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Yoingi's POV

I looked at the clock, and realised I only have 1 hours 38 minutes and 15 seconds. I have to hurry up.

Them I felt something on my fingers. Ahh probably Jimin playing with my heand. I want to hug him so bad.

"JIMINIIIII!!" I yelled, hoping that he would come, and he did like every other day. "What do you want?" He asked with a smile. "Can I hug you?" I asked. He shook is head. He saw I was looking at him confused so he started explaining.

"So you only have a few more hours before you die, and I'm becoming more and more like ghost. You will se that you won't feel me at all." He strted "And did you figure it out bout hiw to open your eyes?" He teased me.

Fuck... I still don't know what to do. How can I be that stupid? That's usually Tae's thing. Aghhh shittt. "Umm... not yet" I said and looked at ny toes.

"Well since you were not that rude last... umm... 14 hours give you a gift. You just have to imagen it really hard. Just imagen all 5 of the other members... you can tell them your hint and they can help you... you'll see them only for... hmm... 2 minutes" Jimin said and smiled.

What? Does he really mean that? "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much" I said and bowed like thousand times. "Now close your eyes and imagen all of us really clearly" he said and I did as he said.

I imagened Rapmon with light purple hair, and of course with a lollipop. He was wearing light blue, at the end ripped short jeans and basic black t shirt and a black jacket with some white decore. He wore high white socks and white sneakers.

Tae had brown-ish hair. He wore light brown jeans, that were also ripped at the ends a bit. He had a white and red striped shirt and over a comfy black jacket. His socks were white, and the same color were his shoes.

Kookie had brown hair, like always, and had red and white striped socks and red shoes. He wore black, at the end ripped short jeans. His chesrlt was covering white printed t shirt and a huge black, with white designed dots, jacket.

Hobi had pink and grey hair and the same black short ripped jeans as Kookie. He wore black socks with green, yellow and red stripe, and over some black shoes. He had white t shirt and a jacket.

Jin wasn't much difrent then Hobi. He had black ripped short jeans and black shoes. His socks were black and white striped. His hair was black and he wore a black t shirt with a lot of collourful designes, and over a really worm jacket.

And there was Jimin. I wanted to change his plain outfit so I imagened him a bit diffrent then the person I saw the last time my eyes were open. He will have pink hair, okey that's the same but I like that cotton candy. He will have a black and white, striped, long sleeved shirt and over a puffy, light blue jacket. He'll have a bit darker blue, at the end ripped, short jeans. On his feet were high white socks and green shoes. So cute.

I opened my eyes and there they were. I ran to them to hug them and cuz they were just my imagination, I ran through them. Fuck I forgot that.

"So guys... will you help me? So I have to figure out how to open my eyes, and you can help me but after 2 minutes you'll dissapeare. So think fast. Jimin won't help cuz he won't tell me the answer tho he knows it" I said and looked at Jimin. He was just smiling. Damn he looks hot.

"Okey... will you tell us the clue?" Rapmon asked. "Yeah, yeah, of course" I cut my daydreaming about Jimin and continued. "When you will do what you love and you will know that you do that cuz you love it, you will be able to open your eyes. And don't forget that this is all in your head"

"Hmm... your love. Who was your first crush?" Tae asked. "Umm... some random chick probably from high school" I answerd. "Why first crush? He has to love it/he/she now?! You dumbass" Kookie answerd. See I told you that being stupid is Tae's thing.

"Hmm... what about your song?" Jin said. 10... 9... 8... "Whish song? Agust D? Not that much about love" Rapmon said. 7... 6... 5... 4... "First love!" Hobi yelled. 3... 2... 1... And they dissappeared.

What did Hobi thought about my song "First love"? Hmm... shit... whait... I think I got it. I smiled. Pian, there's a piano in the video... and I love playing piano.

~When you will do what you love and you will know that you do that cuz you love it, you will be able to open your eyes. And don't forget that this is all in your head~

So I just have to realise that I love playing piano? And then I'll open my eyes?! That's it? Oh shit... I found a problem... WHERE CAN I GET A FUCKING PIANO??!!

"JIMINIAHH!" I yelled again. He didn't come. Where the fuck is that bastard when you need him?! I tried again, nothing happened. Fuck! What now?!

I looked at the clock, I only have 5 minutes and 45 seconds left. I must missed something. I repeted the hint over and over in my head untill I saw it. And don't forget that this is all in your head... I have to use my imagination. It's the same shit as I did with hyungs. I just have to imagine a piano.

I closed my eyes and tired. I saw a beautiful black piano with black and white keyboard. At the back it had pink and mint butterflies. I then ipened my eyes and there it was in front of me.

I sat on the stool behind the piano and put my heads on the keyboard. I didn't feel it cuz it was just in my mind. 1 minute and 26 seconds left I started playing. There was no sound but I heared it in my mind. I played I need you but nothing happened. Everything was the same.

Come on I'm doing what I love, and I know I'm doing it and I know I love it. Wait but I love Jimin too 57 seconds left.

I closed my eyes and saw Jimin in my head. I started playing Butterfly. My heands started gentely moving on the keyboard that I almost felt it. I heared music, now not just in my head but I really heared it. 6 more seconds. Come on Yoongi, you can do it.

3... 2... 1...

Then everything went black.

Don't close your eyes |Yoonmin 윤민| [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now