16: Monsters

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This book will continue in the writers POV, precious chapters will be edited in due course.

I have decided to include one of the most pressing issues in the Ummah this days, 'Jazz' yes Jazz its not even funny. Wallahi one of the reasons women are the dominant dwellers of hell is this, because I don't think men even partake in this (though some do).
Its either your husband has been bewitched or you have bewitched someone who you think is trying to steal your man, what the hell? Now even siblings are doing it to each other and in-laws too, Innalillahi wa inna illaihir raju'un! What have we become? Last time I checked we are supposed to turn to Allah (S.W.A) with all our problems with a sincere heart, did you ever stop to ask why your prayer isn't being answered? Probably because you're not a good person or because what you want isn't good for you! After all Allah (S.W.A) IS THE BEST OF PLANNERS!  Why have we resorted to following these so called malams and listening to what they say when we know they work with Jinns and Jinns are enemies of Banu Adam and all they do is lie and wreck havoc? Why? If you are doing this then you must stop and Allahu Ghafurur Rahim!
Please let us turn to Allah (S.W.A) with our problems. Allah Hafiz!


The plumpy woman guiltily scanned the vicinity for any signs of movement and when she was sure it was clear she picked the incoming call whilst impatiently pacing the room biting on her already cut nails.

"Assalamu Alaikum, Mallam" she greeted in a low tone.

"Wa'alaikumus salam Hajiya Bintu I have some good news for you, your work has been completed. Once their souls are united you'll have your wish, after then we'll take the next line of action"

Hajiya Bintu took the phone away from her ear and laughed holding her shoulders up in a boastful manner "Yauwa Mallam, I don't think I still have your account number please send it let me bless you"

"Ahahaha -Hajiya Bintu, working with you is always a pleasure" She tossed the phone on the bed muttering to herself "Now the one you truly belong to will have you at last" with raised eyebrows and a smile marrying her lips she scoffed.


Khalil and Hidaya entered Alhaji Nuhus study where they found him laughing with his wife, they both turned their attention to the duo that just walked in. Hajiya Abu looked at her husband tilting her head a bit and from where Hidaya stood she could see her wiggling eyebrows as if saying 'I told you'. Hidaya had met Alhaji Nuhu a few times in the past, only not enough to know the kind of person he was so she was a bit nervous to be meeting him as a daughter in-law rather than a partners daughter.

"Well-" Hajiya Abu took to her heels taking a quick glance at her wristwatch "-I've had my bonding time with Hidaya, enjoy yours. I'll be back by eight" she gave him a quick peck on the forehead before exiting the room, Hidaya looked down smiling at herself and had to fight back an 'aww' when she saw her in-laws like that.

"Assalamu Alaikum" Hidaya said finding herself a spot on the edge of the couch sitting by the large window.

"Wa'alaikumus salam, you're welcome to our home my child. Sorry I wasn't here to receive you earlier"

"Its okay" she gave him a shaky smile as she continuously moved her ring around her finger which was starting to glitter due to the tiny sweat crystals beginning to form.

"Dad" Khalil said with a poker face maintaining his signature pose.

"Son" Alhaji Nuhu replied looking up at Khalil with his own straight face, Hidaya didn't like the vibe she was getting from the duo. From what she observed it looked like they had issues. But before she could conclude her judgement they both bursted into fits of laughter Alhaji Nuhu stood up still laughing and gave his son a hug.
"I believe you owe me an apology"

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