6: Unexpected Knockout

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I looked at my reflection in the mirror and took another deep breath, I had been practicing for over an hour how to tell Khalil that I had to leave for camp in a week. He wasn't making it any easier by stopping by to say just hello then an awkward silence would fill the room and I couldn't just start blabbing without being asked to talk...

I flipped my hair back walking out of the bathroom, I tied my hair in a headscarf and scurried out the room. I was slowly getting used to living in this house and leaving my room occasionally, my new best friend Florence was cleaning the dining table when the head maid came up to the dining area and started raining insults on her. She swiped a finger on the table shoving it at Florence's face saying she wasn't doing anything properly.

"Hey, what's going on here?" I asked almost reaching the bottom of the steps.

Florence looked up at me with teary eyes "Its nothing ma" her shaky voice said.

I stopped descending the steps "I'm talking to you!" I turned my attention to the so called head maid who looked up at me with raised eyebrows not expecting me to speak to her in the manner which I just did.
"Apologize to her" She scoffed and folded her arms against her heaving chest clearly refusing my request.

"I. Said. Apologize. To her" I took gentle steps downstairs, now this woman was starting to piss me off.

"Sorry for yourself" She spat and turned around jogging down the stairs without being dismissed. I really need to teach her a lesson, she's just a maid for God's sake!

Florence who now had tears running down her cheeks bent a knee "Thank you ma"

"Its okay" I held her at arms reach wiping her tears "You shouldn't let her bully you like that" Florence nodded and went back to her cleaning while I turned on my heels and walked to my initial destination, the main Living room.

It was five o'clock and time for me to watch 'This thing called marriage' A series I had caught up to since I got married, it was about several married couples and how they faced the problems in their marriage. I felt engrossed every time I watched it even though I didn't have any problems.

I heard the front door open "Okay, bye Honey. Take care of yourself"

I spoke too soon.

Khalil poked his head into the living room and I could see some degree of tension in his eyes, he never came home this early before so he clearly didn't expect me to be in his living room watching TV.

"Salamu'alaikum Alaikum" He said entering fully.

"Wa'alakumus salam" I replied waiting for him to speak up but he didn't. He did the same thing a guilty person would do when caught red handed, he stayed mum looking down at his feet.
"Excuse me" I added as I ran past him through the corridor that led to the staircase up to my room trying to hold back my tears. I banged the door shut breathing heavily as I rested my back against it, I ran to my bed and fell face down on it.

Crying was never really my thing but soaking my sheets felt good, it was like letting go of built up sadness and anger, it was a load off.


After running out on Khalil two days ago I tried all things possible to avoid him, I would lock the door to my room whenever I was in and I made sure our paths never crossed whenever I decided to go out which was once since the incident. But I knew I couldn't keep playing hide and seek forever, one way or the other I would have to confront him about the issue. That was a reasonable thing to do, although him not coming over to check on me was surprising.

I closed the book I was reading and flung it on the bed beside me, with my head rested back I released a breath. There was a knock on the door.

"Who's there?" My question was answered by a continuous banging on the door. I immediately knew who it was, it had to be my darling Mufida definitely mad at me for ignoring her calls and refusing to reply her messages for two days now. I pushed myself off the bed and dragged my feet to the door, unlocking the door I forcefully pulled it wide open.

"Mufi-" I was unable to finish my sentence due to the strong tilt my head took making my neck produce a crack sound as a result of the impact of the hit I just received. My hand immediately flew to my face to nurse the pain that was now heating up my swollen face, I was too shocked to react or even move and from what I could see Mahmoud was trying to hold back a woman I couldn't really remember who still managed to free her hand to hit me.

"Jalila!" He exclaimed pulling the door shut leaving me standing completely drained, confused. I heard shuffling from the other side of the door before it opened up again this time revealing Mahmoud, alone.

"Ya Allah! Hidaya are you okay?" he asked wide eyed.

"Well I-I I just got slapped by a woman I have never seen before, how do you think I am?" I replied surprising myself at how well I was taking this. I sighed, finally closing my wide mouth and walked to the living area still rubbing my cheek. That woman really knew how to hit!

Mahmoud who clearly didn't know how to handle the situation perched himself on the hand of a chair, he didn't look confused, only apologetic.

"Mahmoud was that umm was that Honey?" I asked in a low voice pointing back towards the door with my thumb.

"What? No"

I sighed, I felt relieved but at the same time I needed to know why a strange woman marched into my house at nine a.m in the morning to land a very painful slap on my face.
"Who is she?" I choked on unshed tears that were finally starting to make their way to my eyes "What did I do?" I sobbed "I don't even know this woman"

He sighed putting his palms together "I am deeply sorry for what happened today. Khalil had an accident and-"

"Innalillahi wa inna illaihir raju'un!" I exclaimed cutting him off.
"Is he okay?" I asked with quivering lips.

"Yeah, he's fine. He has been in the hospital for two days now"

"Ya salam!" Fresh sets if tears poured down my face, I felt like a monster. While I was playing my stupid game of hide and seek my husband was fighting for his life, suddenly I didn't care who Honey was or what she was to him, I had to see him to make sure he was okay. "I'm such a horrible person" I buried my face in my palms feeling embarrassed.

"You're not, he strictly ordered me not to tell you since it wasn't that serious. He just had a concussion but he'll be discharged tomorrow in sha Allah." he rolled his eyes "Jalila on the other hand didn't know what was going and started making a fuss about you not being there, I had to chase her home but I wasn't fast enough"

"J-Jalila? Who is she?"

"She's Honeys mom" My heart skipped a major beat and I'm pretty sure I was close to having a heart attack, it was worse than I thought. Honey wasn't just a girlfriend, she was a daughter, an illegitimate daughter. Instead of asking Mahmoud I asked him if I could have some time alone, I wasn't going to risk letting him know I knew nothing about my husband's affairs.

But the nerve of that Jalila, next time our paths cross I'm definitely killing her.

xoxo hairanumar

Dan! Dan!!  Dannnnn!!!

Girl fight 😱

I think we should hear from Khalil next yeah?

Thank you.

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