23: Long lost

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meenahshuaib this one is specially for you, you honestly made my day with your comments. May Allah reward you abundantly, Jazakumullahu bi Jannah❤️

Hidaya impatiently waited listening to Khailils caller tune go on for the second time, she had just woken up and remembered she hadn't spoken to her husband since the day before.
"Assalamu Alaikum" he groaned "Hidaya"

"Wa'alaikumus salam did I wake you?"

Khalil pulled the phone away from his ear to check what time it was, he jerked up "Subhanallah its past eight, let me call you back" he threw the phone on the bed and ran to the toilet realizing he had missed fajr. He hadn't missed his morning prayer for as long as he could remember and he felt guilty. After praying he was still trying to rub the sleep off his eyes when his cousin walked into the room causing him to frown.
"I told you I had a meeting by eight thirty"

"Which is why I'm here to wake you up at ten minutes past eight" she smiled sheepishly.

"That is not how things work in the corporate industry, when you have a meeting by eight thirty you are expected to be there at least ten minutes before the commencement. Plus I try to lead by example"

"Its no big deal Khalil, as long as you make it there before the end of the meeting. Anyway, I hope you slept well?"

"Yes, where's my honey? She was up pretty late last night"

"Yes, she stayed up for another hour after you fell asleep. She's still fast asleep, taking advantage of the holiday. You should get ready for work, thank God some of your clothes are in the wardrobe, no need to go home" He dismissed whatever Jalila was saying and headed for the wardrobe opening it to see if he could find something to wear to the annual stakeholders meeting that held at the end of every year. He settled for a long sleeved blue checkered shirt and black chinos pants and quickly took a shower stepping out to an empty room, he was glad his cousin had left.

Hidayas reading was interrupted when Khalils incoming call popped up on her phones screen, she realized she had tensed up and seeing his call relaxed her a bit. They said their proper greetings after which Khalil asked about the well-being of her cousin and grandmother.
"You're leaving without saying goodbye?" Jalila walked into the living room where she met Khalil at the front door with his phone pressed to his chest, he had hoped his wife didn't hear her voice otherwise he had a lot of explaining to do.

"Yeah, I'll see you soon" he replied, quickly exiting the house and walking steadfast to his car. He made sure he was safely seated in his car before resuming the call.

"Hi" he said.

"Your cousin let you see her?" Hidaya asked.

Khalil sighed "she did, thankfully"

"That's nice. I think I should let you get to work"

"Okay, my regards to the family. I'll call you when I get back home"

Hidaya laughed, pulling the phone she held away from her ear so she could switch to video call.
"You're not serious" she said to her cousin who had been nagging for the past hour about how she was going to do some mean things to her supposed boyfriend.

"I am Hidaya, I'm telling you out of the goodness of my heart I even sent him a wristwatch for his birthday yesterday only for me to receive a thank you message. Thank you fa!" She placed one hand on her chest physically expressing hurt, her face looked like she was about to cry "As if its thank you I was looking for, I'm done with him this time. Whoever it is that has got his attention can have him all tsk tsk"

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