Part 1

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


Apol's POV


As soon as we stepped out of the plane, the heat of LA hit me like a ton of bricks. It was my first time in America, and I was feeling equal parts excited and nervous. My parents and I had just flown in from the Philippines after a grueling 16-hour flight, and I was beyond exhausted. My back was aching from hours of sitting, and my head was throbbing from who knows what - probably jet lag.

Moving to America was a tough decision. I was leaving behind everything I'd ever known - my people, my friends, and most especially volleyball. Volleyball was a huge part of my life back in the Philippines. I'd made so many good friends because of the sport, and it had helped shape me into the person I am today.

But my dad had just gotten promoted at his job, and he wanted my mom and me to come to live with him in California. We were going to be living in Long Beach State, and I was excited to see what America had in store for me. My dad had already become an American citizen years before, and my mom and I were just waiting for our papers to be processed.

Living away from my dad had been tough, so my mom was thrilled to be reunited with him. As for me, I had no choice in the matter - my parents always got to decide for me. But as soon as I found out we were moving, I started researching everything I could about Long Beach. And one of the first things I discovered was that volleyball was a big deal there.

I was thrilled to hear that. Volleyball was my passion, and I was even a varsity player in my old school in the Philippines. I was determined to try out for my new school's team and hopefully become their Libero - the position I excelled at the most.

When we arrived at our house, we were all so exhausted that we immediately fell asleep. But I knew that the next day would be the start of a new adventure. And I couldn't wait to see what America had in store for me.


I woke up earlier than usual and found myself waiting for sunrise with nothing to do but imagine things that might happen to me in this new place. As I thought about my new school, I remembered movies I watched about how junior high school works in America and how it can be the worst with mean girls and jocks who can bully and shove anyone they want. However, I won't allow myself to be bullied, even though Asians are often an easy target. Since I can speak fluent English and know how to fight back, I won't be an easy target.

When it comes to my sexuality, I am vulnerable even though I have nothing to hide. My parents are aware that I am gay, and they love and support me regardless. However, I am not sure how it will work out in the US, and I need to be careful not to trust anyone. I am not the kind of gay person who cross-dresses and wears makeup daily, so it is not going to be obvious unless they knew me. Although sometimes I think it's a bad idea, I do not want to live in the shadows like most movies about teenage gays that I watched.

My father helped me enroll in Long Beach Polytechnic High School. I took various exams and was interviewed by different school personnel before they handed me my schedule for the rest of the semester. The guidance counselor said, "Welcome to Long Beach Polytechnic High School," and I replied, "Thank you, ma'am," with a sheepish smile. As I went out of her office, I waved goodbye to her.

My dad was sitting on a bench, reading the school paper, when I approached him. He asked me how it went, and I showed him my schedule, saying, "It was great, I made it here! Oh, and class starts tomorrow." I was surprised that I didn't have much time to catch up with living here in this City because everything felt rushed. He nodded and hugged me, saying, "Finally! Make sure to do well and keep studying, okay? I'm so proud of you, son," while embracing me. Although he forgot not to call me "son," I smiled and replied, "Of course, Dad." He then urged me to go to the mall, and I was puzzled, asking him if we were not going to tell Mom about the good news. He explained that we would tell her when we got home, and he wanted to buy me some clothes. My dad was generous when it comes to money, and he even gave me more than what I asked for back in the Philippines. This only means one thing: I get to shop for what I want here.

It was a 30-minute drive to the mall, and we talked about nothing but my interests and how excited I was to go to school the next day. Dad seemed to buy my replies, so we were good. But deep inside, I was super anxious. Dad bought me many pairs of clothes and asked if there was anything else I wanted to purchase. That's when I headed to the sports section and bought some volleyball stuff, such as knee pads, ankle support, and a rubber headband. I was having a good time trying out different gears that fit me and made me look sexy, but it was kind of awkward because of someone.

I felt awkward due to the boy who assisted me in purchasing sports gear. He kept suggesting products that he thought would suit me better without even inquiring about the sport I play. Additionally, he appeared to be checking me out as he kept smirking and chuckling every time I agreed to try something on. I was curious about him because he looked like a typical jock from around here, with his fit body, tall stature, and tanned skin. To put it bluntly, he looked hot but weird.

He kept flashing a smile every time I tried on an item, and I could tell he was enjoying it. After I purchased what I thought was the right gear for me, he asked me which school I played volleyball for. I smiled and replied that I couldn't tell him, although he had guessed correctly about the sport I played. The smirk on his face only grew wider at my response. The truth was, I wasn't part of my new school's volleyball team, so I couldn't tell him.

He then said, "Aw, alright, what a shame. I thought we could be friends." I was taken aback by his comment, and he walked away to attend to another customer. As I picked up my gear and looked in his direction, he looked back and winked at me. What a flirt. I found him weird.

Out of the blue, my dad asked me, "You're planning on joining the school's varsity team, right?" I replied, "Yeah, I am, Dad. It's something I'm good at, so why not give it a shot?" He congratulated me and gave me a high-five. I rolled my eyes, knowing that he had called me "son" again. When we got home, I told my mom the good news, and she was overjoyed, giving me a tight squeeze. I then called it a night and started preparing for school the next day.


Authors Note: 

Hello everyone! I'm excited to share my new story with you all. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you like what you've read so far, please show your support by voting and following me. I appreciate your feedback and can't wait to hear your thoughts on the beginning of my story. Thank you!💛

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