13: Anwar

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"Hi senoir Anwar"

He giggled "Please, call me Anwar. Senior Anwar makes me feel...old" I nodded in affirmation.

"Okay Anwar please tell me where he is"

"Come on" I began trailing behind him to the anonymous location "Why are you lagging behind? Are you afraid of walking with me? Of me?"


"Then walk with me"

"I am walking with you"

"No Hidaya, you're walking behind me so-" he pulled me to his side "-walk with me" I shook my head and continued walking, I could see Ibrahim having what looked like a heated conversation with some girl, he raised his fists up in the air and there was no doubt he was trying not to hit her, he saw Anwar and I walking towards them and I could see him calm down a bit.

"Hidaya please tell this coconut headed girl that I have eyes for only her" my own eyes widened as my eyebrows shot up, Ibrahim never spoke of a girl, he didn't even come up as interested in anybody.
"She thinks you're my girlfriend" he continued, laughing in the process "Can you imagine? How crazy is that?"

"Very crazy" I commented.

"That is absolutely ridiculous because Hidaya is my girlfriend" Anwar chirped in.

"Huh?" I turned my questioning gaze to him, Anwar quickly gave me a signal with his eyes to act along "Yeah" I took a step closer to him "Anwar is my boyfriend"

"Oh" the girls furious appearance vanished being replaced with a sad remorseful face "I'm sorry I doubted you" she pulled Ibrahim closer to her and they began walking away, he turned mouthing a thank you at Anwar and I and I couldn't help shaking my head. Girls really have issues.

By the end of the week it had circulated the school that Anwar and I were an item, the Anwar I hadn't seen or spoken to since that day. Many of the female seniors suddenly didn't appreciate my presence in the school, I got punished out of order, insulted, flogged and there were always whispers every time I passed by a group of senior girls all because I lied to help my best friend.

"Excuse me Senior Anwar, can we talk?"

"Sure" I quickly turned to leave the class without escaping the words of some girls 'Senior Anwar' one laughed 'Is that some kind of dominant submissive thing they're into?' I heard another spit our before the group burst out laughing 'I just wonder what he sees in her'

"Don't you girls have a teacher to try and seduce?" Anwar said with a shaky jaw, there was only one thing in his eyes, Rage.
"Come on" his firm grip on my arm as he pulled me away from their taunts confirmed just how angry he was.
"I'm sorry" He said once we were a safe distance away from people "I didn't think it would escalate like this"

"Well you have to put a stop to the rumors, I've had enough. Just because I'm a junior doesn't mean they can say whatever they want to me, I have feelings too"

"I'm so sorry if your feelings were hurt but when I said you were my girlfriend I actually did because I like you Hidaya and I really want us to be a thing, I didn't just say it because I wanted to protect your friend, he means nothing to me" I scowled at him making him clear his throat "I mean he's not as important to me as you are but that's not the point... I really like you Hidaya, so do you want to give us a chance for real?" I stood looking at Anwar in complete awe, at first I was going to laugh until I realized he wasn't joking then I knew I had to find Ibrahim immediately.

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