10: Hospital Reruns

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I threw my hands up in the air as a yawn escaped my lips, I had just woken up from my much needed morning sleep after Fajr which I knew was improper but that didn't stop me. As usual my food trolley was in the room, I rubbed my palms together feeling my taste buds come alive as I walked to where the trolley was sitting. There was a plate of waffles laying next to a jar of syrup, a can of whipped cream and a flask of some amazingly scented tea. I took a short trip to the bathroom to brush my teeth and settled down to have breakfast.

After a relaxing bath and my usual morning routine of creaming, perfuming myself and not knowing what to wear afterwards I got dressed in a green and black swiss ankara sewn to an A-line gown with pleats. Since it was a Saturday, my brother in-law and I converged in the main living room to watch all the episodes of 'The Big Bang Theory' for the week, it was a mutual interest.

The credits played for the last episode and we both sighed, disappointed that we had reached the end already.

"What's making you both gloomy?" A voice said, we both turned our heads to see Khlalil enter with a bowl of samosas, he sat down. Beside me.
"Want some?" He wiggled his eyebrows tilting the bowl towards me.

"No, thank you"

"Okay" he shrugged, leaning back on the sofa as he crunched on his Samosa.

"So I'm not being offered Samosas?" Mahmoud asked.

"Nope" Khalil answered, popping the 'p' "Go get your own"

"Fine I'm just gonna go, since no one will offer me Samosas I'm clearly not wanted here" Mahmoud stood up "Hidaya mijin ki yana rowa (your husband is being stingy)" he added and for some unknown reason chose to walk in front of our couch. He swiftly snatched the bowl and ran out.

"Mahmoud!" Khalil shouted, I could tell he was about to run after him but didn't because I was there and Mahmoud knew that " You're dead" he muttered under his breath. I rested my head on my lap and laughed as hard and as silently as I could but I wasn't silent enough.

"You're laughing, he took my Samosas and you're laughing" When I sat back up Khalil had his arms crossed with a big pout on his lips looking a big baby, it was a sight to behold "You let him take my Samosas"

"What? Me? I didn't know he was going to do that" I defended. Khalil who still had a cute pout on his face stood up stomping his feet on the ground "My samosas" he repeated before stomping out carelessly throwing his arms around, I threw my head back in laughter completely amused that a man of his calibre would throw a tantrum like that over a bowl of Samosas.

"Khalil wait" I called running after him.


H- I need to talk to you.
I felt sweaty just typing the message, pressing send was another job in its own. I took a deep breath with my grip tightened on the phone and sent the message. Maybe I was staring down at my phone waiting for a reply for a long time but I heard a knock on my door almost immediately, it was as if he was waiting for me to call his attention.

"Come in" He said his salam on entering and walked to me in the living area, I was slumped on a one sitter so he had to sit somewhere else.

"You said you needed to talk?"

"Yes, I'm supposed to leave for camp-"

"Tomorrow" He completed as a poker expression took over his face, this was a very different Khalil, not the one I saw this morning "And you think now is the best time to tell me? Your husband?" Just like that the cat got my tongue, I was short of words. In all fairness I was going to tell him before the whole cousin issue so its her fault not mine.

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