1: Graduation

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I sucked in a breath as I got on my feet, my heels clasping softly to the wooden floors of the hall with my head held up high as I climbed onto the stage and walked to the podium. I could hear low cheers obviously coming from Mufida and Anty Sakina, the only two people who were here for me. Anty Sakina was my Uncles wife and Mufida her daughter, my cousin. I gave them a sad smile. If only I could change the past or perhaps return and bring my parents with me. My life in Lagos was quite different from the one I was now living or rather, my life when my parents were alive. Back home I had a few friends and though I was an only child my family was perfect, I was the daughter of Electronic magnet Hassan Abdulqadir.

I wouldn't really be classified as a spoiled child but my parents gave me everything I needed and more. My father's twin brother Uncle Hussaini was into oil and gas, they were the only children of their parents who died long before I was born.

I smiled and held my degree forward for the camera, there were a few claps from the audience as a blinding flash came from the camera. I slowly walked down the stage to where Anty Sakina and Mufida were seated, Anty Sakina pulled me in for a hug and congratulated me. Mufida and I were busy taking photos while Anty Sakina excused herself to pick a call, she returned shortly with an unreadable expression on her face saying we needed to go home immediately.

The drive home was filled with uncomfortable silence which was very unusual especially when it was just us three, Anty Sakina was very free with us. Mufida drove us into the driveway, turned off the engine and got out. I felt a hand on my shoulder from behind and turned to meet Anty Sakinas gaze.

"Listen" she said "No matter what happens I want you to know that I love you just as much as I love my children and I would never let anything bad happen to you. I want you to trust me, everything will be fine in sha Allah" My heartbeat quickened, I was nervous and scared but I still managed to smile at her. The last time I heard a sermon like that, my parents were dead. But what could beat that? No disappointment or pain could top my parents death.

I walked straight up to Mufida and I's room, pulled off my clothes and wrapped myself in a towel. I impatiently waited for her to come out of the shower but it was as if she was planning to sleep in there.
"Mufida come out, are you changing your skin?" I heard the shower stop and she finally came out looking refreshed covered in a peach robe with her hands akimbo.

"Yes? Why are you disturbing my shower madam" she faked an indian accent, I shook my head and shoved her to the side. I heard her shout an 'ouch' after landing on the ground, I hastened into the bathroom and locked the door. After a very refreshing shower which was almost thirty minutes I came out ready to hear Mufidas rants on how I disturb her every time she showers but take longer showers, I sighed in relief when I saw an empty room and lumped on the bed as I towel dried myself. It took me less than five minutes to dress up in a pink and ash bou-bou with a matching veil.

Mufida entered the room to tell me Uncle Hussaini wanted to see me, my heart skipped a beat. Since I moved in with them four years ago Uncle Hussaini has never asked to see me, I knew it had something to do with what Anty Sakina was saying earlier. With my fingers crossed I followed Mufida to the living room downstairs where I found Uncle Hussaini and Anty Sakina both seated on the same chair and Ya Amir seated by foot of another chair. I wasn't aware he had returned from Cyprus, the last time we spoke he said he'd be back in a month. Something was definitely wrong, I smiled at him but the cold look he gave me scared me more, maybe I did something wrong. Ya Ilahi! Mufida and I sat on the carpeted floor close to Ya Amir.

"Good afternoon Daddy" I greeted Uncle Hussaini, he answered my greeting and congratulated me on my graduation. There was a moment of silence before he spoke again "Alhamdulillah you've completed your studies. Your fathers company has been facing a lot of crisis for the past few months, you may not know much about the company but he mostly imports then there's a company they've partnered with for a very long time that assembles and then your father exports the assembled goods. Since Hassan passed away and there isn't anyone we know who is familiar with the company so there have been difficulties with the partners. You have fifty percent of the company and the CEO of the company that assembles has thirty percent, he had the second largest share. Your aunt and I we've uh-h we've decided to get you married to him" I could swear my heart stopped, it was as if the room was rotating as his last words played in my head.

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