Stop messing with my feelings, stop lying" I said a bit mad.

"I am not. His heart started beating back. But he's still in coma" he said "No, this can't be real. He's dead. Get it in you head" I said now really pissed. "If you don't believe me, go check it yourself." He said and winked at me.

I quickly ran to Yoongi's room and looked through the window. I looked at the "beep beep heart" machine and saw the heart line moving normaly. I was shooked. A tear fell down my cheek, but it wasn't a tear of sadnes, but a tear of happines.

I ran to his bed, grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers. I smiled through tears, falling down my face like a waterfall. I put my head to his chest. His heart was beating. I smiled.

"Thank you hyung. Love you" I said and kissed his hand. "But please. Open your eyes" I begged him

Yoongi's POV

"What the fuck?!" I screamed. I felt a warm hand in mine, but the hand wasn't there. "Hei Jimin? Why do I feel a hand in mine put I can't see it?!" I asked air.

Jimin soon appered. He was wearing skinny black jeans, a striped long sleeved, black and white shirt and over a blue fluffy jacket. He smiled at me with a cheezy smile and asked "Sorry what did you ask?"

I felt like in a trans, he just aghhh he was so sexy. He looked at me excepting an answer and I had to snap out of the zone. "Why do I feel a hand in mine, but I don't see it" I explained

He laughed and I looked at him confused "You see now that you are alive, again, you can feel stuff happening around you. I think that hand you feel is actually real Jimin holding your hand. In real life."

"But why can't I see him?" I asked a bit  emotional, I usually am not. "Cuz you dummy is in coma" he smiled "And how to get out of it?" I asked. "Open you eyes" he winked and dissapeared.

"Fuck you Jimin!!" I yelled in air. How can I open my eyes? I tried to do it with my fingers but all I did is get dust in my eyes. Oh come on, I thought white means clean and shit.

Jimin's POV

"Fuck!" I yelled. "Is everything okey?" Nurse asked as she passed bye. I smiled nodded. She smiled back and continued her path.

What the fuck. Yoongi's hand just twitched. What does that mean he will open his eyes?? I looked at his face, but it was blank.

"Come on, Yoongi, you can do it" I smiled. I kissed his hand and he twitched again. So he can sense my touch?

"Hey you" Hobi came in tbe room smiling. "Nothing much" I smild back. "Yoongi can feel my touch, and he reacts to it" I smiled. "Wow. That's awosme" he replayed.

I turned back to Yoongi and run my finger through his minty hair. He stopped breathing for a second. I got sceared. But he then started breathing back and let out a single moan.

Hobi turned around and gave me weird look. I lifted my hands off and started laughing. "What did you do to make him... moan?" He asked still shoked.

"Don't think dirty, you nasty. I just brushed through his hair. I used to do it when he was sleeping, and right now he looks like he's asleep" I explained myself.

He smiled and gave me a teasing look. I just hit him lightly and smiled. His phone suddenly rang. He looked at him and smiled, he got a text from... I couldn't read it.

"Why you smiling to a text?" I asked him. "Oh nothing" he smiled, and started texting. I grabbed his phone and looked at the contact. "Hey, give it back!" he yelled and tried to reach it.

"Oh, who is this" I glanced at him. "No one just give me my phone back" he said and tried again to reach it but he didn't suscede. "Na-ah" I said and tickled him. "So tell me who is this..." I started and read the contact name "...SlushiCoaster?" I asked a bit surpriced.

He giggled and answerd "As you read, it's Slushi" I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Hobi... tell me the truth"I said and shook the phone in my heand. He rolled his eyes and sighed.

"This is Zoey. I changed her name becaouse of hyungs and media and shit. She's my girlfriend... well you know I am not allowed to say that... again media and company and ARMY's. And she has the same thing as Yoongi" he said and then suddenly his face became white.

"Did you saw a ghost... and Yoongi doesn't count" I said and then realised his words. "And she has the same thing as Yoongi" what does he mean by that?

"What did you mean by saying she has the same thing as Yoongi... what thing?" I asked but he didn't answered. "Hobi... Hobi!? Can you please answer me?" I almost yelled at him.

"He will tell you when he'll be ready" he just answered. I was so confused, and that was a chance that Hobi used to grab his phone back.

"Hey... since you won the bet, I need to  buy you a beer. Do you mind if we go to dinner, I think I didn't eat in two says and I am kinda hungry" I smiled "Yeas sure, I don't mind. Plus I am angry hungry... yes I'm HANGRY" he said and patted my back.

"Why you angry?" I asked before he left the room. "Cuz you stole my phone" he smirked. And he left.

After he left I heared a text messege on Yoongi's phone. I checked and saw something that I didn't quite like.

Unknow number
I miss you baby boy ;)

The fuck? I ignored the text. I let go of Yoongi's hand and walked out. As soon as I reached Hobi I told him to be ready in 5 minutes. He nodded and started walking towards the exit.

I ran into the bathroom and looked at my hands. One little cut won't hurt, right? I rolled my sleeve up, grabbed the same sharp thing as I did last time and draw a line on my innerarm. The blood came out. It was worm, I liked it.

I then quickly washed the blood out and wraped the scar with some toilet paper, rolled down mu sleeve. I looked in the mirror and smiled. A voice in my head said good boy.

I then ran downstairs and out of this shitty hospital. I took a deep breath and walked towards the car where Hobi was waiting.

"Ready for dinner?" He asked. "More then ever" I answerd and smiled.

Don't close your eyes |Yoonmin 윤민| [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now