24: The Last Good Day

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Jalila continuously tapped her foot on the ground creating a feel of discomfort in her leg, since she took up her mothers plan she had grown impatient and unnecessarily angry. She found herself thinking less about her late husband and more about Khalil, how he would fit perfectly into her world. She dialed her mothers number.

"Na'am Anty, I really don't understand. I got him to eat the powder and even sprinkled some on him while he was asleep but there was no change. He was even speaking to his stupid wife when he left this house mstchw" she heaved in annoyance feeling the need to break something.

"You are the stupid one not my Hidaya, don't forget she isn't the enemy but the situation is. We are only trying to separate them so everybody can be with the person they're meant to be with" with a flick of her wrist Anty dismissed a maid that had brought her a cup of mango juice, she continued "That Khalil is too stubborn, won't he know his wife the proper way? Mallam said the spell will only take action once they've consummated their marriage and this means they still haven't" Jalila felt a tug in her heart, even if it meant her being with Khalil the thought of him being with another woman annoyed her.

"Anty isn't there another way? I mean there are better, stronger people who can get them both to do what we want with the snap of a finger" She carelessly said rolling her eyes in frustration.

"I know what I'm doing, you just do whatever I tell you to and don't ruin this for us"

Kamila rolled onto her side clutching her stomach "Oh my God yes!" She squealed "And we landed so hard" Hidaya fell back on the bed breathing fast remembering their childhood days.

"That was the last time we rode a bike" she added with a smile which slowly faded as a moment of silence filled the room, Kamila laid back straight looking up at the POP that decorated ceiling. The alarm clock on the bedside drawer beeped, it was 12am

"Happy Birthday Hidaya" Kamila said with a smile on her face making Hidaya giggle. Never in a thousand years did she see her cousin being the first to wish her a happy birthday, just on cue her phone vibrated beside her.

Happy Birthday cuz, you're so going to love me this year.
P.s you should probably check the living room xx

She smiled, Mufida wouldn't be pleased to know someone beat her to wish Hidaya a happy birthday, she had been on top of that for four years.
"Crazy" she muttered gaining Kamilas attention as she turned off her phones backlight.


"It's just Mufida being crazy. Something about checking the living room" Hidaya shook her head rethinking the possibility of her cousin ordering her a cake from Katsina to be delivered at 12 in the morning, it was insane so she knew it was possible for Mufida.

"Yeah you should probably go out there" Hidaya sat up immediately "Kamilaaaaaaa" she tilted her head to the side "What did you do?"

"Nothing" she beamed, carrying an ear to ear grin. Hidaya stood up from the bed slowly making her way out of the room. As she walked through the corridor that led to the living room she could hear her heart beating pressing her phone to her chest she took long deep breaths which stopped immediately she entered the living room. For more than a second the whole world stopped for her and she was sure she was in one of those dreams that looked real, there was no way in the seven heavens she wasn't hallucinating.

She checked her phone for the message she received from Mufida crosschecking to make sure she was awake before looking back up.

What the Jahannam!
Okay...act normal Hidaya. Just be cool. -She told herself.

Khalil stood with a cake in hand which had a picture of Hidaya printed on the top with the words 'Happy Birthday Wife', after seeing her walk in he dropped the cake on the center table.

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