12: Best Friend

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I folded my arms neatly across my chest, fuming as I looked up at Maryam, one of the female prefects in my school. We never really got along, but again, Maryam never really got along with anybody. Not her mates and certainly not us Juniors.

"Are you deaf?" she asked pointing to her ear as she leaned closer, I was going to get beat up and I wanted her to try it so bad, I was going to show her she was nothing. And all my mates who cried every time they got caught in her trap were just weak.
"I said get on your knees and crawl to your class"

Her repeating my supposed punishment made me laugh which seemed to annoy her and just as I expected her hand landed on my face with a sting. It hurt, but she didn't need to know that.

"Maryam!" One of the seniors intervened "what do you think you're doing?" He asked coming closer, he took off my hand from my face and took a closer look. There were finger marks on my face, that was the only thing I was worried about. If Baba sees me, Maryam would be toast. Maryam angrily stomped her feet on the ground and left, all this drama because I was at the cafeteria for two more minutes after recess.

"C'mon" he pulled me towards the counter "Lets get some ice" He got a few ice cubes wrapped in a leather and wrapped them in his handkerchief "Put this on your face so it doesn't swell" I took the pack of ice from him and placed it on the side of my face as we walked back down to the class area.

"What's your name?"



"Hi-da-ya" I repeated, he slowly nodded his head mouthing an 'O'.

"Hidaya, I'm Ibrahim" He stretched out his hand "Ibrahim DanMaliki" we shook hands formalizing our meeting.

"I've been hearing your name around, so you're the DanMaliki"

He chuckled "Well I hope you've been hearing good things"

"I don't listen" I shrugged, he chuckled "I should get to class" I raised the pack of ice in the air "Thanks for this"

"You're welcome"

I had heard many things about Ibrahim who was popularly called DanMaliki, the star football player in our school. He was cool to the highest level, he was okay with everyone but didn't keep a squad. He rode solo but the whole school followed behind, he had girls throwing themselves at him, some even said they had done unspeakable things to and with him but deep down I didn't really believe them, after all people talk.

I managed to escape another punishment in class thanks to my almost swollen face which bailed me for going late, if Maryam had let me go when she found me I would've only been three minutes late which was totally acceptable, but no. She had to show herself.

The overly loud school bell rang and I was glad it was the end of another school day. We weren't allowed to stay in class after hours but that didn't stop the rebellious ones, they had things to do, rules and morals to break. As usual I packed my bag, slung one hand over my shoulder and walked out to the waiting area with three of my classmates, where we always waited to be picked together and the last one to go was the 'Monkey' the next day. It was stupid but we started that in primary five and somehow it became a tradition.

Just like any other day I was the first to leave, I was glad Baba had not returned when I got home. I managed to hide the mark on my face from Mama, I went to bed early just so I wouldn't have my daily chat with Baba and risk him seeing my face.

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