17: Tours and Reunions

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Now where were we?... Aha yes...

Khalil kept his eyes out the window drinking in the sight of town homes he had missed, soon they arrived at the office which was a nine storey building with a warehouse attached, the reason why Alhaji Nuhu chose the outskirts of Richmond for his empire.

"Good morning sir" A man walked father and son to the elevator waiting for them to get in.

"Morning Howard" the blonde haired man nodded with both hands hidden behind him he stood at ease, the elevator doors opened and both father and son stepped in.

"Dad" Khalil adjusted his tie "Does Ava still work here?"

Alhaji Nuhu looked at his son and laughed "Yes yes, Ava... She is now my personal assistant"

"Oh, wow" Khalil pinched the bridge of his nose "She got there pretty fast"

"Ava is a very talented girl, pure talent I tell you" The duo stepped out of the elevator at the ninth floor leading to Alhaji Nuhus office

"Good morning sir" A lady carrying a bright smile who just walked out of an office opposite Alhaji Nuhus own hugging a file to her chest greeted, her smile reduced to smug expression as her eyes landed on the man standing behind her boss "Mr. Ibrahim" she said.

"Ava" Khalil breathed, they all walked into Alhaji Nuhus office where he scouted for some files and documents with Ava's help.

Alhaji Nuhu took a quick glance at the digital clock placed on his table and nodded"I have a meeting to attend, Ava will help you with these" Alhaji Nuhu motioned towards the contents of his table before walking out of the office.

Both Ava and Khalil stood at opposites without saying anything as Khalil tried his best to avoid eye contact, he cleared his throat and moved towards the table picking up a file.
"The list of total exports from June to December last year" he began talking trying to sway Ava's mind from where he was sure it was "Profits, losses, fish them out for me please" he circled the table around to sit on Alhaji Nuhus chair, he leaned forward balancing both elbows on the table waiting for Ava to get out of her shock. She never expected their reunion to start like this, with the way things ended between them she expected him to throw himself at her the moment the door closed leaving them all alone but to her greatest surprise he neither tried to touch her nor did he even look at her the way he used to. Something did change about him since his relocation to Nigeria and she didn't like it at all.


Hidaya loved her wedge heels and her collection of them made her thankful for her small figure and so she brought two of them on her trip to Virginia, she strapped on the belt on her wedge heels completing her outfit for the day. She was dressed in a maroon wrap dress beautified by golden embroidery with a golden brown crinkle veil wrapped around her head draping down to cover her neck.

Safina who elegantly wore a pair of khaki pants and a mint green knee length blouse rested against her car with arms crossed and legs stretched forward, her head slightly shot back as she took in the ever wonderful view of Gods creation, the sky, through her sunglasses. She turned her attention to the front door which just opened revealing her sister in-law  both ladies smiled at each other before Hidaya stepped out meeting Safina by the car and greeting her with a warm hug.
"Shall we?" Safina asked getting a nod from Hidaya.
"We'll have to make a quick stop at the office by two so till then we can visit the George Washington Statue and the State Capitol" Safina added roaring the engine to life on her husband's 1966 Shelby GT350 which she knew would be perfect for their drive around town, Abu-Bakr was a collector of vintage cars and Safina was slowly beginning to like them. The couple both being mechanical engineers they had bought and customized two vintage cars.

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