2: Becoming someone else'

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"Please" I whispered into Mufidas ear with my gaze set on my intertwined fingers placed on my lap completely ignoring the sermon I was receiving from the grooms mother and her friends. I pleaded with Mufida throughout the drive to the grooms family house to spend the night with me and she refused as per Anty Sakinas strict order. Anty Sakina left not long ago after handing me over in goodwill to Hajiya Abu, the grooms mother. I managed to convince her with a few tears to let Mufida stay a while longer, my plan was to lock her in once we get to my new residence. We stayed a few more minutes at the family house before I  was conveyed in a single car with Mufida and the grooms sister to my supposed house. It took us about five minutes after climbing a flight of steps to get to my room which I recognized because of the furniture Anty Sakina had shown me pictures of. I couldn't really look around the house because my face was covered with an alkyabba hood and I was expected to keep my face covered since I was in the company of an inlaw.

Mufida sat me down on my bed and gave me one last hug which got me teared up before she left. I was a little uncomfortable though the lady with me sounded my age. She shifted the hood off my head.
"Hidaya" I looked up at her, she was smiling down at me. She had a beautiful smile, if her brother looked anything like her then I would be pleased even if he was old. "I'm Safina, Khalils my senior brother" I nodded. Khalil didn't sound like an old mans name and she was too young to have a man that old to be her senior brother plus if he was as old as I thought, his mother would probably be dead.

"I should get going now" She handed me a piece of paper with a phone number written on it "Call me if you get bored" I smiled at her and she returned the favour before walking out and closing the large wooden door behind her. It was then I took the liberty to look around my room, it was truly beautiful. Anty Sakina did an amazing job with the furniture. There was a mini living room to the left side, a walk in closet which my darling Mufida neatly arranged my clothes in and stacked the empty boxes up.

I took off my Alkyabba and hung it on the coat rack in the corner of the room and literally ran to the bathroom, if the room was this beautiful I couldn't wait to see the bathroom. As expected, it was magnificent. It was a mix of white and grey with grand accessories, there was a door leading to the walk in closet which would make it easier for me to get dressed. I got in front of the mirror and took a look at my face, my eyes were all red and swollen, my makeup was smeared all over. Poor Safina, she's such a nice person for keeping her smile while looking at my horrible face. I remembered seeing a pack of face wipes in my cosmetics box and hurried back into the room to check the vanity drawer.
"Aha!" I said to myself feeling accomplished as I grabbed the pack and opened it. I was done cleaning my face when I heard a knock on the door, I took my alkyabba off the rack quickly wore it and sat back down in default mode. I.e eyes focused on my hands before asking the person to come in.

A deep voice salamed and I heard the door close, I could hear his footsteps getting closer. My eyes gathered enough courage to look up at him, I was surprised to see a young man in a black Jallabiya who didn't look a day over thirty looking as confused as I was.

Its probably one of his sons.

"Hy" he smiled, his smile looked like it was taken off Safinas face and pasted on his. I quickly lowered my gaze. "I'm Khalil" I looked up again this time my eyes widely focused on his face. I almost did a victory dance to the news, I was very happy he wasn't a rusty old man. I contained my excitement in and let go of a huge breath of relief. He stretched out his hand for a handshake but quickly retracted and scratched the back of his head "Sorry. Work has made me formal with everyone" He sat next to me a little too close making me shift uncomfortably.

"What's the name?" His question made me feel like burying myself in the ground, he was probably forced into this marriage just like me. "Just joking Hidaya. Your dad talked about you every time we met, I just wanted to make sure I got the right bride" I realized I was laughing and quickly stopped before I'd make a fool out of myself.

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