39: My way

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"Thank your God these are still in good shape" Hidaya smiled at her husband who was still trying to take his eyes off her even though he didn't really want to. He wished he could live with never taking his eyes off her, afraid she would disappear if he did.
"Who am I kidding?" She took a bite of her doughnut "I'd eat it anyway" they both laughed and he could feel his heart squeeze with joy as his intestines danced to the tunes of her beautiful laughter. His eyes grew wider appreciating the work of art that sat right there in front of him, she was beautiful- in every sense and he believed she was made especially for him.

Khalil held Hidayas free hand in his and brought his head lower, placing a subtle kiss on her fingers "I love you so much, my life has been a mess without you and I can't believe I almost lost you" his eyes turned moist almost immediately remembering all the nights he stayed all alone. It hurt him how he kept saying he couldn't have her back when deep down in his heart he knew all he wanted was to be with her but it was as if his mind and body had betrayed him, it went against his heart, it denied him of what- who he truly wanted. Hidaya swallowed the remains of the doughnut she was chewing before she could talk, it was obvious anything she said would tip him off and give way for the waterworks but she didn't need that. She needed him to be strong for her, for the baby, for their little family.

"Come closer, I want to hold you" Hidaya carried a faint smile as she obliged picking one doughnut from the box she scooted closer resting on his chest. Khalil wrapped both arms around her bringing his hands to rest on her abdomen, he slowly moved his hands underneath her shirt to feel her bare. In that moment he felt closer to his little family than ever, running his hands up and down her belly as if communicating with the fetus.

"Did you ever have a pet?" Hidaya asked, Khalil threw his head back a bit in thought.

"Funny enough there has never been a pet in the DanMaliki house, Saf talked about a parrot few years ago but they never got it" she could feel his voice in the nape of her neck, he didn't realize it but she was blushing.

"Well we had cats at uncle Hussainis place, the last one died two months ago" she said slightly adjusting her position so she could look at him.

Khalil cringed "Cats" he trailed off and Hidaya could see a look somewhat like fear in his eyes.

"No, do not tell me you are afraid of cats. My husband cannot be afraid of cats" she mentally face palmed herself. A smug look caught Khalis face  for a nanosecond hearing her call him her husband, he rolled his eyes replying "I am not afraid of cats Mrs" whilst shaking his head after which he placed a subtle kiss on her head. She took the last bite of her snack which delighted Khalil, he had been waiting for her to finish so he too could have his own snack.

The day went by slowly and beautifully for the newly reunited, they spent most of it on Khalis bed leaving only to pray and when the sun came down it was as if nothing had gone wrong and the past miserable four months of their lives had vanished. It was peaceful, suddenly all they remembered was the wonderful times they had in the past while they enjoyed the present and looked forward to the magical mysteries of the future.

A thought which had crossed Hidayas mind more than once again crept in, she had tried to push past it but somehow it lingered within her, she needed to go through with her minds plan; maybe then she would truly move on "You know what? Why don't we take a shower and drive over to your cousins place hmm?" Khalil sat up hearing her mention his cousin and he knew she wasn't talking about Ibrahim.

"My cousin?"

"Yes, Jalila. I think I wanna patch things up"

His eyes immediately balled out "Are you crazy?"

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